پرش به محتوا

فهرست دانشمندان خداناباور

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
حدود ۱۰٫۵٪ از دانشمندانی که بین سال‌های ۱۹۰۰ تا ۲۰۰۰ موفق به کسب جایزه نوبل شده‌اند، خداناباور، آگنوستیک یا آزاداندیش بوده‌اند.

فهرست دانشمندان خداناباور به معرفی دانشمندان و پژوهشگران برجسته در حوزه علم و تکنولوژی می‌پردازد که به وجود خدا اعتقاد ندارند و این موضوع را به‌صورت علنی اعلام کرده‌اند. خداناباوری به‌معنای عدم باور به وجود خدا است.[۱][۲] تخمین زده می‌شود که بین سالهای ۱۹۰۰ تا ۲۰۰۰ و از میان ۶۵۴ برنده جایزه نوبل، در مجموع، حدود ۱۰٫۵٪ از برندگان خداناباور، ندانم‌گرا یا آزاداندیش بوده‌اند.[۳] مطابق یک بررسی در سال ۱۹۱۴، از میان ۱۰۰۰ دانشمند عضو آکادمی ملی علوم آمریکا که به‌طور تصادفی انتخاب شده بودند، ۵۸٪ خداناباور بوده یا در وجود خدا شک داشته‌اند و زمانی که این بررسی محدود به ۴۰۰ دانشمند برجسته شد، این آمار به حدود ۷۰٪ افزایش یافت.[۴] تکرار همین بررسی در ۲۰ سال بعد، نشان داد که دو عدد به‌دست آمده رشد داشته و به‌ترتیب به ۶۷٪ و ۸۵٪ رسیده‌اند.[۴] انجام‌دهندگان این تحقیق علت درصد بالاتر در میان دانشمندان برجسته‌تر را نتیجه دانش بالاتر، درک و تجربه‌گرایی دانستند.[۴] همین شیوه انتخاب و پرسش در سال ۱۹۹۶ توسط گروه دیگری به انجام رسید و اعداد تقریباً مشابهی به‌دست آمد به‌طوری که از میان ۱۰۰۰ دانشمند عضو آکادمی ملی علوم آمریکا که به‌طور تصادفی انتخاب شده بودند، ۶۰٫۷٪ از این دانشمندان خداناباور بوده یا در وجود خدا شک داشته‌اند.[۴] این بررسی نشان داد که دانشمندان زیست‌شناسی عضو آکادمی ملی علوم ۶۵٫۲٪ خداناباور و ۶۹٪ نامعتقد به جاودانگی[a] (پس از مرگ) هستند. مطابق همین این آمار، میزان خداناباوری برای فیزیک‌دانهای عضو آکادمی ملی علوم برابر ۷۹٪ و میزان ناباوری به جاودانگی برابر با ۷۶٫۳٪ بوده‌است. درصد بالایی از زیست‌شناسان و فیزیک‌دانان باقی مانده در آمار اعلام شده نیز ندانم‌گرا بوده‌اند و تنها درصد کمی به وجود خدا باور داشته‌اند.[۴]

مطابق نظرسنجی مؤسسه پیو که در سال ۲۰۰۹ روی ۲۵۰۰ نفر از دانشمندان عضو انجمن پیشبرد علوم آمریکا انجام شد، ۵۱٪ به نوعی الوهیت یا قدرت بالاتر،[b] ۳۳٪ به خدا[c] و ۱۸٪ به یک روح جهانی یا قدرت بالاتر،[d] اعتقاد داشتند، در حالی‌که ۴۱٪ به وجود خدا یا قدرت بالاتر[e] اعتقاد نداشتند.[۵]

از میان برندگان جایزه نوبل، تنها چهار نفر موفق به کسب دو جایزه نوبل شده‌اند که عبارت‌اند از ماری کوری (فیزیک ۱۹۰۳ و شیمی ۱۹۱۱)، لینوس پاولینگ (شیمی ۱۹۵۴ و صلح ۱۹۶۲)، جان باردین (فیزیک ۱۹۵۶ و ۱۹۷۲) و فردریک سنگر (شیمی ۱۹۵۸ و ۱۹۸۰) که هیچ‌کدام یک از آنها خداباور نبودند. لینوس پاولینگ خداناباور و جان باردین، ماری کوری و فردریک سنگر ندانم‌گرا بودند.[۶][۷][۸][۹][۱۰]

بر اساس زمینه علمی


ریاضی و علوم کامپیوتر

ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ برتراند راسل  بریتانیا قوری راسل
فلسفه تحلیلی
استدلال خودکار
مبادی ریاضیات
جایزه نوبل ادبیات
نظریه طبیعی مجموعه‌ها
نظریه طبیعی مجموعه‌ها
از جمله دستاوردهای او، تلاشش به‌همراه آلفرد نورث وایتهد برای ایجاد بنیانی منطقی برای ریاضیات با کمک منطق کلاسیک بود.
او در نقلی می‌گوید: اگر هرچیزی باید علتی داشته باشد، پس خدا هم باید علتی داشته باشد. اگر چیزی (مانند خدا) می‌تواند بدون علت باشد، پس جهان هم می‌تواند مانند خدا بدون علت باشد.
۲ داوید هیلبرت  آلمان اصول هیلبرت
مسائل هیلبرت
برنامه هیلبرت
فضای هیلبرت
کنش اینشتین-هیلبرت
بنیان‌گذاری آنالیز تابعی
۳ ژوزف-لویی لاگرانژ  ایتالیا
نظریه اعداد
آنالیز ریاضی
مکانیک سماوی
مکانیک تحلیلی
۴ پیر سیمون لاپلاس  فرانسه معادله لاپلاس، عملگر لاپلاس، تبدیل لاپلاس، توزیع لاپلاس، جبر لاپلاسی، بسط لاپلاس، عدد لاپلاس، فشار لاپلاس، رزنانس مداری، فرضیه سحابی، مکانیک سماوی، هماهنگ‌های کروی، معادله یانگ–لاپلاس ناپلئون بناپارت شاگرد او بوده‌است. [۱۷][۱۸][۱۹]
۵ جان فوربز نش  ایالات متحده آمریکا تعادل نش
هندسه جبری
معادله دیفرانسیل با مشتقات جزئی
جایزه یادبود نوبل علوم اقتصادی
او به مدت بیش از ۳ دهه، به بیماری روان‌گسیختگی (اسکیزوفرنی) از نوع پارانوئید مبتلا بود. [۲۰][۲۱]
۶ آنری پوانکاره  فرانسه عدد بتی
گروه بنیادی
نظریه آشوب
نسبیت خاص
حدس پوانکاره
گروه پوانکاره
مسئله سه جسم
حدس پوانکاره که توسط او در اوایل قرن بیستم طرح شد، یکی از مشهورترین مسائل حل نشده ریاضی بود که حدود یک قرن حل نشده باقی ماند تا این که توسط گریگوری پرلمان در سال ۲۰۰۲ حل شد. [۲۲][۲۳][۲۴]
۷ آلن تورینگ  بریتانیا ماشین تورینگ
آزمون تورینگ
کاهش‌پذیری تورینگ
مسئلهٔ ریاضی توقف
پدر علوم کامپیوتر و هوش مصنوعی
او چند روش برای شکستن رمزهای مورد استفاده توسط آلمانی‌ها در جنگ جهانی دوم ابداع کرد که از جمله آنها روش ماشینی الکترومکانیکی بود که می‌توانست ویژگی‌های ماشین انیگما را پیدا کند. [۲۶][۲۷]
۸ استیو اسمیل  ایالات متحده آمریکا دیفئومورفیسم
مدال فیلدز
نگاشت نعل اسبی
نشان ملی علوم
۹ پل اردیش  مجارستان ۱۵۰۰ مقاله علمی به‌تنهایی و ۵۰۰ مقاله علمی مشترک [۲۹]
۱۰ جان هورتون کانوی  بریتانیا قضیه اختیار
بازی زندگی کانوی
۱۱ ژان لو رون دالامبر  فرانسه شبه‌نیرو
معادله موج
عملگر دالامبر
آزمون دالامبر
دینامیک شاره‌ها
معادلات کوشی-ریمان
۱۲ ژاک آدامار  فرانسه ضرب ماتریس
نظریه اعداد اول
ماتریس هادامارد
۱۳ گادفری هارولد هاردی  بریتانیا آنالیز ریاضی
نظریهٔ اعداد
اصل هاردی-وینبرگ
۱۴ هربرت هاپتمن  ایالات متحده آمریکا جایزه نوبل شیمی
تعیین ساختار مولکولی مواد بلوری
۱۵ ساموئل کارلین  ایالات متحده آمریکا بلاست
طراحی بهینه
آنالیز ریاضی
نشان ملی علوم
چندجمله‌ای چبیشف
۱۶ نیکلای لوباچفسکی  روسیه هندسه هذلولوی
هندسه لوباچفسکی
۱۷ آندری مارکوف  روسیه زنجیره مارکوف
فرایند تصادفی
۱۸ کلود شانون  ایالات متحده آمریکا ان-گرم، جبر بولی، عدد شانون، رمز دنباله‌ای، دروازه منطقی، انقلاب دیجیتال، کدهای دودویی، رایانه پوشیدنی، رمزنگاری قالبی، ماشین بی‌کاربرد، پد یک‌بار مصرف، آنتروپی اطلاعات، پردازش اطلاعات، الکترونیک دیجیتال، فشرده‌سازی داده‌ها، نظریه نرخ-اعوجاج، پدر نظریه اطلاعات، خط اشتراک دیجیتال [۴۲][۴۳]
۱۹ فرانک رمزی  بریتانیا نظریه تصمیم[f]
فلسفه ریاضیات
نظریه رمزی
مدل رشد رمزی
۲۰ جان آلن پائلوس  ایالات متحده آمریکا نویسنده کتاب‌های متعدد به‌ویژه در مقابله با بی‌سوادی ریاضیاتی استاد دانشگاه تمپل [۴۵]
۲۱ کارل پیرسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا تحلیل مؤلفه‌های اصلی
ضریب همبستگی پیرسون
۲۲ رابرت فلپس  ایالات متحده آمریکا فضای باناخ
تابع مشتق‌پذیر
قضیه بیشاپ-فلپس[g]
۲۳ ویلیام جیمز سایدیس  ایالات متحده آمریکا زبان‌شناسی
ساخت زبان وِندرگود[h]
او در ۹ سالگی از دانشگاه هاروارد پذیرش گرفت اما تا ۱۱ سالگی اجازه ورود به او ندادند. [۴۹]
۲۴ گاسپار مونژ  فرانسه

اختراع هندسه ترسیمی[i]

۲۵ جیکوب اپلبام  ایالات متحده آمریکا پروژه تور
امنیت رایانه‌ای
۲۶ جان کارمک  ایالات متحده آمریکا توسعه دهنده اید سافت‌ویر
برنامه‌نویس اصلی بازی‌های دوم، فرمانده کین، ولفنشتاین سه‌بعدی، سری بازی‌های لرزش
۲۷ لینوس توروالدز  فنلاند
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
هسته لینوکس
نرم‌افزار سابسرفیس[j]
۲۸ یودیا پرل  اسرائیل
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
هوش مصنوعی
شبکه‌های بیزی
۲۹ جان مک‌کارتی  ایالات متحده آمریکا جایزه تورینگ
هوش مصنوعی
شبکه‌های بیزی
زبان برنامه‌نویسی لیسپ
۳۰ ری کرزویل  ایالات متحده آمریکا ترابشریت
هوش مصنوعی
تکینگی فناوری
۳۱ ماروین مینسکی  ایالات متحده آمریکا قاب
ماشین بی‌کاربرد
هوش مصنوعی
جایزه تورینگ
۳۱ پیر لوئی موپرتوئی  فرانسه اصل کمترین کنش
تراجهش گونه‌ها
۳۲ اسکات آرانسان  ایالات متحده آمریکا ماشین تورینگ کوانتومی
مسئله برابری پی و ان‌پی
۳۳ مایکل عطیه  لبنان
مدال فیلدز
۳۴ رابرت کایو  بلژیک طراح لوگوی WWW
پیشنهاد اولین سیستم ابرمتن برای سرن
برگزاری اولین کنفرانس شبکه جهانی وب[k] در سرن
۳۵ ویلیام کینگدم کلیفورد  بریتانیا جبر هندسی[l]
تابع بسل-کلیفورد
۳۶ آگوستوس دمورگان  بریتانیا قوانین دمورگان
جبر دمورگان[m]
جبر رابطه‌ای
جبر جهانی
۳۷ یوجین دینکین  روسیه
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
گروه لی
جبر لی
زنجیره مارکوف
دیاگرام دینکین[n]
سیستم دینکین[o]
۳۸ دامودار دارماناندا کوسامبی  هند سکه‌شناسی
جمع‌آوری متون سانسکریت باستانی
۳۹ مارکوس جی. رانوم  ایالات متحده آمریکا سامانه تشخیص نفوذ
نوآوری در زمینه دیوار آتش
ساخت اولین سرور ایمیل اینترنتی
۴۰ مارکوس دو ساتوی  بریتانیا کتاب موسیقی اعداد اول[p] استاد ریاضی دانشگاه آکسفورد [۷۲]
۴۱ لاورنتز شوارتز  فرانسه مدال فیلدز
توابع تعمیم یافته
۴۲ آلن سوکال  ایالات متحده آمریکا ماجرای سوکال استاد ریاضی در کالج دانشگاهی لندن و استاد فیزیک در دانشگاه نیویورک [۷۴]
۴۳ هوگو استین‌هاوس  لهستان آنالیز تابعی
از بنیان‌گذاران نظریه بازی‌ها و نظریه احتمالات
او یکی از دانشجویان دکتری داوید هیلبرت بود. [۷۵]
۴۴ آلفرد تارسکی  لهستان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
نظریه مدل
منطق جبری
جبر مجرد
منطق ریاضی
نظریهٔ مجموعه‌ها
پارادوکس باناخ-تارسکی
او در کنار هم‌عصر خود، کورت گودل، با کارهایش در زمینه حقیقت، چهره قرن بیستم را تغییر داد. [۷۶]
۴۵ الیزور رایت  ایالات متحده آمریکا جدول عمر[q]
پدر بیمه عمر
۴۶ اسکار زاریسکی  روسیه
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
هندسه جبری
نشان ملی علوم

فیزیک و اخترفیزیک

ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ ارنست کارل آبه  روسیه مقدار آبه
ساخت اولین شکست‌سنج
او یکی از سه بنیان‌گذار شرکت کارل زایس آگ است. [۸۰]
۲ فی آجزنبرگ-سلوو  ایالات متحده آمریکا طیف‌سنجی هسته‌ای[r] از مقالات او در زمینه ساختار هسته اتمها و واپاشی آن‌ها، با عنوان «انجیل فیزیک‌دانان هسته‌ای» یاد می‌شود. [۸۱][۸۲]
۳ ژورس آلفروف  روسیه اتصال ناهمگون
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۴ جیم الخلیلی  بریتانیا زندگی علمی
مستندساز و مروج علم
استاد فیزیک نظری در دانشگاه ساری
او در نقل قولی می‌گوید: خدایی وجود ندارد. چنین چیزی قرار نیست رخ دهد. اگر مردم رویشان را از دین برمی‌گردانند به این علت است که آنها نیازی به نگاهی ماورایی برای این که چطور زندگی کنند، ندارند.
۵ فلیپ وارن اندرسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا مفهوم برآمدگی
ابررسانایی دمابالا
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
شکست تقارن در فیزیک ذرات
۶ فرانسوا آراگو  فرانسه قطبنده
فعالیت نوری
جریان گردابی
۷ ابهی اشتکار  هند متغیر اشتکار [۸۹]
۸ جان استوارت بل  جمهوری ایرلند نظریه بل
درهم‌تنیدگی کوانتومی
۹ جان دزموند برنال  جمهوری ایرلند بلورشناسی با اشعه ایکس [۹۲]
۱۰ پرسی ویلیام بریجمن  ایالات متحده آمریکا فیزیک فشاربالا
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۱۱ شان کارول  ایالات متحده آمریکا تابش تاریک
ماده تاریک
انرژی تاریک
استاد دانشگاه شیکاگو [۹۶]
۱۲ جیمز چدویک  بریتانیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
کشف نوترون
پروژه منهتن
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
شرکت در پروژه منهتن
ارنست رادرفورد، پدر فیزیک هسته‌ای، استاد راهنمای او در دوره دکتری بود. [۹۷]
۱۳ سوبرامانیان چاندراسخار  هند
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
حد چاندراسخار
کشف مراحل تکامل ستارگان
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
او برادرزادهٔ سی وی رامان، برنده جایزه نوبل فیزیک بود. [۹۸][۹۹]
۱۴ پیر کوری  فرانسه بلورشناسی
ثابت کوری
دمای کوری
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
او همسر ماری کوری بود. [۱۰۰]
۱۵ پائول ارنفست  اتریش
قضیه ارنفست
مکانیک آماری
مکانیک کوانتومی
فاجعه فرابنفش
تئوری تیر تیموشنکو
۱۶ پل دیراک  بریتانیا ثابت پلانک
آمار فرمی-دیراک
توسعه نظریه اتمی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
فرمول‌بندی انتگرال مسیر
الکترودینامیک کوانتومی
او اینشتین را بیش از هر فیزیک‌دان دیگری تحسین می‌کرد اما اینشتین در نامه‌ای به پائول ارنفست در مورد او می‌نویسد، «من دیراک را اصلاً نمی‌فهمم». با این‌حال، معروف است که دیراک تنها یک‌بار گریست؛ زمان شنیدن خبر مرگ آلبرت اینشتین. [۱۰۳][۱۰۴][۱۰۵]
۱۷ اروین شرودینگر  اتریش
توسعه نظریه اتمی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
مکانیک کوانتومی
معادله شرودینگر
گربه شرودینگر
اصل عدم قطعیت
برهم‌نهی کوانتومی
درهم‌تنیدگی کوانتومی
تفسیرهای مکانیک کوانتومی
او که به‌عنوان یکی از پدران مکانیک کوانتومی محسوب می‌شود، در کتابی با عنوان حیات چیست؟، به شرح دیدگاه‌های در مورد زندگی از منظر فیزیک پرداخته‌است. [۱۱۱][۱۱۲][۱۱۳]
۱۸ آندره ساخاروف  روسیه توکامک
توسعه نظریه اتمی
جایزه نوبل صلح
پدر بمب هیدروژنی شوروی
۱۹ استیون هاوکینگ  بریتانیا سیاه‌چاله
گرانش کوانتومی
تابش هاوکینگ
پارادوکس اطلاعات سیاه‌چاله
قضایای تکینگی پنروز-هاوکینگ
او در نقلی می‌گوید: «اگر شما دوست دارید، می‌توانید نام قوانین علمی را خدا بگذارید اما این خدا، خدایی نخواهد بود که شما بتوانید او را ملاقات کنید یا از او سؤال بپرسید.» [۱۲۰][۱۲۱]
۲۰ لویی دو بروی  فرانسه موج مادی
مکانیک بوهمی
مکانیک کوانتومی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۲۱ ارنست ماخ  اتریش موج ماخ
عدد ماخ
اصل ماخ
امواج شوک
الماس‌های ضربه‌ای
۲۲ یوجین ویگنر  مجارستان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
توزیع نیم‌دایره
قانون پایستگی
نشان ملی علوم
سلول ویگنر-سیتز
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۲۳ استیون واینبرگ  ایالات متحده آمریکا اکسیون
برهمکنش الکتروضعیف
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
او در نقلی می‌گوید: دین یا بدون دین، انسان‌های خوب، کارهای خوب می‌کنند و انسان‌های بد، کارهای بد؛ اما برای اینکه انسان‌های خوب کارهای بد را مرتکب شوند، دین لازم است. [۱۲۸][۱۲۹][۱۳۰]
۲۴ فرانک کلوز  بریتانیا استاد فیزیک ذرات در دانشگاه آکسفورد [۱۳۲]
۲۵ ساموئل تی. کوهن  ایالات متحده آمریکا پدر بمب نوترونی
پروژه منهتن
۲۶ جورج چرپک  لهستان
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
ابداع اتاقک تناسبی چند سیمی به منظور آشکارسازی ذرات
۲۷ واندر یوهانس د هاس  هلند اثر د هاس-اینشتین[s]
اثر د هاس-وان آلفن[t]
اثر شوبینکوف-د هاس[u]
۲۸ هیو اورت  ایالات متحده آمریکا مکانیک کوانتومی
تفسیر دنیاهای چندگانه
۲۹ ساندرا فابر  ایالات متحده آمریکا تلسکوپ کک
واکنش فابر-جکسون
نشان ملی علوم
۳۰ ریچارد فاینمن  ایالات متحده آمریکا پروژه منهتن
نقطه فاینمن
رایانش کوانتومی
الکترودینامیک کوانتومی
فرمول‌بندی انتگرال مسیر
بررسی واقعه فضاپیمای چلنجر
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
او در نقلی می‌گوید: خدا همواره برای این اختراع شده که توضیحی برای رمز و رازها باشد. او برای این اختراع شده که پاسخ چیزهایی را بدهد که شما نمی‌دانید. [۱۳۹][۱۴۰][۱۴۱]
۳۱ جیمز فرانک  آلمان اصل فرانک-کاندون
آزمایش فرانک–هرتز
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۳۲ جروم ایزاک فریدمان  ایالات متحده آمریکا اثبات کوارک
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۳۳ کریستر فوگلسانگ  سوئد فضانورد [۱۴۵]
۳۴ جرج گاموف  روسیه مه‌بانگ
واپاشی آلفا
تونل زنی کوانتومی
نویسنده کتاب‌های علمی عامه‌فهم
۳۵ ویتالی لازاریویچ گینزبرگ  روسیه پلاسما
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
یکی از پدران بمب هیدروژنی روسیه
۳۶ گوردون گلد  ایالات متحده آمریکا اختراع لیزر [۱۵۱][۱۵۲]
۳۷ دیوید گراس  ایالات متحده آمریکا آزادی مجانبی
نظریه ریسمان
نظریه نیروی هسته‌ای قوی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۳۸ پیتر هیگز  بریتانیا بوزون هیگز
سازوکار هیگز
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
شکست متقارن در برهمکنش الکتروضعیف
۳۹ راسل هالس  ایالات متحده آمریکا تپ اختر
امواج گرانشی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۴۰ فردریک ژولیو کوری  فرانسه کشف رادیواکتیویتهٔ مصنوعی
جایزه نوبل شیمی
او همسر ایرن ژولیو کوری بود و همچنین از او به‌عنوان یک شیمی‌دان نیز یاد می‌شود. [۱۵۶][۱۵۷]
۴۱ ایرن ژولیو کوری  فرانسه کشف رادیواکتیویتهٔ مصنوعی
جایزه نوبل شیمی
او دختر ماری کوری بود و همچنین از او به‌عنوان یک شیمی‌دان نیز یاد می‌شود. [۱۵۸][۱۵۹]
۴۲ لاورنس کراوس  ایالات متحده آمریکا انرژی تاریک
کتاب جهانی از عدم
۴۳ لو لانداو  اتحاد جماهیر شوروی ابرشارگی
الکترودینامیک کوانتوم
نظریه گذار فاز درجه دو
تئوری کوانتومی دیامغناطیس
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۴۴ لئون لدرمن  ایالات متحده آمریکا
کوارک ته
کشف نوترینوی میون
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۴۵ جان لزلی  ایالات متحده آمریکا مطالعه گرما
مکعب لزلی
۴۶ فریتس تسوئیکی   سوئیس ماده تاریک
ستاره نوترونی
۴۷ سیمون ون درمیر  هلند کشف ذرات میانی W و Z
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۴۸ یووال نیمان  اسرائیل هادرون [۱۶۸][۱۶۹]

فرانک اوپنهایمر  ایالات متحده آمریکا پروژه منهتن
غنی‌سازی اورانیوم
او برادر کوچکتر رابرت اوپنهایمر است. [۱۷۰]
۵۰ رابرت اوپنهایمر  ایالات متحده آمریکا پروژه منهتن
پدر بمب اتمی
جنگ‌افزار هسته‌ای
غنی‌سازی اورانیوم
تقریب بورن-اوپنهایمر
او برادر بزرگتر فرانک اوپنهایمر است. [۱۷۱][۱۷۲]
۵۱ باب پارک  ایالات متحده آمریکا نقد شبه‌علم
نقد پزشکی جایگزین
۵۲ راجر پنروز  بریتانیا نظریه ارک-آر
پلکان پنروز
فرایند پنروز
نمودار پنروز
فرضیه سانسور کیهانی
تفسیر مکانیک کوانتومی
۵۳ ژان باتیست پرن  فرانسه پرتو کاتدی
حرکت براونی
عدد آووگادرو
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
کشف تعادل رسوب گذاری
او پدر فیزیک‌دان هسته‌ای، فرانسیس پرن بود. [۱۷۶]
۵۴ فرانسیس پرن  فرانسه فیزیک هسته‌ای
انرژی هسته‌ای
او فرزند ژان باتیست پرن، فیزیکدان برنده جایزه نوبل بود. [۱۷۷]
۵۵ کارل سیگن  ایالات متحده آمریکا جهان دیوزده
لوح پایونیر
اژدهایان بهشت
نقطه آبی کمرنگ
صفحه طلایی وویجر
جستجوی هوش فرازمینی
گیتی: یک سفر شخصی
۵۶ مقناد ساها  هند یونیزاسیون حرارتی[v]
معادله یونیزاسیون ساها
۵۷ هانس جوچیم شلنهوبر  آلمان فیزیک اتمسفر [۱۸۲][۱۸۳]
۵۸ دنیس ویلیام سیاما  بریتانیا کیهان‌شناسی
یکی از پدران کیهان‌شناسی مدرن
او استاد راهنمای دوره دکتری افرادی مانند استیون هاوکینگ، مارتین ریس و دیوید دویچ بوده‌است. [۱۸۴]
۵۹ ویلیام شاکلی  بریتانیا تریستور
کاشت یون
دیود شاکلی
اختراع ترانزیستور
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۶۰ ادموند هالی  بریتانیا دنباله‌دار هالی
ثبت گذر عطارد
۶۱ آلبرت اینشتین  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
نسبیت عام
نسبیت خاص
موج گرانشی
ثابت کیهانی
حرکت براونی
اثر فوتوالکتریک
آمار بوز-اینشتین
هم‌ارزی جرم و انرژی
رابطه پلانک-اینشتین
معادلات میدان اینشتین
پارادوکس ای‌پی‌آر (EPR)
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
اگرچه خود را با عبارت «خداناباور» توصیف نکرد اما او بی‌دین، ناباور به خدای ادیان ابراهیمی و زندگی پس از مرگ بود. [۱۸۷][۱۸۸]
۶۲ مارک اولیفانت  استرالیا دوتریوم
توسعه رادار
همجوشی هسته‌ای
۶۳ روبی پاین-اسکات  استرالیا پیشرو در اخترشناسی رادیویی
نخستین زن در اخترشناسی رادیویی
۶۴ ایزیدور ایزاک رابی  لهستان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
چرخه رابی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
ابداع روش تشدید برای ثبت خواص مغناطیسی هسته‌های اتمی
۶۵ مارتین ریس  بریتانیا اختروش
تابش زمینه کیهانی
رئیس انجمن سلطنتی
۶۶ گروته ریبر  ایالات متحده آمریکا از پیشگامان اخترشناسی رادیویی [۱۹۵]
۶۷ کارولین پورکو  ایالات متحده آمریکا انسلادوس
حلقه سیاره‌ای
هدایت کاوشگر کاسینی
عضو تیم تصویربرداری وویجر
۶۸ فرد هویل  بریتانیا مه‌بانگ
هسته‌زایی ستاره‌ای
نظریه حالت پایدار
فرایند آلفا سه‌گانه
۶۹ دیوید دویچ  اسرائیل
رایانش کوانتومی
ماشین تورینگ کوانتومی
۷۰ ژروم لالاند  فرانسه اخترشناسی [۱۹۹][۲۰۰]
۷۱ نیلز بور  دانمارک اثر بور
مدل بور
شعاع بور
تفسیر کپنهاگی
نظریه بی‌کی‌اس[w]
نظریه سومرفیلد-بور[x]
مناظرات بور-اینشتین
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
او وجود عنصری مانند زیرکونیوم را پیش‌بینی کرد که بعداً کشف و هافنیوم (که نامی لاتین و معادلی برای کوپنهاگ بود) نام گرفت. [۲۰۱][۲۰۲]
۷۲ هانس بیته  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
فیزیک هسته‌ای
الکترودینامیک کوانتومی
هسته‌زایی ستاره‌ای
نظریه میدان بلور
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۷۳ پاتریک بلاکت  بریتانیا پرتو کیهانی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
تکمیل روش اتاقک ابری ویلسون
۷۴ نیکولاس بلومبرگر  هلند
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
طیف‌سنجی لیزر
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۷۵ انریکو فرمی  ایتالیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
مسئله فرمی
پارادوکس فرمی
برهم‌کنش فرمی
آمار فرمی-دیراک
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
واکنش زنجیره‌ای هسته‌ای
۷۶ وال لوگسدون فیچ  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف نقض سی‌پی
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۷۷ ماری گل-من  ایالات متحده آمریکا مدل کوارک
ذرات بنیادی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۷۸ ریکاردو جیاکونی  ایتالیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
بنیان‌گذار اخترشناسی پرتو ایکس
۷۹ ایوار یور  نروژ
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
کشف پدیدهٔ تونل زنی در نیم‌رساناها و ابررساناها
۸۰ شلدون لی گلاشو  ایالات متحده آمریکا برهمکنش الکتروضعیف
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۱ روی جی. گلوبر  ایالات متحده آمریکا جایزه نوبل فیزیک
پایه‌گذاری نورشناسی کوانتومی
۸۲ سرژ هاروش  مراکش
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
طیف‌سنجی لیزر[y]
ناهمدوسی کوانتومی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۳ ماساتوشی کوشیبا  ژاپن نوترینو
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۴ جان مایکل کوسترلیتز  بریتانیا فیزیک ماده چگال
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۵ میشل مایور   سوئیس ۵۱ پگاسوس
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۶ آلبرت آبراهام مایکلسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا اندازه‌گیری سرعت نور
آزمایش مایکلسون-مورلی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۷ کنستانتین نووسلف  روسیه
کربن فوق نازک
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۸ جیم پیبلس  ایالات متحده آمریکا
تابش زمینه کیهانی
ماده تاریک سرد
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۸۹ دیدیه کلاز   سوئیس جایزه نوبل فیزیک
کشف اولین سیاره خارج از منظومه شمسی
۹۰ برایان اشمیت  ایالات متحده آمریکا
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
ارائه شواهدی از شتاب در انبساط جهان
۹۱ جک اشتینبرگر  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
کشف میون نوترینو
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۹۲ ایگور یوگنیویچ تام  روسیه تابش چرنکوف
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۹۳ کیپ تورن  ایالات متحده آمریکا نسبیت عام
امواج گرانشی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
رصدخانه موج گرانشی با تداخل‌سنج لیزری
۹۴ یوهان واندروالس  هلند قانون گازها
نیروی واندروالسی
شعاع واندروالسی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۹۵ مارتینیوس ولتمن  هلند فیزیک ذرات
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۹۶ هرمان باندی  اتریش
نسبیت عام
نظریه حالت پایدار
۹۷ پال کالاهان  نیوزیلند تحقیقات در زمینه ان‌ام‌آر و ام‌آرآی [۲۳۰]
۹۸ آلن هیل  نیوزیلند سیارات فراخورشیدی
کشف دنباله‌دار هیل-باپ
۹۹ لوبوس موتل  جمهوری چک نظریه ریسمان
نظریه ماتریس
حدس جاذبه ضعیف[z]
او یک خداناباور مسیحی است. [۲۳۲][۲۳۳]
۱۰۰ لیسا رندل  ایالات متحده آمریکا کیهان‌شناسی
مدل استاندارد
مدل رندل-ساندرام[aa]
کتاب گذرگاه‌های تاب‌دار[ab]
۱۰۱ جرج اسموت  ایالات متحده آمریکا کاوشگر زمینهٔ کیهان
تابش زمینه کیهانی
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۱۰۲ ویکتور استنجر  ایالات متحده آمریکا نقد شبه‌علم
نقد دین ابداع اصطلاح کلام قصار
نویسنده کتاب خدا: انگاره شکست‌خورده
او در نقلی می‌گوید: علم شما را به ماه پرواز می‌دهد، دین شما را به ساختمان می‌کوبد.. [۲۳۶][۲۳۷]
۱۰۳ لئونارد ساسکیند  ایالات متحده آمریکا حبس رنگ
اصل تمام‌نگاری
کرومودینامیک کوانتومی
۱۰۴ ویکتور وایسکاپف  اتریش
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
الکترودینامیک کوانتومی
ساختار هسته اتم
نشان ملی علوم
رئیس بخش نظری پروژه منهتن
او دوره دکتری خود را با ماکس بورن و دوره پسادکتری خود را با ورنر هایزنبرگ، اروین شرودینگر، ولفگانگ پاولی و نیلز بور گذراند. او بعد از جنگ جهانی دوم به عضویت کمپین ضد گسترش جنگ‌افزارهای هسته‌ای درآمد. [۲۳۹]
۱۰۵ یاکوف زلدوویچ  بلاروس
پروژه بمب اتمی شوروی
تابش هاوکینگ
اثر سونیائف زلدوویچ
۱۰۶ دیوید اسلون ویلسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا مروج علم
انتخاب گروهی[ac]
نظریه انتخاب چندسطحی[ad]


ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ سوانته آرنیوس  سوئد معادله آرنیوس
تفکیک (شیمی)
واکنش اسید و باز
کشف اثر گلخانه‌ای
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۲ پیتر اتکینز  بریتانیا نویسنده کتابهای درسی شیمی دانشگاهی استاد سابق دانشگاه آکسفورد [۲۴۵]
۳ مارسلین بارتلت  فرانسه ترموشیمی
اصل بارتلت-تامسون
۴ کلود لویی برتوله  فرانسه تولید آب ژاول
تعادل شیمیایی
واکنش‌های برگشت‌پذیر
کشف خاصیت رنگ‌زدایی کلر
۵ ژوزف لویی گیلوساک  فرانسه قانون گیلوساک [۲۴۸]
۶ لینوس پاولینگ  ایالات متحده آمریکا مارپیچ آلفا، الکترونگاتیوی، مدل فضاپرکن، ساختار ملکول‌ها، ساعت مولکولی، پزشکی مولکولی، قوانین پائولینگ، شیمی کوانتومی، ساختار رزونانسی، نظریه پیوند ظرفیت، پیوندهای شیمیایی، نشان ملی علوم، جایزه نوبل صلح، جایزه نوبل شیمی دو سال قبل از مرگ پاولینگ، فیلسوفی بودایی به نام دایسوکه ایکیدا[ae] دیالوگی از او منتشر کرد و خداناباور بودن او را تأیید کرد. [۱۰۴]
۶ آلفرد نوبل  سوئد اختراع دینامیت
بنیان‌گذار جایزه نوبل
۷ جان کارنفورت  استرالیا بریتانیا شیمی فضایی
سنتز کلسترول
واکنشگر کورنفورث
۸ کارل جراسی  بلغارستان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
قرص ضدبارداری [۲۵۲]
۹ ریچارد ارنست   سوئیس زاویه ارنست
جایزه نوبل شیمی
تشدید مغناطیسی هسته دوبعدی (2DNMR)
تشدید مغناطیسی هسته تبدیل فوریه (FTNMR)
۱۰ رولد هافمن  لهستان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
سازوکار واکنش
اصل ایزولوبی[af]
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۱ هارولد کروتو  بریتانیا کشف فولرن
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۲ پال لاتربور  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف ام‌آرآی (MRI)
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۱۳ ژان ماری لن  فرانسه شیمی فراذره‌ای
اترهای تاجی
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۴ اچ. کریستوفر لانگت-هیگینز  بریتانیا علوم شناختی [۲۵۸]
۱۵ ویلهلم اوستوالد  آلمان پیپت
فرایند استوالد
ترویج اصطلاح مول
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۶ ماکس پراتز  بریتانیا پروتئین‌های کروی
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۶ روزالیند فرانکلین  بریتانیا بلورشناس پرتو ایکس
کشف ساختار دی‌ان‌ای، زغال‌سنگ، گرافیت، انواع ویروس‌ها
۱۷ پل بویر  ایالات متحده آمریکا آدنوزین تری‌فسفات
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۸ هارولد یوری  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف دوتریم
آزمایش میلر–یوری
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۱۹ لارند آسپری  ایالات متحده آمریکا فلوئور
عنصرهای خاکی کمیاب
۲۰ سیف الاسلام  بریتانیا انرژی تمیز
باتری یون‌لیتیم
سلول خورشیدی پروسکایت
استاد شیمی مواد در دانشگاه باث [۲۶۶][۲۶۷]
۲۱ گرهارد هرتسبرگ  آلمان
طیف‌بینی مولکولی
جایزه نوبل شیمی

علوم زیستی

ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ فرانسیس کریک  بریتانیا خودآگاهی
کشف ساختار دی‌ان‌ای
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
قاعده اصلی زیست‌شناسی مولکولی
او در نقلی می‌گوید: فرضیه خدا نسبتاً بی‌اعتبار است. [۲۶۹][۲۷۰][۲۷۱]
۲ ریچارد داوکینز  بریتانیا نقد دین
جهان میانی
خداناباوری نو
فرگشت ژن محور
طراح مفهوم میم
فنوتیپ گسترش‌یافته
او در کتاب توهم خدا می‌نویسد: اگر معنی خدا این باشد که یک دسته قوانین فیزیکی برجهان حاکم است، پس مسلماً خدا وجود دارد. اما چنین خدایی ازنظر عاطفی راضی‌کننده نیست. دعا کردن به درگاه قانون گرانش چندان کار معقولی نیست. [۲۷۶][۲۷۷][۲۷۸]
۳ زیگموند فروید  اتریش روانکاوی
عقده ادیپ
سازوکار دفاعی
نهاد، خود، فراخود
او در نقلی، مفهوم خدا را این گونه توصیف می‌کند: اساساً خدا چیزی نیست جز پدری که او را تعالی بخشیده‌اند. [۲۷۹]
۴ ایوان پاولف  روسیه رفتاردرمانی
شرطی‌شدن کلاسیک
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۵ جیمز واتسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف ساختار دی‌ان‌ای
زیست‌شناسی مولکولی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
او در نقلی می‌گوید: بزرگ‌ترین فایده اعتقاد به خدا این است که شما نیازی به فهمیدن هیچ چیزی ندارید، نه فیزیک، نه زیست‌شناسی. من می‌خواستم که بفهمم. [۲۸۱][۲۸۲][۲۸۳]
۶ پاتریک بیتسون  بریتانیا مکعب بیتسون[ag]
رئیس انجمن جانورشناسی لندن
استاد سابق دانشگاه کمبریج [۲۸۴]
۷ جولیوس اکسلراد  ایالات متحده آمریکا متابولیسم کاتکول‌آمین
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۸ جرج بیدل  ایالات متحده آمریکا نظریه یک ژن ـ یک آنزیم
چگونگی عمل ژن در فرایند متابولیسم
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۹ پل بروکا  فرانسه آنتروپومتری
ناحیه بروکا
انسان‌شناسی زیستی
۱۰ فرانک مک‌فارلن بارنت  استرالیا ایمنی اکتسابی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۱۱ والتر بردفورد کانن  ایالات متحده آمریکا هم‌ایستایی
پاسخ جنگ و گریز
نظریه کانن-بارد
رئیس سابق مدرسه پزشکی هاروارد
۱۲ پرونده:Jerry Coyne, American professor of biology at the University of Chicago.jpg جری کوین  ایالات متحده آمریکا ژنتیک فرگشتی [۲۹۰]
۱۳ جری کوین  ایالات متحده آمریکا نویسنده کتاب‌های سقوط، سومین شامپانزه و اسلحه، میکروب و فولاد استاد دانشگاه کالیفرنیا، لس‌آنجلس [۲۹۱]
۱۴ کامیلو گلژی  ایتالیا دستگاه عصبی
اندام وتری گلژی
کشف دستگاه گلژی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۱۵ سوزان گرینفیلد  بریتانیا بیماری آلزایمر
بیماری پارکینسون
۱۶ جان هالدین  بریتانیا آنزیم
پیدایش حیات
قانون هالدین
ژنتیک جمعیت
انتخاب خویشاوندی
۱۷ ویلیام دی همیلتون  بریتانیا قانون همیلتون
انتخاب خویشاوندی
۱۸ گرهارد آرمور هانسن  نروژ همه‌گیرشناسی
کشف باکتری مایکوباکتریوم لپره (عامل جذام)
۱۹ جولیان هاکسلی  بریتانیا اصلاح نژاد
سنتز مدرن
نخستین رئیس سازمان یونسکو
دبیر سابق انجمن جانورشناسی لندن
۲۰ فرانسوا ژاکوب  فرانسه اپران
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۲۱ ژاک مونو  فرانسه اپران لک
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۲۲ استوارت کافمن  ایالات متحده آمریکا پیدایش حیات
سامانه‌های پیچیده
شبکه تنظیم‌کننده ژن
او در نقلی می‌گوید: کدام شگفت‌انگیزتر است؟ خلق همه چیز در ۶ روز توسط خدا یا تشکیل زیست‌کره بدون کمک خارجی و بدون خالق و نسبتاً بی‌قانون؟ من دومی را حیرت برانگیزتر می‌دانم. [۳۰۱][۳۰۲]
۲۳ آلفرد کینزی  ایالات متحده آمریکا سکس‌شناسی
مقیاس کینزی
میل جنسی در انسان
۲۴ چارلز لاورن  فرانسه مالاریا
مطالعه پروتوزوآهای انگلی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۲۵ ژاک لوب  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
تلقیح یک سلول ماده بدون دخالت یاخته نر [۳۰۶][۳۰۷]
۲۶ جان مینارد اسمیت  بریتانیا نظریه بازی‌ها
زیست‌شناسی فرگشتی
۲۷ ارنست مایر  ایالات متحده آمریکا فرگشت
آرایه‌شناسی پرندگان
ژنتیک جمعیتی
۲۸ پیتر مداوار  برزیل پیوند عضو
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۲۹ ایلیا مچنیکو  روسیه بیگانه‌خواری
ایمنی سلولی
مطالعه دستگاه ایمنی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۳۰ پیتر دی میچل  بریتانیا جایزه نوبل شیمی
کشف سازوکار سنتز آدنوزین تری‌فسفات
۳۱ توماس هانت مورگان  ایالات متحده آمریکا نقش کروموزومها در وراثت
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۳۲ دزموند موریس  بریتانیا نویسنده کتاب کپی (جانور) برهنه [۳۱۵][۳۱۶]
۳۳ فریتس مولر  آلمان
تقلید مولرین [۳۱۷]
۳۴ پی‌زی مایرز  ایالات متحده آمریکا زیست‌شناسی رشد استاد دانشگاه مینه‌سوتا موریس [۳۱۸]
۳۵ پائول نرس  بریتانیا چرخه یاخته
رئیس سابق انجمن سلطنتی
رئیس مؤسسه فرانسیس کریک
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۳۶ ریتا لوی مونتالچینی  ایتالیا عامل رشد عصب
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۳۷ الکساندر اپارین  اتحاد جماهیر شوروی کواسروات
نظریه پیداش حیات
۳۸ ریچارد رابرتس  بریتانیا اینترون
متیلاسیون دی‌ان‌ای
زیست‌شناسی محاسباتی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۳۹ مایکل اسمیت  بریتانیا
جایزه نوبل شیمی
جهش‌زایی هدایت شده
۴۰ ریچارد لیکی  بریتانیا دیرین‌مردم‌شناس
کشف سنگواره‌های انسانی
۴۱ رابرت ساپولسکی  ایالات متحده آمریکا انسان‌شناسی زیستی استاد دانشگاه استنفورد [۳۲۷]
۴۲ کریستین دو دوو  بلژیک اندامک
کشف لیزوزوم
کشف پراکسی زوم
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۴۳ گوستاو تئودور فخنر  آلمان قانون وبر-فخنر
بنیان‌گذار روان فیزیک
۴۴ امیل دو بوآ ریمون  آلمان عصب محیطی
پتانسیل عمل
۴۵ توماس آیزنر  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
پدر بوم‌شناسی شیمیایی [۳۳۴]
۴۶ ژاک لاکان  فرانسه سوبژه
مرحله آئینه
۴۷ ویلهلم رایش  اتریش روانکاوی
انقلاب جنسی
روان‌شناسی گروهی فاشیسم
۴۸ الیور ساکس  بریتانیا نویسنده کتابهای با مضمون بررسی موردی برخی ار بیمارانش استاد عصب‌شناسی دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه نیویورک [۳۳۷][۳۳۸]
۴۹ هرمان جوزف مولر  ایالات متحده آمریکا جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
کشف اثرات ژنتیکی پرتوزایی
۵۰ مایکل روزبش  ایالات متحده آمریکا ساعت زیستی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۵۱ جان سالستن  بریتانیا آپوپتوز
توالی‌یابی کل ژنوم
پروژه ژنوم انسان
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۵۲ نیکلاس تینبرگن  هلند جانورشناسی
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۵۳ جرج والد  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف نقش رنگدانه در شبکیه
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۵۴ سم هریس  ایالات متحده آمریکا نقد دین
خداناباوری نو
کتاب پایان ایمان
از او به عنوان یکی از چهار چهره برجسته خداناباوری نو یاد می‌شود.
او در نقلی می‌گوید: خدا یا نمی‌تواند جلوی فجایع را بگیرد یا اهمیتی نمی‌دهد یا وجود ندارد. خدا یا ناتوانست یا شرور یا خیالی. جناحتان را عاقلانه انتخاب کنید.
۵۵ ویلیام باتسون  بریتانیا وراثت
رایج کردن کلمه ژنتیک
۵۶ نورمن بتهون  کانادا مخترع دستگاهای سیار پزشکی و روش‌های انتقال خون [۳۴۸]
۵۷ کالین بلیک‌مور  بریتانیا استاد عصب‌شناسی و فلسفه دانشگاه لندن [۳۴۹]
۵۸ کریستین بور  دانمارک پژوهش‌های فیزیولوژی او پدر نیلز بور (برنده جایزه نوبل) و پدربزرگ آگه بور (برنده جایزه نوبل فیزیک) بود. [۳۵۰]
۵۹ سیدنی برنر  آفریقای جنوبی ژنتیک کرم الگانس
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۶۰ کالوین بریجز  ایالات متحده آمریکا وراثت
کروموزوم پلی‌تن
۶۱ جفری برنستاک  بریتانیا
علوم اعصاب
آدنوزین تری‌فسفات
ابداع واژه سیگنال‌دهی پیوریژنیک[ah]
۶۲ شان کارول  ایالات متحده آمریکا ساماندهی بیان ژن استاد زیست‌شناسی دانشگاه ویسکانسین-مدیسن [۳۵۵]
۶۳ جورج واشینگتن کریل  ایالات متحده آمریکا اولین انتقال خون موفق
ابداع فورسپس کرایل[ai]
ابداع روشی برای مصرف افیون به‌عنوان مسکن
۶۴ اِوالد هِرینگ  آلمان دید رنگی
نظریه فرایند مخالف[aj]
فرایند مخالف بیان می‌کند که مبنای دید رنگی بر اساس پردازش سیگنالهای سلولهای مخروطی و استوانه‌ای و برهم‌کنش میان این دو نوع سلول، است. [۳۵۷][۳۵۸]
۶۵ بریجید هوگان  بریتانیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
سلول‌های بنیادی
تحقیقات در مورد پستانداران
استاد دپارتمان زیست‌شناسی سلولی در دانشگاه دوک [۳۵۹]
۶۶ فرد هالوس  نیوزیلند
چشم‌پزشکی او به‌خاطر بازگرداندن بینایی هزاران نفر در استرالیا و دیگر کشورها شناخته می‌شود. [۳۶۰]
۶۷ نیکولاس هامفری  بریتانیا هوش
هوش ماکیاولی[ak]
۶۸ جان هالینگز جکسون  بریتانیا صرع
از بنیان‌گذاران مجله مغز[al]
۶۹ دونالد جانسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا کشف فسیل لوسی [۳۶۴][۳۶۵]
۷۰ استیو جونز  بریتانیا ترویج علم
درک عمومی از علم
او رئیس قبلی کالج دانشگاهی لندن و یکی از شناخته شده‌ترین نویسندگان در حوزه فرگشت است. [۳۶۶][۳۶۷]
۷۱ پال کامرر  اتریش لامارکیسم [۳۶۸][۳۶۹]
۷۲ گِرت کلنبرگر-گوجر   سوئیس باکتریوفاژ
نوترکیبی ژنی
زیست‌شناسی مولکولی
سیستم اصلاح محدودیت[am] دی‌ان‌ای
۷۳ الکساندر لانگمویر  ایالات متحده آمریکا بنیان‌گذاری سرویس اطلاعاتی بیماری‌های همه‌گیر[an] [۳۷۱]
۷۴ پائولو مانتگازا  ایتالیا تحقیقات روی برگ کوکا [۳۷۲]
۷۵ جیکوب مولشات  هلند ماتریالیسم علمی [۳۷۳]
۷۶ نورمن پیری  بریتانیا بلوری شدن ویروس تحقیقات او در زمینه کشف بلوری شدن ویروس‌ها، گامی مهم در راستای تعیین ساختار دی‌ان‌ای و آران‌ای بود. [۳۷۴]
۷۷ آلیس رابرتز  بریتانیا ترویح علم
مستندساز علمی
استاد دانشگاه بیرمنگام [۳۷۵]
۷۸ آدام رادرفورد  بریتانیا منشأ حیات
آینده حیات
۷۹ نادرین سیمان  ایالات متحده آمریکا نانوفناوری دی‌ان‌ای [۳۷۷]
۸۰ الیور اسمیتیز  بریتانیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
الکتروفورز ژل
هدف‌گیری ژنی
نوترکیبی همولوگ[ao]
جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی
۸۱ رابرت اسپیتزر  ایالات متحده آمریکا مشارکت کننده اصلی در راهنمای تشخیصی و آماری اختلال‌های روانی از اقدامات مهم او دسته‌بندی اختلات روانی و خارج کردن همجنس‌گرایی از فهرست اختلالات روانی در سال ۱۹۷۳ است. [۳۷۹]
۸۲ آرتور تانزلی  بریتانیا پیشگام علم اکوسیستم [۳۸۰]
۸۳ نیکلای واویلف  روسیه مرکز واویلف او بخش عمده‌ای از زندگی‌اش را صرف مطالعه و بهسازی گیاهانی چون گندم، ذرت و دیگر غلات نمود. [۳۸۱]
۸۴ کریگ ونتر  ایالات متحده آمریکا دی‌ان‌ای
ژنوم انسان
روش تعیین توالی تفنگ ساچمه‌ای
۸۵ ویلیام گری والتر  ایالات متحده آمریکا
امواج آلفا
امواج دلتا
نوسان عصبی
ربات خودمختار
۸۶ جان بی. واتسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا بنیان‌گذار رفتارگرایی
اصلاح رفتار
۸۷ امیل زاکرکاندل  اتریش
فرگشت ملکولی
ساعت مولکولی
نظریه طبیعی فرگشت مولکولی[ap]
۸۸ آیزاک آسیموف  روسیه
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
نقد دین
علم به زبان ساده
قوانین سه‌گانه رباتیک
او استاد بیوشیمی در دانشگاه بوستون بود و تخمین زده می‌شود بیش از ۵۰۰ کتاب در زمینه‌های مختلفی مانند شیمی، اخترشناسی، ریاضی، تاریخ، ادبیات و نقد کتابهای مذهبی و همچنین حدود ۹۰ هزار نامه و کارت پستال از او به جا مانده‌است. [۳۸۸][۳۸۹]
۸۹ جک سوشی  آفریقای جنوبی
پزشکی زایمان
پزشکی زنان
استفاده از پنی‌سیلین در بیماری‌های آمیزشی
وی پدر دیوید سوشی، بازیگر نقش هرکول پوآرو است. [۳۹۰]
۹۰ لوئیس ولپورت  آفریقای جنوبی
مروج علم
زیست‌شناسی رشد


ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ دونالد پروترو  ایالات متحده آمریکا دیرینه‌شناسی پستانداران
چینه‌شناسی مغناطیسی[aq]
۲ جلال شنگور  ترکیه زمین‌ساخت ترکیه و آسیا استاد دانشگاه فنی استانبول [۳۹۳]
۳ ولادیمیر ورنادسکی  روسیه
بنیان‌گذار زمین‌شیمی، بیوژئوشیمی[ar] و رادیوژئولوژی[as] [۳۹۴]

علوم مهندسی

ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ رادنی بروکس  استرالیا علوم رباتیک [۳۹۵]
۲ چارلز فرانسیس ریشتر  ایالات متحده آمریکا پدیدآوردن مقیاس ریشتر [۳۹۶]
۳ هربرت کرومر  ایالات متحده آمریکا لیزر
اتصال ناهمگون
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
ترانزیستور پیوند نامتناجس
۴ ژوزف میشل مون‌گلفیه  ایالات متحده آمریکا مخترع بالن هوای گرم [۳۹۸][۳۹۹]
۵ دن شختمن  اسرائیل شبه‌کریستال
جایزه نوبل شیمی
۶ هانس آلفون  سوئد مگنتوهیدرودینامیک
جایزه نوبل فیزیک
۷ بوریس چِتروک  روسیه طراح سیستم کنترل در برنامه فضایی شوروی [۴۰۵]
۸ پال مک‌کریدی  ایالات متحده آمریکا بنیان‌گذار شرکت آیروویرومنت[at] [۴۰۶]
۹ هیرام ماکسیم  ایالات متحده آمریکا
مخترع مسلسل ماکسیم
مدعی اختراع لامپ روشنایی
ثبت اختراع اتوی مو، تله موش و پمپ‌های بخار[au]
۱۰ فرانک وایتل  بریتانیا اختراع موتور توربوجت
یکی از پدران پیشرانه جت
۱۱ استیو وازنیک  ایالات متحده آمریکا توسعه دهنده اپل ۱
یکی از توسعه دهندگان اپل ۲
یکی از بنیان‌گذاران شرکت اپل
یکی از پیشگامان انقلاب رایانه خانگی
۱۲ کنراد تسوزه  آلمان از پیشگامان علوم رایانه
ساخت نخستین رایانه عملیاتی قابل برنامه‌ریزی و کاملاً خودکار جهان به نام زد۳ و احتمالاً نخستین رایانه دیجیتال و تجاری جهان زد۴
او یک مهندس عمران بود. [۴۱۰][۴۱۱]

علوم انسانی

ردیف نگاره نام ملیت دلیل شهرت توضیحات منابع
۱ ریموند کاتل  بریتانیا
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
روان‌شناسی شخصیت
پرسشنامه شخصیتی ۱۶ عاملی[av]
۲ بی‌اف اسکینر  ایالات متحده آمریکا جعبهٔ اسکینر
شرطی‌شدن فعال
رفتارگرایی رادیکال
نشان ملی علوم
او همچنین دارای اختراعاتی مانند ثبات متوالی،[aw] گهواره معلق،[ax] ماشین آموزش[ay] و ماشین جمع‌کننده کلامی[az] بوده‌است. [۴۱۳][۴۱۴][۴۱۵]
۳ آلبرت الیس  ایالات متحده آمریکا رفتاردرمانی معقول
رفتاردرمانی شناختی
۴ هانس آیزنک  بریتانیا هوش
آموزش و پرورش
شناخت درمانی
پرسشنامه شخصیت آیزنک
روان‌شناسی شخصیت
روان‌شناسی تفاوت‌های فردی
۵ لئون فستینگر  ایالات متحده آمریکا ناهماهنگی شناختی
نظریه مقایسه اجتماعی
۶ اریش فروم  آلمان
 ایالات متحده آمریکا
فلسفه غرب
نظریه اجتماعی
۷ گرانویل استنلی هال  ایالات متحده آمریکا نخستین رئیس دانشگاه کلارک
بنیان‌گذار انجمن روان‌شناسی آمریکا
۸ ملانی کلاین  اتریش
روش درمانی کودکان[ba]
همانندسازی فرافکن
تئوری رابطه اشیاء
۹ آبراهام مازلو  ایالات متحده آمریکا هرم سلسله‌مراتب نیازهای مزلو [۴۲۵]
۱۰ استیون پینکر  ایالات متحده آمریکا روان‌شناسی فرگشتی
نظریه محاسباتی ذهن
او در نقلی می‌گوید: این طرز فکر که مذهب نیرویی برای صلح است، امروزه اغلب از جانب جناح راست مذهبی و هم پیمانانشان شنیده می‌شود که البته شواهد تاریخی آن را تأیید نمی‌کند. [۴۲۶][۴۲۷]
۱۱ کارل راجرز  ایالات متحده آمریکا روان‌درمانی
آموزش دانش‌آموز محور[bb]
آموزش انسان‌گرایانه[bc]
۱۲ هربرت الکساندر سیمون  ایالات متحده آمریکا منطق‌دان
عقلانیت محدود
مسئله-حل‌کنِ عام[bd]
نشان ملی علوم
جایزه نوبل اقتصاد
۱۳ ماسیمو پیلیوچی  ایالات متحده آمریکا نقد شبه‌علم
نقد خلقت‌گرایی
استاد کالج شهری نیویورک [۴۳۰]
۱۴ تئودور هولم نلسون  ایالات متحده آمریکا ابرمتن
۱۵ هکتور آوالوس  ایالات متحده آمریکا دین‌شناسی استاد دانشگاه ایالتی آیووا [۴۳۲][۴۳۳]
۱۶ گرگوری بیتسون  بریتانیا سایبرنتیک
گرفتاری دوسره
۱۷ دانیل اورت  ایالات متحده آمریکا مطالعات فرهنگی و زبان‌شناسی دربارهٔ منطقه حوضه آمازون و مردم پیراها[be] [۴۳۵]
۱۸ هلن فیشر  ایالات متحده آمریکا انسان‌شناسی سکس، عشق، وابستگی و شخصیت [۴۳۶]
۱۹ ریموند فِرث  نیوزیلند انسان‌شناسی اقتصادی [۴۳۷]
۲۰ آلفرد دلوین ناکس  بریتانیا پاپیروس‌شناسی[bf] او عضو گروه رمزگشایی بریتانیا در جنگ جهانی اول موسوم به اتاق ۴۰[bg] بود و نقشی مهم در رمزگشایی تلگراف زیمرمن داشت. [۴۳۸]
۲۱ مارک رابرتز  بریتانیا کاوش در گودال ارتهام متعلق به دوران پارینه‌سنگی زیرین [۴۳۹]
۲۲ جاد سعد  لبنان
رفتار مصرف‌کننده
روان‌شناسی فرگشتی
۲۳ فرانتس نویمان  آلمان سوسیالیسم ملی
یکی از بنیان‌گذاران علوم سیاسی مدرن
۲۳ آمارتیا سن  هند اقتصاد رفاه
عدالت اجتماعی
نظریه انتخاب اجتماعی
جایزه نوبل اقتصاد
استاد اقتصاد و فلسفه دانشگاه هاروارد [۴۴۲][۴۴۳]


  1. Immortality
  2. Some form of deity or higher power
  3. God
  4. A universal spirit or higher power
  5. God or a higher power
  6. Decision theory
  7. Bishop–Phelps theorem
  8. Vendergood language
  9. Descriptive geometry
  10. Subsurface
  11. The Web Conference
  12. Geometric algebra
  13. De Morgan algebra
  14. Dynkin diagram
  15. Dynkin system
  16. The Music of the Primes
  17. Life table
  18. Nuclear spectroscopy
  19. Einstein–de Haas effect
  20. de Haas–van Alphen effect
  21. Shubnikov–de Haas effect
  22. Thermal ionisation
  23. BKS theory
  24. Bohr–Sommerfeld theory
  25. laser spectroscopy
  26. Weak gravity conjecture
  27. Randall–Sundrum model
  28. Warped Passages
  29. Group selection
  30. Multilevel selection theory
  31. Daisaku Ikeda
  32. Isolobal principle
  33. Bateson's cube
  34. Purinergic signalling
  35. Crile mosquito clamp
  36. Opponent process
  37. Machiavellian intelligence
  38. Brain: A Journal of Neurology
  39. Restriction modification system
  40. Epidemic Intelligence Service
  41. Homologous recombination
  42. Neutral theory of molecular evolution
  43. Magnetostratigraphy
  44. Biogeochemistry
  45. Radiogeology
  46. AeroVironment
  47. Steam pumps
  48. 16 Personality Factors
  49. Cumulative recorder
  50. Air crib
  51. Teaching machine
  52. Verbal summator
  53. Therapeutic techniques for children
  54. Student-centered learning
  55. The Person-centered approach
  56. General Problem Solver
  57. Pirahã people
  58. Papyrology
  59. Room 40

جستارهای وابسته



  1. "Atheism: Review. Ambiguity among religious terms. Origin of "Atheist." Resolving the ambiguity". Religioustolerance.org. Archived from the original on 6 December 2010. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  2. Dagobert D. Runes (1942). "Dictionary of Philosophy". Kessinger Publishing. (a) the belief that there is no God; (b) Some philosophers have been called "atheistic" because they have not held to a belief in a personal God. Atheism in this sense means "not theistic". The former meaning of the term is a literal rendering. The latter meaning is a less rigorous use of the term though widely current in the history of thought
  3. Emil O. W. Kirkegaard. "Nobel prize winners are very unlikely to be religious". emilkirkegaard. Retrieved 2 September 2020. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  4. ۴٫۰ ۴٫۱ ۴٫۲ ۴٫۳ ۴٫۴ Edward J. Larson; Larry Witham (23 July 1998). "Leading scientists still reject God". Nature. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  5. Pew research center (2009). "Scientists and Belief". Pew research center. Retrieved 31 August 2020.
  6. Vicki Daitch; Lillian Hoddeson (2002). "Last Journey". True Genius:: The Life and Science of John Bardeen. Joseph Henry Press. p. 313. ISBN 978-0-309-16954-7. Every time we attend a funeral service," Jane had once told her sister Betty, "we decide again that we want no such ceremony when we die." She and John agreed that the family could, if they wanted to, have a memorial service conducted by friends and family, "but not a sermon by a stranger, who, if a minister, is bound to dwell on life after death and other religious ideas in which we have no faith.
  7. Robert William Reid (1974). Marie Curie. New American Library. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-00-211539-1. Archived from the original on 11 June 2016. Retrieved 2 September 2020. Unusually at such an early age, she became what T.H. Huxley had just invented a word for: agnostic.
  8. Dan Barker (2011). "The Good Atheist: Living a Purpose-Filled Life Without God". Ulysses Press. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Pierre belonged to no religion and I did not practice any
  9. István Hargittai (April 1999). "Interview: Frederick Sanger". The Chemical Intelligencer. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 6–11. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help) This interview, which took place on 16 September 1997, was republished in Hargittai, István (2002). "Chapter 5: Frederick Sanger". Candid science II: conversations with famous biomedical scientists. London: Imperial College Press. pp. 73–83. ISBN 978-1-86094-288-4.
  10. Anjana Ahuja (12 January 2000). "The double Nobel laureate who began the book of life". The Times. London. p. 40. Archived from the original on 11 December 2008. Retrieved 18 October 2010 – via warwick.ac.uk.
  11. Bertrand Russell (1947). "Am I An Atheist or an Agnostic?". Encyclopedia of Things. Archived from the original on 22 June 2005. Retrieved 2 September 2020. I never know whether I should say "Agnostic" or whether I should say "Atheist"... As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one prove (sic) that there is not a God. On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think I ought to say that I am an Atheist...
  12. Bertrand Russell (2009). The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell. Routledge Classics. p. 568. ISBN 978-0-203-87539-1. Retrieved 29 August 2020.
  13. Lucas Garron (December 2010). "Background & Currents". National socialism and the death of German mathematics (PDF). p. 8. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 May 2015. Retrieved 9 July 2012. Hilbert was famously atheist, but mathematics at the time often bordered on philosophy
  14. Constance Reid (1996). "Hilbert". New York: Springer-Verlag. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Mathematics is a presuppositionless science. To found it I do not need God, as does Kronecker, or the assumption of a special faculty of our understanding attuned to the principle of mathematical induction, as does Poincaré, or the primal intuition of Brouwer, or, finally, as do Russell and Whitehead, axioms of infinity, reducibility, or completeness, which in fact are actual, contentual assumptions that cannot be compensated for by consistency proofs.
  15. Michael R. Matthews (2009). Science, Worldviews and Education. Springer. p. 129. ISBN 9789048127795. As is well known, Hilbert rejected Leopold Kronecker's God for the solution of the problem of the foundations of mathematics.
  16. ۱۶٫۰ ۱۶٫۱ ۱۶٫۲ Gaspard Gourgaud (1904). "Talks of Napoleon at St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud". University of California Libraries. p. 274. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Napoleon replies: "How comes it, then, that Laplace was an atheist? At the Institute neither he nor Monge, nor Berthollet, nor Lagrange believed in God. But they did not like to say so.
  17. Birgitta Lemmel (1872). "A Budget of Paradoxes". Longmans. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Napoleon said to Pierre Simon Laplace: "You have written this huge book on the system of the world without once mentioning the author of the universe [God]." Laplace replied: "Sire, I had no need of that hypothesis." Quoted in Augustus De Morgan
  18. Roger Hahn (2005). "Pierre Simon Laplace, 1749-1827: A Determined Scientist". Harvard University Press. Retrieved 20 August 2020. The Catholic newspaper La Quotidienne [The Daily] announced that Laplace had died in the arms of two curés (priests), implying that he had a proper Catholic end, but this is not credible. To the end, he remained a skeptic, wedded to his deterministic creed and to an uncompromised ethos derived from his vast scientific experience.
  19. Eric v.d. Luft (16 September 2020). "Laplace Theorizes That The Solar System Originated From A Cloud Of Gas". Retrieved 20 August 2020. The two greatest astronomers of Revolutionary and Napoleonic France were Laplace and his rival, Joseph Jérôme Le Français de Lalande (1732-1807), director of the Paris Observatory. Both were atheists.
  20. Sylvia Nasar (2011). "Chapter 17: Bad Boys". A Beautiful Mind. Simon and Schuster. p. 143. ISBN 978-1-4391-2649-3. In this circle, Nash learned to make a virtue of necessity, styling himself self-consciously as a "free thinker." He announced that he was an atheist.
  21. Sylvia Nasar (1999). A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr. , Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-684-85370-3. Nash, by then an atheist, balked at a Catholic ceremony. He would have been happy to get married in city hall.
  22. Joseph McCabe (2013). "A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers". Literary Licensing. ISBN 978-1-258-82608-6. Retrieved 20 August 2020. In his last words (published as Last Thoughts, 1913) he entirely rejects Christianity and believes in God only in the sense that he is the moral ideal. In effect he was an atheist.
  23. Henri Poincaré (2014). "Henri Poincaré: Dernières Pensées". Nabu Press. p. 138. ISBN 978-1-294-57152-0. Les dogmes des religions révélées ne sont pas les seuls à craindre. L'empreinte que le catholicisme a imprimée sur l'âme occidentale a été si profonde que bien des esprits à peine affranchis ont eu la nostalgie de la servitude et se sont efforcés de reconstituer des Eglises ; c'est ainsi que certaines écoles positivistes ne sont qu'un catholicisme sans Dieu. Auguste Comte lui- même rêvait de discipliner les âmes et certains de ses disciples, exagérant la pensée du maître, deviendraient bien vite des ennemis de la science s'ils étaient les plus forts.
  24. Galina Weinstein (2012). A Biography of Henri Poincaré - 2012 Centenary of the Death of Poincaré. Arxiv. Retrieved 18 August 2020.
  25. Dana Mackenzie (2006). "Breakthrough of the year. The Poincaré Conjecture—Proved". Science. pp. 1848–1849. doi:10.1126/science.314.5807.1848. PMID 17185565. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
  26. Paul Gray (29 March 1999). "Computer Scientist: Alan Turing". Time. Retrieved 20 August 2020. This loss shattered Turing's religious faith and led him into atheism...
  27. "Alan Turing: Father of the computer". BBC News. 28 April 1999. Retrieved 20 August 2020. He was an atheist...
  28. Steve Batterson (2007). Steven Smale: The Mathematician Who Broke the Dimension Barrier. American Mathematical Soc. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-8218-2696-6. Jack and Norm were religious individuals, whereas Steve was an atheist who had never been inside a church.
  29. Colm Mulcahy (2013-03-26). "Centenary of Mathematician Paul Erdős -- Source of Bacon Number Concept". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2 September 2020. In his own words, "I'm not qualified to say whether or not God exists. I kind of doubt He does. Nevertheless, I'm always saying that the SF has this transfinite Book that contains the best proofs of all mathematical theorems, proofs that are elegant and perfect...You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in the Book."
  30. Charles Seife (1994). "Mathemagician". The Sciences. Archived from the original on 9 November 2020. Retrieved 31 August 2020. Conway propped up the pillow behind his head and grinned. "I like showing off. When I make a new discovery, and I really like telling people about it. I guess I'm not so much a mathematician as a teacher. In America, kids aren't supposed to like mathematics. It's so sad.' Conway sat up suddenly. 'Most people think that mathematics is cold. But it's not at all! For me, the whole damn thing is sensual and exciting. I like what it looks like, and I get a hell of a lot more pleasure out of math than most people do out of art!' He relaxed slightly, and he lowered his voice. 'I feel like an artist. I like beautiful things – they're there already; man doesn't have to create it. I don't believe in God, but I believe that nature is unbelievably subtle and clever. In physics, for instance, the real answer to a problem is usually so subtle and surprising that it wasn't even considered in the first place. That the speed of light is a constant – impossible! Nobody even thought about it. And quantum mechanics is even worse, but it's so beautiful, and it works!
  31. Jonathan Israel (2011). Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights 1750–1790. Oxford University Press. p. 115. ISBN 978-0-19-954820-0. D'Alembert, though privately an atheist and materialist, presented the respectable public face of 'la philosophie' in the French capital while remaining henceforth uninterruptedly aligned with Voltaire.
  32. James E. Force; Richard Henry Popkin (1990). James E. Force; Richard Henry Popkin (eds.). Essays on the Context, Nature, and Influence of Isaac Newton's Theology. Springer. p. 167. ISBN 978-0-7923-0583-5. Unlike the French and English deists, and unlike the scientific atheists such as Diderot, d'Alembert, and d'Holbach,...
  33. T. O. Shaposhnikova (1999). Jacques Hadamard: A Universal Mathematician. American Mathematical Soc. pp. 33–34. ISBN 978-0-8218-1923-4. In 1924, Hadamard recounted his meetings with Hermite: "...When Hermite loved to direct to me remarks such as: "He who strays from the paths traced by Providence crashes." These were the words of a profoundly religious man, but an atheist like me understood them very well, especially when he added at other times: "In mathematics, our role is more that of servant than master.
  34. Lisa Drostova (30 April 2003). "Hit Play on Ramanujan". East Bay Express. Archived from the original on 16 October 2007. Hardy... was a stringent atheist...
  35. Andrew Hodges (2002). "Alan Turing — a Cambridge Scientific Mind". Cambridge Scientific Minds. Retrieved 2 September 2020. The first Bombe to be delivered was named Agnus by Turing: a joke that atheist Hardy might have made...
  36. "Herbert Hauptman". The Telegraph. 27 October 2011. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Outside the field of scientific research, he was known for his outspoken atheism: belief in God, he once declared, is not only incompatible with good science, but is "damaging to the wellbeing of the human race.
  37. "Sam Karlin, mathematician who improved DNA analysis, dies". Stanford Report. January 16, 2008. Retrieved 2 September 2020. Karlin was born in Yonova, Poland, in 1924. His family immigrated to Chicago when he was a small child and struggled financially through the Great Depression. He was raised in a strict Orthodox Jewish household but broke with religion in his early teens and remained an atheist for the rest of his life.
  38. Venjamin Fedorovič Kagan (1957). N. Lobachevsky and His Contribution to Science. Foreign Languages Publishing House. p. 29. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  39. Bardi, Jason (2008). The Fifth Postulate: How Unraveling a Two Thousand Year Old Mystery Unraveled the Universe. John Wiley & Sons. p. 186. ISBN 978-0-470-46736-7.
  40. Gely P. Basharin; Amy N. Langville; Valeriy A. Naumov. "The Life and Work of A. A. Markov" (PDF). University of Florida. p. 6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 November 2020. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Of course, Markov, an atheist and eventual excommunicate of the Church quarreled endlessly with his equally outspoken counterpart Nekrasov. The disputes between Markov and Nekrasov were not limited to mathematics and religion, they quarreled over political and philosophical issues as well.
  41. Loren R. Graham; Jean-Michel Kantor (2009). Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity. Harvard University Press. p. 69. ISBN 978-0-674-03293-4. Markov (1856–1922), on the other hand, was an atheist and a strong critic of the Orthodox Church and the tsarist government (Nekrasov exaggeratedly called him a Marxist).
  42. William Poundstone (2005). Fortune's Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street. Hill and Wang: New York. p. 18. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Shannon described himself as an atheist and was outwardly apolitical.
  43. Craig P. Bauer (2013). "10: Claude Shannon". Secret History: The Story of Cryptology. Retrieved 19 August 2020.
  44. D. H. Mellor (2004). "Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903–1930)". Oxford University Press. Retrieved 20 August 2020. His tolerance and good humour enabled him to disagree strongly without giving or taking offence, for example with his brother Michael Ramsey whose ordination (he went on to become archbishop of Canterbury) Ramsey, as a militant atheist, naturally regretted.
  45. John Allen Paulos (2008). Irreligion: A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don't Add Up. Hill and Wang. ISBN 978-0-8090-5919-5. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  46. Sharon Bertsch Mcgrayne (2012). The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy: Yale UP. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-18822-6. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Karl Pearson...was a zealous atheist...
  47. Theodore M. Porter (2004). Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12635-7. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  48. Norman H. Horowitz (17 February 2013). "In Memoriam: Robert R. Phelps (1926-2013)". Retrieved 20 August 2020. Bob Phelps was a convinced atheist and, rare for an American, almost militant in his views.
  49. Doug Renselle. "A Review of Amy Wallace's The Prodigy". Quantonics, Inc. Retrieved 2 September 2020. Rabid atheist by age six. (His father, Boris, was too, but intensely studied great religious works.)
  50. Vincent Cronin (1981). The view from planet Earth: Man looks at the cosmos. p. 164. ISBN 978-0-688-00642-6. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Yet, sailing to Egypt, he had lain on deck, asking his scientists whether the planets were inhabited, how old the Earth was, and whether it would perish by fire or by flood. Many, like his friend Gaspard Monge, the first man to liquefy a gas, were atheists.
  51. Laure Junot Abrantès (1881). Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family, Volume 2. D. Appleton. p. 276.
  52. "Jacob Appelbaum (Part 1/2) Digital Anti-Repression Workshop - April 26, 2012". Retrieved 2 September 2020. Like, for me, as an atheist, bisexual, Jew, I'm gonna go on, uh - oh and Emma Goldman is one of my great heroes and I really think that anarchism is a fantastic principle by which to fashion a utopian society even if we can't get there.
  53. Replied to an user in his Twitter "I don't believe in god, but I don't see any correlation between religiosity and human virtues. Merry Xmas everyone!" https://twitter.com/ID_AA_Carmack/status/18382634732224512
  54. David Craddock (4 December 2017). "Rocket Jump: Quake and the Golden Age of First-Person Shooters". Shacknews. Retrieved 31 August 2020. "Having a reasonable grounding in statistics and probability and no belief in luck, fate, karma, or god(s), the only casino game that interests me is blackjack," he wrote in a .plan file. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  55. Linux Journal (1 November 1999). "Interview: Linus Torvalds". Retrieved 20 August 2020. [I am] completely a-religious—atheist. I find that people seem to think religion brings morals and appreciation of nature.
  56. Matthew Philips (2 September 2020). "Danny Pearl's Parents Seek Unity". The Newsweek. Retrieved 5 September 2006. I turned secular at the age of 11, by divine revelation. [Laughs.] I was standing on the roof of the house my father built, looking down on the street and suddenly it became very clear to me that there is no God."
  57. "About John McCarthy". Stanford.edu. Retrieved 20 August 2020. I mention that I am indeed an atheist. To count oneself as an atheist one need not claim to have a proof that no gods exist. One need merely think that the evidence on the god question is in about the same state as the evidence on the werewolf question.
  58. Kevin Kelly (2011). What Technology Wants. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-312017-9. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Evolution moves toward greater complexity, greater elegance, greater knowledge, greater intelligence, greater beauty, greater creativity, and greater levels of subtle attributes such as love. In every monotheistic tradition God is likewise described as all of these qualities, only without any limitation.... So evolution moves inexorably toward this conception of God, although never quite reaching this ideal.
  59. Leon M. Lederman; Judith A. Scheppler (2001). "Marvin Minsky: Mind Maker". Portraits of Great American Scientists. Prometheus Books. p. 74. ISBN 978-1-57392-932-5. Another area where he "goes against the flow" is in his spiritual beliefs. As far as religion is concerned, he's a confirmed atheist. "I think it [religion] is a contagious mental disease. . . . The brain has a need to believe it knows a reason for things.
  60. Marvin Minsky (1988). The Society of Mind. Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-671-65713-0. Retrieved 20 August 2020. When we reflect on anything for long enough, we're likely to end up with what we sometimes call "basic" questions – ones we can see no way at all to answer. For we have no perfect way to answer even this question: How can one tell when a question has been properly answered? What caused the universe, and why? What is the purpose of life? How can you tell which beliefs are true? How can you tell what is good? These questions seem different on the surface, but all of them share one quality that makes them impossible to answer: all of them are circular! You can never find a final cause, since you must always ask one question more: "What caused that cause?" You can never find any ultimate goal, since you're always obliged to ask, "Then what purpose does that serve?" Whenever you find out why something is good-or is true-you still have to ask what makes that reason good and true. No matter what you discover, at every step, these kinds of questions will always remain, because you have to challenge every answer with, "Why should I accept that answer?" Such circularities can only waste our time by forcing us to repeat, over and over and over again, "What good is Good?" and, "What god made God?
  61. René Bösch (2007). Labyrinth of Digressions: Tristram Shandy as Perceived and Influenced by Sterne's Early Imitators. Rodopi. p. 265. ISBN 9789042022911. Maupertuis was an atheist friend of La Mettrie.
  62. Scott Aaronson (16 January 2007). "Long-awaited God post". Shtetl-Optimized – The Blog of Scott Aaronson. Retrieved 2 September 2020. If you'd asked, I would've told you that I, like yourself, am what most people would call a disbelieving atheist infidel heretic.
  63. John D. Cook (24 September 2013). "Interview with Sir Michael Atiyah". www.johndcook.com. Retrieved 2 September 2020. I’m an optimist. I believe in new ideas, in progress. It’s faith. I’ve recently been thinking about faith. If you’re a religious person, which I’m not, you believe God created the universe.
  64. Robert Cailliau. "Atheism". www.cailliau.org. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 2 September 2020. As Richard Dawkins points out, I have no obligation to explain why I am an atheist, it’s for those who believe in a god to supply evidence. Atheism, religion, science and ethics are linked: Religion provides a simple world view based on the existence of one or more gods. Gods are super-beings who are unscrutable, far superior to humans and endowed with supernatural powers. Such a world view starts from the axiom that humans will not be able to understand the world around them. There is no further argument possible: one lives "by the book".
  65. John Snygg (2011). A New Approach to Differential Geometry Using Clifford's Geometric Algebra. Springer. p. 111. ISBN 978-0-8176-8282-8. Retrieved 2 September 2020. However, the dogmatic position of the Anglican Church against Darwin's theory of evolution induced him to reexamine his beliefs. He soon evolved into an agnostic and then an atheist.
  66. John Beloff (1997). Parapsychology: A Concise History (PDF). London: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 47. ISBN 978-0-312-17376-0. Retrieved 2 September 2020. He seems an unlikely convert considering that his atheistic views had debarred him from a position at Oxford or Cambridge but his involvement with spiritualism was partly due to his wife, Sophia.
  67. Augustus De Morgan (1838). An Essay on Probabilities, and Their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans. p. 22. There is a word in our language with which I shall not confuse this subject, both on account of the dishonourable use which is frequently made of it, as an imputation thrown by one sect upon another, and of the variety of significations attached to it. I shall use the world Anti-Deism to signify the opinion that there does not exist a Creator who made and sustains the Universe.
  68. Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan; Augustus De Morgan (1882). Memoir of Augustus De Morgan. London: Cambridge University Press. p. 393. ISBN 978-0-511-70969-2. So you called me an atheist vagabond, fancying that Voltaire was an atheist: he was, in fact, theistic to bigotry, and anti-revolutionist to the same extent.
  69. "Conversation of Eugene Dynkin with Sergei Kuznetsov" (PDF). 25 July 1999. Retrieved 20 August 2020. I realized that the existence of God is not supported by scientific evidence and became an atheist.
  70. D. Padgaonkar (8 February 2013). "Kosambi's uplifting idea Of India". Times of India. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Both were pious — his mother a Hindu, his father a Buddhist — while he himself remained an atheist.
  71. Marcus Ranum. "Ranum's supports Dawkins's "out campaign" for atheists". Retrieved 2 September 2020. Generally, I do not get a lot of satisfaction out of being identified with causes or logos. But – a couple of years ago, when Richard Dawkins started his "out campaign" for atheists, I thought that showing my support was not a bad idea.
  72. Marcus du Sautoy (28 October 2008). "Science Extra: Marcus du Sautoy steps into Dawkins' boots". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  73. Laurent Schwartz (2001). A Mathematician Grappling With His Century. Springer. p. 193. ISBN 978-3-7643-6052-8. My parents were atheists, I was an atheist, I never really felt Jewish.
  74. Alan Sokal (2010). Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-956183-4. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Biblical scholar Jacques Berlinerblau points out, in the book, that most contemporary atheists and agnostics — myself included, I must confess — are astoundingly ignorant of the details of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur'an (not to mention the Bhagavad Gita and the Tripitaka, one could add). … When all is said and done, I see no reason to amend my judgment that the existence of the Jewish, Christian, Islamic or Hindu gods is about as plausible, given the currently available evidence, as the existence of Zeus or Thor.
  75. Steven G. Krantz (2002). Mathematical Apocrypha: Stories and Anecdotes of Mathematicians and the Mathematical. Mathematical Association of America. p. 202. ISBN 978-0-88385-539-3. Retrieved 2 September 2020. Steinhaus was an outspoken atheist.
  76. Anita Burdman Feferman; Solomon Feferman (2004). Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic. Cambridge University Press. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-521-71401-3. Most of the Socialist Party members were also in favor of assimilation, and Tarski's political allegiance was socialist at the time. So, along with its being a practical move, becoming more Polish than Jewish was an ideological statement and was approved by many, though not all, of his colleagues. As to why Tarski, a professed atheist, converted, that just came with the territory and was part of the package: if you were going to be Polish then you had to say you were Catholic.
  77. Howard B. Rock; Paul A. Gilje; Robert Asher, eds. (1995). American Artisans: Crafting Social Identity, 1750–1850. JHU Press. p. 115. ISBN 978-0-8018-5029-5. Wright was the son of a Connecticut farmer and teacher who moved his family to the Ohio frontier in 1810 to start a farm and open an academy. He was a quirky man who rejected evangelicalism for atheism, and Garrisonianism for the Liberty party, and then the Free Soilers.
  78. Lawrence B. Goodheart (1990). Abolitionist, Actuary, Atheist: Elizur Wright and the Reform Impulse. Kent State Univ Pr. ISBN 978-0-87338-397-4. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Biographer describes him as "an evangelical atheist, an impassioned actuary, a liberal who advocated state regulation, an individualist who championed social cooperation, and a very private public crusader"
  79. Carol Parikh (2008). The Unreal Life of Oscar Zariski. Springer. p. 5. ISBN 978-0-387-09429-8. Retrieved 2 September 2020. and yet it did, even though since moving into the boarding house he had become an atheist and most of his friends, including his best friend, were Russians.
  80. Joseph McCabe (1945). A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers. Haldeman-Julius Publications. Retrieved 3 September 2020. He was not only a distinguished German physicist and one of the most famous inventors on the staff at the Zeiss optical works at Jena but a notable social reformer, By a generous scheme of profit-sharing he virtually handed over the great Zeiss enterprise to the workers. Abbe was an intimate friend of Haeckel and shared his atheism (or Monism). Leonard Abbot says in his life of Ferrer that Abbe had "just the same ideas and aims as Ferrer.
  81. Fay Ajzenberg-Selove (1994). A Matter of Choices: Memoirs of a Female Physicist. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP. ISBN 978-0-8135-2035-3. I explained carefully to Louis that I was a Jew and an atheist...
  82. Alice Shalvi (7 February 2009). "Fay Ajzenberg-Selove". Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  83. "Prominent Russians: Zhores Alferov". RT.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020. In public life the scientist is a strong supporter of communism, an atheist strongly objecting to advancement of religious education in Russia, and proponent of science and knowledge as the means to see a better future.
  84. "Zhores I. Alferov". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  85. Jim Al-Khalili. "intro BBC - Radio 4 - Science Explorer: Jim Al-Khalili featured in The Life Scientific". BBC.co.uk.com. I find it more comfortable to say I'm an atheist, and for that I probably have someone like Dawkins to thank.
  86. "Jim Al-Khalili: 'I'm a cuddly atheist. I don't need to tell my mum her faith is stupid'". The independent. 23 December 2012. Retrieved 29 August 2020. There is no God.' It's not going to happen. If people turn away from religion it is because they see there is no need in their worldview for a supernatural being guiding how they live their lives.
  87. Philip W. Anderson (2011). "Imaginary Friend, Who Art in Heaven". More and Different: Notes from a Thoughtful Curmudgeon. World Scientific. p. 177. ISBN 9789814350129. We atheists can, as he does, argue that, with the modern revolution in attitudes toward homosexuals, we have become the only group that may not reveal itself in normal social discourse.
  88. Theresa Levitt (2009). The Shadow of Enlightenment: Optical and Political Transparency in France 1789-1848. London: Oxford University Press. p. 105. ISBN 978-0-19-954470-7. The same Arago who spent his time criticizing unfounded myths now peddled them. Arago the atheist now spoke of souls.
  89. "'He brings a humanness to (science) that's very refreshing'". Rediff On The News. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Although he is an atheist, Dr Ashtekar says, his attitude toward work is from the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad Gita.
  90. John Ellis, D. Amati (2000). "Biographical notes on John Bell". Quantum Reflections. Cambridge University Press. p. xi. ISBN 978-0-521-63008-5. Retrieved 28 May 2012. By now, he was also a 'Protestant Atheist', which he remained all his life.
  91. Andrew Whitaker; Mary Bell; Shan Gao (Sep 19, 2016). "1 - John Bell - The Irish Connection". Quantum Nonlocality and Reality: 50 Years of Bell's Theorem. Cambridge University Press. p. 8. ISBN 978-1-107-10434-1. John Bell was certainly not interested in Protestantism as such – his wife Mary [33] has reported that he was an atheist most of his life.
  92. "The Tipp Sage". Irishtimes.com. 11 October 2001. Retrieved 20 August 2020. The Bernals were originally Sephardic Jews who came to Ireland in 1840 from Spain via Amsterdam and London. They converted to Catholicism and John was Jesuit-educated. John enthusiastically supported the Easter Rising and, as a boy, he organised a Society for Perpetual Adoration. He moved away from religion as an adult, becoming an atheist..
  93. "Percy Williams Bridgman". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020. He was raised in the Congregational Church, but faith in God clashed with his well-known analytical nature and he told his family as a young man that he could not in good conscience become a church member.
  94. Maila L. Walter (1990). Science and Cultural Crisis: An Intellectual Biography of Percy Williams Bridgman (1882-1961). Stanford University Press. pp. 14–15. ISBN 978-0-8047-1796-0. Raymond Bridgman was extremely disappointed with his son's rejection of his religious views. Near the end of his life, however, he offered a conciliatory interpretation that allowed him to accept Percy's commitment to honesty and integrity as a moral equivalent to religion.
  95. Ray Monk (2013). Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center. Random House LLC. ISBN 978-0-385-50413-3. In many ways they were opposites; Kemble, the theorist, was a devout Christian, while Bridgman, the experimentalist, was a strident atheist.
  96. Sean M. Carroll (9 May 2013). "Science and Religion Can't Be Reconciled". Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  97. Andrew Brown (1997). The neutron and the bomb: a biography of Sir James Chadwick. Oxford University Press. p. 362. ISBN 978-0-19-853992-6. He was a lifelong atheist and felt no need to develop religious faith as he approached the end of his life.
  98. S. Vishveshwara (1991). "Leaves from an unwritten diary: S. Chandrasekhar, Reminiscences and Reflections" (PDF). Current Science. pp. 1025–1033. Retrieved 3 September 2020. In his later years, Chandra had openly admitted to being an atheist which also meant that he subscribed to no religion in the customary sense of the word.
  99. "Oral Histories, S. Chandrasekhar - Session II". American Institute of Physics. 18 May 1977. Retrieved 20 August 2020. No. In fact, I can characterize myself definitely as an atheist.
  100. Warren Allen Smith (2000). Who's who in hell: a handbook and international directory for humanists, freethinkers, naturalists, rationalists, and non-theists. Barricade Books. p. 259. ISBN 978-1-56980-158-1. Retrieved 30 May 2012. Curie, Pierre (1859—1906) A codiscoverer of radium, Pierre Curie was an atheist.
  101. Ronald Clark (2011). Einstein: The Life and Times. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4482-0270-6. That Einstein's attitude was the result more of muddle than agnostic scruple seems clear from a letter which he wrote less than two years later when Paul Ehrenfest ruled himself out from becoming Einstein's successor by roundly declaring himself an atheist.
  102. Thomas Levenson (2004). Einstein in Berlin. Random House of Canada. p. 172. ISBN 978-0-553-37844-3. The man he had hoped would succeed him in Prague, Paul Ehrenfest, refiased to compromise his true atheist's principles. Einstein scolded him. Your refusal to acknowledge a religious affiliation" was just this side of willful stupidity, he assured him, with the benefit of recent experience. Once he became a professor Ehrenfest could revert to unbelief.
  103. Werner Heisenberg; Arnold J. Pomerans. "Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations". New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 978-0-06-131622-7. Werner Heisenberg recollects a friendly conversation among young participants at the 1927 Solvay conference about Einstein's and Planck's views on religion. Wolfgang Pauli, Heisenberg and Dirac took part in it. Among other things, Dirac said: "I cannot understand why we idle discussing religion. If we are honest — and as scientists honesty is our precise duty — we cannot help but admit that any religion is a pack of false statements, deprived of any real foundation. The very idea of God is a product of human imagination.[...] I do not recognize any religious myth, at least because they contradict one another.[...]" Pauli jokingly said: "Well, I'd say that also our friend Dirac has got a religion and the first commandment of this religion is: God does not exist and Paul Dirac is his prophet.
  104. ۱۰۴٫۰ ۱۰۴٫۱ Linus Pauling & Daisaku Ikeda (1992). A Lifeling Quest for Peace: A Dialogue. Jones & Bartlett. p. 22. ISBN 0-86720-277-7. ... I [Pauling] am not, however, militant in my atheism. The great English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac is a militant atheist. I suppose he is interested in arguing about the existence of God. I am not. It was once quipped that there is no God and Dirac is his prophet.
  105. Helge Kragh (1990). Dirac: A Scientific Biography. Cambridge University Press. pp. 256–257. ISBN 978-0-521-38089-8.
  106. Sara Lippincott (30 August 2009). "Short on words, long on concepts". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Dirac was contemptuous of philosophy and, as many scientists do, professed atheism. But it was a narrow sort, mainly dismissive of religious orthodoxy. In notes he wrote in 1933, he embraces another creed: "[T]his article of faith is that the human race will continue to live for ever and will develop and progress without limit . . . Living is worthwhile if one can contribute in some small way to this endless chain of progress.
  107. Helen Brown (23 Jan 2009). "The Strangest Man: the Hidden Life of Paul Dirac by Graham Farmelo". The Telegraph. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Dirac’s story ends with a whimper. As a young man he had joked that physicists were all washed up by 30 and as he aged his powers waned. The Cambridge physics department took away his parking space and an outraged Manci insisted he take up a fellowship at Florida State University. He died in 1984, aged 82. An atheist, he was buried under a gravestone chosen by Manci. It read “because God said it should be so.
  108. H. B. G. Casimir (2010). Haphazard Reality: Half a Century of Science. Amsterdam University Press. p. 151. ISBN 9789089642004. Kramers was certainly not a dogmatic atheist like, for instance, Dirac in his younger years, whose attitude was summed up by Pauli in one famous sentence: "Our friend Dirac has a religion; and the main tenet of that religion is: 'There is no God and Dirac was his prophet.
  109. Helge Kragh (1990). "Dirac: A Scientific Biography". Cambridge University Press. p. 82. ISBN 978-0-521-38089-8. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  110. "Nobel Laureate Cried Only Once: when he learned that Einstein had died". Newspapers.com. 16 July 2017. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  111. Walter J. Moore (1994). A Life of Erwin Schrödinger. Cambridge University Press. pp. 289–290. ISBN 978-0-521-46934-0. In one respect, however, he is not a romantic: he does not idealize the person of the beloved, his highest praise is to consider her his equal. "When you feel your own equal in the body of a beautiful woman, just as ready to forget the world for you as you for her - oh my good Lord - who can describe what happiness then. You can live it, now and again - you cannot speak of it." Of course, he does speak of it, and almost always with religious imagery. Yet at this time he also wrote, "By the way, I never realized that to be nonbelieving, to be an atheist, was a thing to be proud of. It went without saying as it were." And in another place at about this same time: "Our creed is indeed a queer creed. You others, Christians (and similar people), consider our ethics much inferior, indeed abominable. There is that little difference. We adhere to ours in practice, you don't." Whatever problems they may have had in their love affair, the pangs of conscience were not among them. Sheila was as much an unbeliever as Erwin, but in a less complex, more realistic way. She was never entirely convinced by his vedantic theology.
  112. Andrea Diem-Lane. Spooky Physics. MSAC Philosophy Group. p. 42. ISBN 978-1-56543-080-8. In terms of religion, Schrodinger fits in the atheist camp. He even lost a marriage proposal to his love, Felicie Krauss, not only due to his social status but his lack of religious affiliation. He was known as a freethinker who did not believe in god. But interestingly Schrodinger had a deep connection to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Eastern philosophy in general. Erwin studied numerous books on Eastern thought as well as the Hindu scriptures. He was enthralled with Vedanta thought and connected ideas of oneness and unity of mind with his research on quantum physics, specifically wave mechanics.
  113. Moore, Walter (1994). A Life of Erwin Schrödinger. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-46934-0. Schopenhauer often called himself an atheist, as did Schrodinger, and if Buddhism and Vedanta can be truly described as atheistic religions, both the philosopher and his scientific disciple were indeed atheists. They both rejected the idea of a "personal God, and Schopenhauer thought that pantheism is only a euphemism for atheism.
  114. Moore, Walter (1989). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. ISBN 0-521-43767-9. He rejected traditional religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naive.
  115. Walter J. Moore (1992). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. Cambridge University Press. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-521-43767-7. He claimed to be an atheist, but he always used religious symbolism and believed his scientific work was an approach to the godhead.
  116. "Erwin Schrodinger" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 May 2014. Retrieved 3 September 2020. He claimed to be an atheist, but he used religious symbolism and believed that his scientific work was 'an approach to God.
  117. Gennady Gorelik; Antonina W. Bouis (2005). The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom. Oxford University Press. p. 356. ISBN 978-0-19-515620-1. Apparently Sakharov did not need to delve any deeper into it for a long time, remaining a totally nonmilitant atheist with an open heart.
  118. Gennadiĭ Efimovich Gorelik; Antonina W. Bouis (2005). The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom. Oxford University Press. p. 158. ISBN 978-0-19-515620-1. Sakharov was not invited to this seminar. Like most of the physicists of his generation, he was an atheist.
  119. Todd K. Shackelford; Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, eds. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War. Oxford University Press. p. 465. ISBN 978-0-19-973840-3. The Soviet dissident most responsible for defeating communism, Andrei Sakharov, was an atheist.
  120. Jason Boyett (3 September 2010). "Stephen Hawking says there's no creator God; the twitterverse reacts". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 29 June 2012.
  121. Stanley-Becker Isaac (15 October 2018). "Stephen Hawking feared race of 'superhumans' able to manipulate their own DNA". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 15 October 2018. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  122. Alan S. Thorndike (2007). Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads: New Perspectives From History, Philosophy And Physics. Springer. p. 71. ISBN 978-3-540-32663-2. Asked to join Le Conseil de l'Union Catholique des Scientifiques Français, Louis declined because, he said, he had ceased the religious practices of his youth.
  123. John Kimball (2015). Physics Curiosities, Oddities, and Novelties. CRC Press. p. 323. ISBN 978-1-4665-7636-0.
  124. R. S. Cohen; Raymond J. Seeger (1975). Ernst Mach, Physicist and Philosopher. Springer. p. 158. ISBN 978-90-277-0016-2. And Mach, in personal conviction, was a socialist and an atheist.
  125. Gregory Scott Charak (2007). Between Soul and Precision: Ernst Mach's Biological Empiricism and the Social Democratic Philosophy of Science. ProQuest. p. 94. ISBN 978-0-549-12973-8. Both make explicit claims against the pseudo-problems generated by materialism, and although Mach the atheist would have no gripe with irreligion per se, as a pacifist and a socialist he was indeed an ardent proponent of peace.
  126. Helge Kragh (2004). Matter And Spirit In The Universe: Scientific And Religious Preludes To Modern Cosmology. OECD Publishing. p. 55. ISBN 978-1-86094-469-7. The Austrian positivist physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach was nominally a Catholic, but in reality he was an atheist and strongly opposed to Christian doctrines.
  127. Eugene Paul Wigner; Andrew Szanton (1992). Andrew Szanton (ed.). The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner As Told to Andrew Szanton. Basic Books. pp. 60–61. ISBN 978-0-306-44326-8. Neither did I want to be a clergyman. I liked a good sermon. But religion tells people how to behave and that I could never do. Clergymen also had to assume and advocate the presence of God, and proofs of God's existence seemed to me quite unsatisfactory. People claimed that He had made our earth. Well, how had He made it? With an earth-making machine? Someone once asked Saint Augustine, "What did the Lord do before he created the world?" And Saint Augustine is said to have answered, "He created Hell for people who ask such questions." A retort perhaps made in jest, but I knew of none better. I saw that I could not know anything of God directly, that His presence was a matter of belief, I did not have that belief, and preaching without belief is repulsive. So I could not be a clergyman, however many people might gain salvation. And my parents never pressed the point.
  128. Ana Elena Azpurua (24 March 2008). "Will Physicists Find God?". Newsweek. p. 3. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Azpurua: Would it be accurate to say that you are an atheist?; Weinberg: Yes. I don't believe in God, but I don't make a religion out of not believing in God. I don't organize my life around that.
  129. C. Johnson (6 December 2005). "Duff on Susskind". Discovermagazine. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Nevertheless, no less a person than Nobel laureate and arch-atheist Steven Weinberg believes that one particular constant of nature - Einstein's cosmological constant Λ - may be anthropically determined.
  130. Richard Dawkins (2008). "The God Delusion". Mariner Books. ISBN 978-0-618-91824-9. In the book Richard Dawkins identifies Steven Weinberg as an atheist
  131. Steven Weinberg. "A Designer Universe?". Physlink.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
  132. Frank Close (9 August 2001). "Dark side of the moon". The Guardian. p. 8. When describing a total solar eclipse, Close wrote: "It was simultaneously ghastly, beautiful, supernatural. Even for a 21st century atheist, the vision was such that I thought, "If there is a heaven, this is what its entrance is like." The heavenly vision demanded music by Mozart; instead we had the crickets." {{cite web}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help); Missing or empty |url= (help)
  133. Gal Beckerman (26 January 2011). "Creator of Neutron Bomb Leaves an Explosive Legacy". Forward Association, Inc. Retrieved 3 September 2020. As for his own Jewish identity, Cohen was an avowed atheist who was cremated after he died, against Jewish tradition. But still he was proud of being Jewish, his daughter said, and even had a kind of “arrogant attitude” about Jewish intelligence.
  134. "Georges Charpak". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  135. Georges Charpak; Henri Broch (2004). "Debunked!: ESP, Telekinesis, and Other Pseudoscience". Johns Hopkins U Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-7867-1.
  136. Dirk van Delft (2005). "Heike Kamerlingh Onnes. Een biografie". dbnl (به هلندی). Retrieved 20 August 2020. which prevented the atheist De Haas had nothing to do with the Catholic piety of Keesom.
  137. Peter Byrne (2010). The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family. p. 29. Everett was a life-long atheist, but he did not let that stand in his way as St. John's was well-regarded academically and socially.
  138. "Last outer space repair of Hubble telescope pairs genius of two South Bay women". East Bay Times. 9 May 2009. Retrieved 20 August 2020. An atheist, Faber speaks like an evangelist as she weaves quantum physics and astronomy to describe the dawn of time. "I think that the story of the creation of the universe is the most inspiring and exciting story science can tell. I mean, who would have thought I could be telling you about events 10 to the minus 35 seconds after the big bang?" she said, seated in her cluttered, sunny UC Santa Cruz office amid photos of her two daughters and her husband. "It's just totally inspiring.
  139. Denis Brian (2008). The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries. Basic Books. p. 49. ISBN 978-0-465-01139-1. Interviewer: Do you call yourself an agnostic or an atheist? Feynman: An atheist. Agnostic for me would be trying to weasel out and sound a little nicer than I am about this.
  140. Feynman was of Jews birth, but described himself as "an avowed Atheism" by his early youth in Freethought of the Day, Freedom From Religion Foundation, May 11, 2006.
  141. John Morrish. Don't You Have Time to Think?', Particle Physics: The Route to Pop Stardom. Independent. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Having abandoned the tenets of Judaism at 13, he never wavered in his gentle atheism, nor in his determination to stay away from matters about which he had opinions but no expertise.[پیوند مرده]
  142. Paul C. W. Davies (2008). "Superstrings: A Theory of Everything?". Cambridge University Press. pp. 208–209. ISBN 978-0-521-43775-2. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  143. David Nachmansohn (1979). German-Jewish pioneers in science, 1900–1933: highlights in atomic physics, chemistry, and biochemistry. Springer-Verlag. p. 62. ISBN 978-3-540-90402-1. Retrieved 20 August 2020. James Franck was born in Hamburg, the son of a Jewish banker. ...As he said, science was his God and nature his religion. He did not insist that his daughters attend religious instruction classes (Religionsunterricht) in school. But he was very proud of his Jewish heritage...
  144. Flynn Remedios (17 December 2008). "Nobel laureate Friedman: Time travel is not possible". Archived from the original on 7 December 2017. An atheist himself, Friedman refused to answer theological questions... {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  145. Dagens Nyheter (10 December 2006). "Atlantseglaren från Bromma vill tänja gränsen mot rymden". Dagens Nyheter. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  146. "Gamow, George and Edward Teller". The George Washington University and Foggy Bottom Historical Encyclopedia. 23 October 1996. Archived from the original on 13 June 2010. ANDERSON: What, uh, one thing I’m fascinated with is, of course, George Gamow left the university in ’59 [1956], and Edward Teller had left in 1946 [1945] and went to the University of Chicago. But do you have any recollections of maybe some of the, anything between Dr. Marvin and Dr. Gamow, as far as, just before he left and went to Colorado?; NAESER: Ah, no, I don’t know of any. I know Gamow made no, never did hide the fact that he was an atheist, but whether that came into the picture, I don’t know. But the story around the university was that Gamow and Mrs. Gamow were divorced, but they were in the same social circles some of the time, he thought it was better to get out of Washington. That’s why he went to Ohio State.
  147. Grote Reber. "The Big Bang Is Bunk" (PDF). 21st Century Science Associates. p. 44. Retrieved 28 May 2012. After the initial mathematical work on relativity the ory had been done, the Big Bang theory itself was invented by a Belgian priest, Georges lemaitre, im proved upon by an avowed atheist, George Gamow, and is now all but universally accepted by those who hold advanced degrees in astronomy and the physical sciences, despite its obvious absurdity.
  148. Simon Singh (2010). Big Bang. HarperCollins UK. ISBN 978-0-00-737550-9. Surprisingly, the atheist George Gamow enjoyed the Papal attention given to his field of research.
  149. Jane Gregory (2005). "Fighting for space". Fred Hoyle's Universe. Oxford University Press. p. 71. ISBN 978-0-19-157846-5. Gamow was, like Hoyle, an atheist, but he was familiar with organized religion: his grandfather was the Metropolitan, the senior bishop, of Odessa Cathedral.
  150. "Ginzburg's autobiography". Nobelprize.org. Retrieved 20 August 2020. I am an atheist, that is, I think nothing exists except and beyond nature.
  151. "Gordon Gould". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  152. "Gordon Gould". 18 May 2019. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Born in New York City, Gould was the oldest of three sons. Both his parents were Methodists that were active in their community church, but Gould himself was an atheist.
  153. Alan Guth (1998). The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins. INGRAM PUBLISHER SERVICES US. ISBN 0-201-32840-2. Retrieved 20 August 2020. The question of the origin of the matter in the universe is no longer thought to be beyond the range of science — everything can be created from nothing...it is fair to say that the universe is the ultimate free lunch.
  154. Ian Sample (17 November 2007). "The God of Small Things". The Guardian. Retrieved 31 August 2020. Officially, the particle is called the Higgs boson, but its elusive nature and fundamental role in the creation of the universe led a prominent scientist to rename it the God particle. The name has stuck, but makes Higgs wince and raises the hackles of other theorists. "I wish he hadn't done it," he says. "I have to explain to people it was a joke. I'm an atheist, but I have an uneasy feeling that playing around with names like that could be unnecessarily offensive to people who are religious.
  155. Magdolna Hargittai; Istv n Hargittai (2004). "Candid Science IV: Conversations with Famous Physicists". Imperial College Press. p. 684. ISBN 978-1-86094-416-1. Retrieved 31 August 2020. No, I am not religious [...] I consider myself a very moral person but I do not need a religion for that.
  156. "Raised in a completely nonreligious family, Joliot never attended any church and was a thoroughgoing atheist all his life." Perrin, Francis: "Joliot, Frédéric", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 7 p. 151. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  157. "Irène Joliot-Curie". Making the Modern World. 17 March 1956. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  158. "Joliot-Curie, Irène". Encyclopedia.com. 17 March 2012. Retrieved 20 August 2020. It was to her grandfather, a convinced freethinker, that Irène owed her atheism, later politically expressed as anticlericalism.
  159. Denis Brian (2005). The Curies: A Biography of the Most Controversial Family in Science. Wiley. p. 389. ISBN 978-0-471-27391-2. There were no prayers: Irene was deeply atheist.
  160. Lawrence M. Krauss (26 June 2009). "God and Science Don't Mix: A scientist can be a believer. But professionally, at least, he can't act like one". The Wall Street Journal. p. A15. Retrieved 20 August 2020. ...I had the opportunity to participate in several exciting panel discussions at the World Science Festival in New York City. But the most dramatic encounter took place at the panel strangely titled 'Science, Faith and Religion.'... I ended up being one of two panelists labeled 'atheists.'...". On the 21 June 2012 'Colbert Report, the author of A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing told Colbert: "There is no evidence for any deity.... You don't need him.... There's no need for God." The evolutions of the universe occur "without any supernatural shenanigans.
  161. Henry F. Schaefer (2003). Science and Christianity: Conflict Or Coherence?. The Apollos Trust. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-9742975-0-7. I present here two examples of notable atheists. The first is Lev Landau, the most brilliant Soviet physicist of the twentieth century.
  162. "Lev Landau". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  163. Babu Gogineni (10 July 2012). "It's the Atheist Particle, actually". Postnoon News. Archived from the original on 11 July 2012. Retrieved 10 July 2012. Leon Lederman is himself an atheist and he regrets the term, and Peter Higgs who is an atheist too, has expressed his displeasure, but the damage has been done!
  164. Jack Morrell (2004). "Leslie, Sir John (1766–1832)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 3 September 2020. In these years Leslie was an unsuccessful candidate for the chairs of natural philosophy at the universities of St Andrews and Glasgow respectively. He failed at the former because he was then an extreme whig and an atheist who deplored the Erastianism of many of the Scottish clergy.
  165. Oliver Knill (14 July 1998). "Supernovae, an alpine climb and space travel". Retrieved 3 September 2020. Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life. (Source: "Everybody a genius"). In a diary entry of 1971, he writes "To base the unexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature onto an other miracle God is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker.
  166. Swiss-American Historical Society (2006). Newsletter, Volumes 42-43. The Society. p. 17. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life. A 1971 diary entry states: "To base the inexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature upon another miracle, God, is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker." According to one story, Zwicky once discussed the beginning of the universe with a priest. The priest, quoting Scriptures, stated that the universe had started with "and there is light." Zwicky replied that he would buy this, if instead God had said "and there is electronmagnetism.
  167. Alfred Driessen; Antoine Suarez (1997). Mathematical undecidability, quantum nonlocality, and the question of the existence of God. Springer Netherlands. The Dutch Nobel prize-winner, Simon van der Meer expressed this as follows: "As a physicist, you have to have a split personality to be still able to believe in a god.
  168. Yuval Ne'eman (2003). Studies in memory of Issai Schur. Springer. p. xxi. ISBN 978-0-8176-4208-2. Unfortunately I am a 100% skeptic (an "Epicurus" in Yiddish), an atheist although not in an aggressive connotation.
  169. Michael P. Prior (1997). The Bible and Colonialism: A Moral Critique. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. 164. ISBN 978-1-85075-815-0. Although an atheist, Neeman believes that traditions are important for a revolutionary movement, and he strongly defends the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people, preaches a retum to biblical sources, and is in constant dialogue with the ultra-nationalist-religious groupings.
  170. K. C. Cole (2012). Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and His Astonishing Exploratorium. University of Chicago Press. pp. 104–105. ISBN 978-0-226-11347-0. For the locals, it was as if aliens had landed. "The normal folks were wearing tight jeans and cowboy hats, and here was a rancher who didn't wear a hat," said Pete Richards, who lived on one of the neighboring ranches at the time. “He was skinnier than a rail, he was really hyper. Both he and Jackie swore like sailors. And they were atheists!”.
  171. Dronamraju, Krishna (2008). Emerging Consequences of Biotechnology: Biodiversity Loss and IPR Issues. World Scientific. p. 413. ISBN 978-981-277-500-9. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Most of them are either atheists like Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer, or agnostics like JBS Haldane.
  172. Axelrod, Alan (2009). Risk: Adversaries and Allies: Mastering Strategic Relationships. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 127. ISBN 978-1-4027-5411-1. Retrieved 3 September 2020. He was a Jew and Groves was at least conventionally anti-Semitic; but perhaps worse, Oppenheimer practiced no religion at all and was almost certainly an atheist, whereas Groves was the sincerely believing son of an army chaplain.
  173. Robert L. Park (2008). "Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science". Princeton University Press. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
  174. Sam Harris. "Letter to A Christian Nation". SamHarris.Org. Retrieved 5 June 2010. Quoting Penrose's blurb for Harris's book Letter to a Christian Nation. and refers to himself as an atheist.
  175. "Big Bang follows Big Bang follows Big Bang". BBC News. 25 September 2010. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  176. Bernard Valeur, Jean-Claude Brochon (2001). New Trends in Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Applications to Chemical and Life Sciences. Springer. p. 17. ISBN 978-3-540-67779-6. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Jean and Francis Perrin held similar political and philosophical ideas. Both were socialists and atheists.{{cite book}}: نگهداری یادکرد:استفاده از پارامتر نویسندگان (link)
  177. D. S. Bell (18 July 1992). Obituary: Francis Perrin. The Independent. p. 44. Archived from the original on 20 October 2018. Retrieved 3 September 2020. After retirement, he remained politically active, defending Andrei Sakharov, and was President of the French Atheists
  178. Joel Achenbach (23 April 2004). "Worlds Away". Washington Post. p. W15. By most definitions he would be called an atheist, but he hated the term. 'An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.
  179. Robin Mckie (24 August 1997). "Beauty is... in the measurements". The Observer. p. 14. Retrieved 3 September 2020. In the end, Sagan... died an uncompromising atheist.
  180. Santimay Chatterjee; Enakshi Chatterjee (1984). Meghnad Saha, scientist with a vision. National Book Trust, India. p. 5. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Even though he later came to be known as an atheist, Saha was well-versed in all religious texts— though his interest in them was purely academic.
  181. Robert S. Anderson (2010). Nucleus and Nation: Scientists, International Networks, and Power in India. University of Chicago Press. p. 602. ISBN 978-0-226-01975-8. a self-described atheist, saha loved swimming in the river and his devout wife loved the sanctity of the spot. swimming and walking were among the few things they could do together.
  182. Christine Niles (17 June 2015). "Breaking: schellnhuber appointed to pontifical academy of science". Retrieved 20 August 2020. He's a controversial appointee because, in addition to being a radical promoter of the theory of man-made climate change, he is an atheist and an advocate of population control
  183. "Pope Worships The Creator, His Advisor Worships The Creation". 23 June 2015. Retrieved 20 August 2020. self-professed atheist" who "appears to believe in a Mother Earth.
  184. George F. R. Fellis; Roger Penrose (2010). "Dennis William sciama" (PDF). Royal Society Publishing. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  185. Joel N. Shurkin (2008). Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 133. ISBN 978-0-230-55192-3. He considered himself an atheist and never went to church.
  186. Derek Gjertsen (1986). The Newton Handbook. p. 250. It can hardly have been due to any reluctance on Newton's part to becoming too closely involved with Halley, the well-known atheist.
  187. Alice Calaprice (2000). The Expanded Quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press. p. 218.
  188. Alice Calaprice (2010). The Ultimate Quotable Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press. p. 325-340.
  189. "Albert Einstein's 'God Letter' fetches $3.9 million at New York auction". ABC news. 5 December 2018. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  190. "Einstein's "I don't believe in God" letter has sold on eBay..." io9.com. 23 October 2012. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  191. Mick Joffe (23 October 2010). "Sir Mark Oliphant – Reluctant Builder of the Atom Bomb". Mickjoffe.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020. It was nice to be honoured but I like ‘Mark’ not ‘Sir Mark’. When one’s young, one’s brash and all-knowing; when one’s old, one realises how little one knows. You asked me earlier if I believed in God and the hereafter. I would tend to say no but when one dies one could well be surprised.
  192. W. M. Goss; W. William Miller Goss; Richard X. McGee (2009). "Last Years". Under the Radar: The First Woman in Radio Astronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott. Springer. p. 253. ISBN 978-3-642-03141-0.
  193. John S. Rigden (1987). Rabi, Scientist and Citizen. Sloan Foundation Series. New York: Basic Books. p. 23. ISBN 0-465-06792-1. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  194. Rod Dreher (April 20, 2011). "Martin J. Rees Wins 2011 Templeton Prize". Templeton Report. Archived from the original on 8 August 2013. Retrieved 4 August 2013. As it turns out, Lord Rees is an atheist, though one who said in a recent interview that he is not allergic to religion, and that he enjoys participating in aesthetic and cultural activities of the Anglican church, in which he was raised.
  195. Nicholas Shakespeare (21 Oct 2008). "Tasmania: Alarmed by bumps in the starlit night". The Telegraph. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Reber was a diehard atheist, and whatever he understood of those bumps in the night is not certain.
  196. Ryan Somma (2012). Enlightenment Living, Essays on Living a Virtuous Scientific. ideonexus. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  197. Jane Gregory (2005). "Fighting for space". Fred Hoyle's Universe. Oxford University Press. p. 143. ISBN 978-0-19-157846-5. According to Hoyle: "I am an atheist, but as far as blowing up the world in a nuclear war goes, I tell them not to worry."
  198. "David Deutsch". Philosophy Now'. 2001. Retrieved 31 August 2020. First of all, I do not believe in the supernatural, so I take it for granted that consciousness has a material explanation. I also do not believe in insoluble problems, therefore I believe that this explanation is accessible in principle to reason, and that one day we will understand consciousness just as we today understand what life is, whereas once this was a deep mystery.
  199. "Joseph-Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande". University of Lisbon. Retrieved 18 August 2020. He studied at the Jesuit College in Lyon and at this stage he nearly decided to join the Jesuit Order. In fact it was his parents who encouraged him to continue his education by going to Paris to study law, which he did. It is somewhat ironical that Lalande, who would later become renowned as an atheist, should have come so close to becoming a Jesuit.
  200. Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt; Paul Gibbard; Karen Green (2016). "Political Ideas of Enlightenment Women: Virtue and Citizenship". Routledge. p. 85. ISBN 978-1-317-07876-0.
  201. Stewart, Melville Y. (2010). Science and Religion in Dialogue, Two Volume Set. Maiden, Massachusetts: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-4051-8921-7.
  202. Abraham Pais (1991). "Niels Bohr's Times, In Physics, Philosophy and Polity". Oxford: Harvard University Press. pp. 61–64. ISBN 978-0-19-852049-8.
  203. ۲۰۳٫۰ ۲۰۳٫۱ ۲۰۳٫۲ John Kimball (2015). Physics Curiosities, Oddities, and Novelties. CRC Press. p. 323. ISBN 978-1-4665-7636-0.
  204. Brian, Dennis (2008). The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries. Basic Books. p. 117. ISBN 978-0-465-01139-1.
  205. Mary Jo Nye (2008). "Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart". In Charles Coulston Gillispie (ed.). Complete dictionary of scientific biography. Vol. 19. Detroit, Mich.: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 293. ISBN 978-0-684-31559-1. The grandson of a vicar on his father’s side, Blackett respected religious observances that were established social customs, but described himself as agnostic or atheist.
  206. Chris Dean. "Nicolaas Bloembergen - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2020. When asked about being religious, Bloembergen said No.
  207. "Val Fitch". NNDB.com. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  208. Herman Wouk (2010). The language God talks on science and religion (1st ed.). New York, NY: Little, Brown and Co. p. 17. ISBN 978-0-316-09675-1.
  209. Chris Dean. "Riccardo Giacconi - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2020. When asked about being religious, Giacconi said No. Giacconi also said that he doesn't believe in an afterlife, apart from just a rearrangement of molecules and atoms of your body. He also expressed his idea that irrational thinking is very dangerous and wished that scientists should inject more rationality in the world.
  210. Chris Dean. "Ivar Giaever - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2006. Interviewer: Are you religious? Giaver: Absolutely not. [...] I'm not religious and I don't like religion. I think religion is to blame for a lot of the ills in this world.
  211. Ivar Giaever (2017). "I am the smartest man I know": a Nobel laureate's difficult journey. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. ISBN 978-981-310-917-9.
  212. Victor M. Amela (June 20, 2017). "Sheldon Glashow, Nobel Prize in physics for the electroweak theory" (PDF). La Contra - La Vanguardia. Retrieved 3 September 2020. I am a practising atheist.
  213. Gill Watson. "Roy J. Glauber - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2020. Glauber says that he has no feelings towards the intelligent designer approach to science [...] He says that what has been discovered (physical world) is enormously interesting but it tells us nothing about intelligent design and certainly nothing at all about life.
  214. Pablo Jáuregui (15 March 2014). "Si miras el mundo desde la perspectiva científica, no necesitas la religión". ELMUNDO. Retrieved 10 May 2020. Interviewer: Do you think that science and religion can be compatible, or do you consider, like the Darwinist Richard Dawkins, that the scientific vision cannot be reconciled with faith? Haroche: [...] In my case, I am not religious nor do I believe in God, but I have colleagues who are and are capable of maintaining a coexistence between their faith and their scientific work, without this interfering with the quality of their research. But to me this never ceases to amaze me, because I think that if you look at the world from a scientific perspective, you don't need religion.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: url-status (link)
  215. Chris Dean. "Masatoshi Koshiba - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2020. Interviewer: Are you religious?" Koshiba: "/(You Mean) God?... I don't know... You know... science deals only (with?) those things which you can confirm by observation or by experiment...God doesn't come into that (category). So God...the problem of God, is not a problem in science.
  216. "The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016". NobelPrize.org. Retrieved 10 May 2020. I was a nominal church going Christian until I left home for Cambridge University on a scholarship when, to my great relief, I could drop all religion and become my natural atheist self.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: url-status (link)
  217. Nuño Domínguez (9 October 2019). "Michel Mayor: There is no place for God in the Universe". Spain's News. Retrieved 10 May 2020. The religious vision says that God decided that there should only be life here on Earth and created it. Scientific facts say that life is a natural process. I think the only answer is to research and find the answer, but for me there is no place for God in the universe.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: url-status (link)
  218. John D. Barrow (2000). "The book of nothing: vacuums, voids, and the latest ideas about the origins of the universe" (1st Vintage Books ed.). New York: Vintage Books. p. 136. ISBN 978-0-375-72609-5. Retrieved 3 September 2020. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  219. Alexey Eremoenko (9 October 2014). "Q&A: Russian Nobel Laureate on Fun, God and the 'Ideal Physicist'". The Moscow Times. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  220. "Jim Peebles - Session II". www.aip.org. 5 April 2002. Retrieved 10 May 2020. Smeenk: I wanted to ask you another I guess more personal question. I don't know if you hold any religious views, but if you do, how do those interact with your research work? Peebles: I don't. Actually, I guess the term I like to use is a convinced agnostic. I get offended by people who try to give me religious arguments. Why should I pay attention to these arguments? But I also get a little offended by people who tell me, "Of course, religion is bunk." How do you know? It's just an entirely different field of operation and actually I do like the words and music of some religions, so I have sat with pleasure through services - aside from the sermon. So no, I don't have any religious feelings at all.
  221. George Pendle (3 July 2014). "The search for Earth 2.0". The Economist. Retrieved 31 August 2020. I pointed out a few examples, and he could not answer. So I became an atheist
  222. "Very different paths to God". The Daily telegraph. 22 December 2009. Retrieved 10 May 2020. I have been described by one of my colleagues as a "militant agnostic" with my tagline, "I don't know, and neither do you!". I take this hard-line, fence-sitting position because it is the only position consistent with both my scientific ethos and my conscience.
  223. I. Hargittai; Hargittai, M. (2006). Candid Science VI: More Conversations with Famous Scientists (به انگلیسی). Imperial College Press. p. 749. ISBN 978-1-86094-885-5. Jack Steinberger: I'm now a bit anti-Jewish since my last visit to the synagogue, but my atheism does not necessarily reject religion.
  224. V. L. Ginzburg (2005). About Science, Myself and Others. CRC Press. p. 253. ISBN 978-0-7503-0992-9. Nowadays, when we are facing manifestations of religious and. more often, pseudoreligious feelings, it is appropriate to mention that Igor Evgenevich was a convinced and unreserved atheist.
  225. E. L. Feinberg; A. V. Leonidov (2011). Physicists: Epoch and Personalities (2 ed.). World Scientific. p. 86. ISBN 9789812834164.
  226. Rory Carroll (21 June 2013). "Kip Thorne: physicist studying time travel tapped for Hollywood film". the Guardian (به انگلیسی). Retrieved 12 May 2020. Thorne grew up in an academic, Mormon family in Utah but is now an atheist. "There are large numbers of my finest colleagues who are quite devout and believe in God, ranging from an abstract humanist God to a very concrete Catholic or Mormon God. There is no fundamental incompatibility between science and religion. I happen to not believe in God.{{cite web}}: نگهداری CS1: url-status (link)
  227. Chris Dean. "Martinus J.F. Veltman - Science Video Interview". Vega Science Trust. Retrieved 10 May 2020. Interviewer: "What is your view about God and religion? Veltman: "We are living in a totally ridiculous world. We have all kinds of things from horoscopes to Zen Buddhism to faith healers to religions to what have you. [...] "So for science it's very essential that we take a position that through the scientific method that keeps us away of all the irrationalities that seem to dominate human activities. And I think we should stay there. And the fact that I'm busy in science has little or nothing to do with religion. In fact I protect myself, I don't want to have to do with religion. Because once I start with that I don't know where it will end. But probably I will be burned or shot or something in the end. I don't want anything to do with it. I talk about things I can observe and other things I can predict and for the rest you can have it.
  228. "Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 19". Charles Scribner's Sons. 2008. p. 343. ISBN 978-0-684-31559-1. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Since his childhood in Vienna Bondi had been an atheist, developing from an early age a view on religion that associated it with repression and intolerance. This view, which he shared with Hoyle, never left him. On several occasions he spoke out on behalf of freethinking, so-called, and became early on active in British atheist or "humanist" circles. From 1982 to 1999, he was president of the British Humanist Association, and he also served as president of the Rationalist Press Association of United Kingdom." Helge Kragh: "Bondi, Hermann
  229. "Obituary letter: Hermann Bondi". The Guardian. 23 September 2005. In a letter to the Guardian, Jane Wynne Willson, Vice-President of the British Humanist Association, added to his obituary: "Also president of the Rationalist Press Association from 1982 until his death, and with a particular interest in Indian rationalism, Hermann was a strong supporter of the Atheist Centre in Andhra Pradesh. He and his wife Christine visited the centre a number of times, and the hall in the science museum there bears his name. When presented with a prestigious international award, he divided a large sum of money between the Atheist Centre and women's health projects in Mumbai.
  230. "Professor Sir Paul Callaghan". The Telegraph. 27 March 2012. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Callaghan was brought up a Methodist, but showed a typically scientific interest in other faiths, trying out Anglicanism, Catholicism and Marxism, before finally settling for atheism.
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  235. Erwin W. Lutzer (2015). Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8024-8439-0. George Smoot, a committed atheist..
  236. Victor Stenger (2009). "The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason". Prometheus Books. p. 282. ISBN 978-1-59102-751-5. Archived from the original on 12 August 2014. Retrieved 18 July 2014. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  237. "Victor Stenger, Atheism's 'Fifth Horseman,' Dies At 79". Richarddawkins.net. 9 September 2009. Retrieved 3 September 2020.
  238. "Life in a landscape of possibilities". Physics world. 1 December 2005. Retrieved 3 September 2020. Susskind is a card-carrying atheist.
  239. Edna Ullmann-Margalit (1986). "The Prism of Science". Springer. p. 14. ISBN 978-94-009-4566-1. Retrieved 20 August 2020. ...Victor Weisskopf, who describes himself as an atheist Viennese Jew....
  240. Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich (2004). R.A. Sunyaev (ed.). Zeldovich: Reminiscences. CRC Press. p. 69. ISBN 978-0-415-28790-6. I think that you know me well enough: I am an absolute atheist, and all days of the week are completely the same to me.
  241. Andrei Sakharov: Facets of a Life. Atlantica Séguier Frontières. 1991. p. 599. ISBN 9782863320969. Speaking about religion, Yakov Borisovich could say unambiguously, I'm an absolute atheist
  242. Natalie Angier (24 December 2002). "A Conversation with David Sloan Wilson; The Origin of Religions, From a Distinctly Darwinian View". New York Times. p. F5. Archived from the original on 23 July 2009. Retrieved 3 September 2020. ...I don't believe in God. I tell people I'm an atheist, but a nice atheist. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  243. Gordon Stein (1988). The encyclopedia of unbelief. Vol. 1. Prometheus Books. p. 594. ISBN 978-0-87975-307-8. Svante Arrhenius (I859-I927), recipient of the Nobel Prize in chemistry (I903), was a declared atheist and the author of The Evolution of the Worlds and other works on cosmic physics.
  244. NNDB.com. "Svante Arrhenius". Soylent Communications. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  245. "Peter Atkins quotes". Goodreads.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020. When asked by Rod Liddle in the documentary The Trouble with Atheism "Give me your views on the existence, or otherwise, of God", Peter Atkins replied "Well it's fairly straightforward: there isn't one. And there's no evidence for one, no reason to believe that there is one, and so I don't believe that there is one. And I think that it is rather foolish that people do think that there is one."
  246. Robert K. Wilcox (2010). The Truth About the Shroud of Turin: Solving the Mystery. Regnery Gateway. p. 23. ISBN 978-1-59698-600-8. In 1902, Marcellin P. Berthelot, often called the founder of modern organic chemistry, was one of France's most celebrated scientists—if not the world's. He was permanent secretary of the French Academy, having succeeded the giant Louis Pasteur, the renowned microbiologist. Unlike Delage, an agnostic, Berthelot was an atheist—and militantly so.
  247. Thomas de Wesselow (2012). The Sign: The Shroud of Turin and the Secret of the Resurrection. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-101-58855-0. Although Delage made it clear that he did not regard Jesus as the resurrected Son of God, his paper upset the atheist members of the Academy, including its secretary, Marcellin Berthelot, who prevented its full publication in the Academy's bulletin.
  248. Ramesh Chopra (2005). Academic Dictionary Of Philosophy. Gyan Books. p. 143. ISBN 9788182052246. Renowned French chemist. He was one of the greatest chemists in Europe at the time. He made innumerable discoveries in the science, and even the restored royalty made him a Peer of France, although he worked politically with the anti-clericals. He was closely associated with Arago and shared his atheism.
  249. Birgitta Lemmel. "Alfred Nobel – St. Petersburg, 1842-1863". Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  250. Harold Goldwhite (1995). "Creations of Fire: Chemistry's Lively History from Alchemy to the Atomic Age". New York: Plenum. Retrieved 20 August 2020. But Nobel, both atheist and a socialist...
  251. Harold Kroto (2015). "Sir John Cornforth ('Kappa'): Some Personal Recollections". Australian Journal of Chemistry. 68 (4): 697–698. doi:10.1071/CH14601.
  252. Sarah Lehr (5 February 2015). "Djerassi, a creator of the Pill, dies". Retrieved 2 September 2020. As a self-described Jewish atheist,
  253. "50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God". Youtube. J. Pararajasingham. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  254. Liberato Cardellini (2007). "Looking for Connections: An Interview with Roald Hoffmann". Journal of Chemical Education. 84 (10): 1634. Liberato Cardellini: A final and more personal question: You defined yourself as “an atheist who is moved by religion”. Looking at the tenor of your life and the many goals you have achieved, one wonders where your inner force comes from. Roald Hoffmann: The atheism and the respect for religion come form the same source. I observe that in every culture on Earth, absolutely every one, human beings have constructed religious systems. There is a need in us to try to understand,to see that there is something that unites us spiritually. So scientists who do not respect religion fail in their most basic task—observation. Human beings need the spiritual. The same observation reveals to me a multitude of religious constructions—gods of nature, spirits, the great monotheistic religions. It seems to me there can’t be a God or gods; there are just manifestations of a human-constructed spirituality.
  255. "Sir Harold Kroto Biographical". Nobelprize.org/. Retrieved 2 September 2020. I am a devout atheist – nothing else makes any sense to me and I must admit to being bewildered by those, who in the face of what appears so obvious, still believe in a mystical creator.
  256. M. Joan. Dawson (2013). Paul Lauterbur and the Invention of MRI. Cambridge: The MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-01921-7. Paul became an atheist, revering intellectual honesty and the quest for truth.
  257. Ehsan Masood (25 October 2014). "Islam's reformers". ProspectMagazine.co.uk. Archived from the original on 22 July 2006. It is a scene I won’t forget in a hurry: Jean-Marie Lehn, French winner of the Nobel prize in chemistry, defending his atheism at a packed public conference at the new Alexandria Library in Egypt.
  258. John Murrell (January 2008). "'Higgins, (Hugh) Christopher Longuet- (1923–2004)'". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 2 September 2020. By that time Longuet-Higgins had become a convinced atheist, although he still respected many of the features of the Church of England.
  259. Jürgen Kocka (2010). Jürgen Kocka (ed.). Work in a Modern Society: The German Historical Experience in Comparative Perspective. Berghahn Books. p. 45. ISBN 978-1-84545-575-0. Even Wilhelm Ostwald, who was the most radical atheist among these scholars, uses the instrument of the 'Monistic Sunday Sermons' to spread his ideas on rationality.
  260. Kam Patel (25 November 1994). "Perutz rubbishes Popper and Kuhn". Retrieved 2 September 2020. Dr Perutz, said: "It is one thing for scientists to oppose creationism which is demonstrably false but quite another to make pronouncements which offend people's religious faith – that is a form of tactlessness which merely brings science into disrepute. My view of religion and ethics is simple: even if we do not believe in God, we should try to live as though we did.
  261. "The Rosalind Franklin Papers: Biographical Information". U.S National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 2 September 2020. In my view, all that is necessary for faith is the belief that by doing our best we shall succeed in our aims: the improvement of mankind
  262. Carol Kuruvilla (2 February 2016). "12 Famous Scientists On The Possibility Of God". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2 September 2020. I see no reason to believe that a creator of protoplasm or primeval matter, if such there be, has any reason to be interested in our insignificant race in a tiny corner of the universe, and still less in us, as still more insignificant individuals
  263. Paul D. Boyer (March 2004), "A Path to Atheism", Freethought Today, Freedom From Religion Foundation, 21 (2), archived from the original on 3 June 2011, retrieved 16 March 2010.
  264. Randy L. Wysong (1976). The creation-evolution controversy (7th print ed.). Midlanding, Michigan: Inquiry Press. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-918112-02-6.
  265. Margaret Williams Asprey (2014). A True Nuclear Family. Bloomington, Indiana: Trafford. ISBN 978-1-4907-2665-6.
  266. "Professor Saiful Islam". Humanists UK. Retrieved 31 August 2020. Despite what my names implies, I think I’ve been a humanist since my late teens. Through science I discovered the beauty of gaining knowledge through evidence and reason. And through progressive causes I was introduced to human rights and social justice.
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  268. Stoicheff, Boris (2002). Gerhard Herzberg: an illustrious life in science. Ottawa: NRC Press. ISBN 978-0-660-18757-0.
  269. Francis Crick (1990). "What Mad Pursuit: a Personal View of Scientific Discovery". Basic Books. p. 145. ISBN 978-0-465-09138-6. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
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  271. Mark Steyn identify Crick as an atheist. See:The Twentieth-Century Darwin by Mark Steyn, published in The Atlantic, October 2004.
  272. "Francis Crick was an evangelical atheist."Francis Crick's Legacy for Neuroscience: Between the α and the Ω
  273. Francis Crick (30 July 2006). "Genome Human". Retrieved 31 August 2020. Instead, it is interlaced with descriptions of Crick’s vacations, parties and assertions of atheism — occasionally colorful stuff that drains the intellectual drama from the codebreaking.
  274. Chris Beckett (2004). "For the Record: The Francis Crick Archive at the Wellcome Libraryk". 48 (2): 245–260. doi:10.1017/s0025727300007419. There is Crick the mentor, Crick the atheist, Crick the free-thinker, and Crick the playful. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  275. Roger Highfield (20 March 2003). "Do our genes reveal the hand of God?". The telegraph. Retrieved 29 August 2020.
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  277. Andrew Griffin. "British scientists don't like Richard Dawkins, finds study that didn't even ask questions about Richard Dawkins". Independent. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  278. Thomas A. Bass (1994). "Reinventing the future: Conversations with the World's Leading Scientists". Addison Wesley. p. 118. ISBN 978-0-201-62642-1. Extract of page 118
  279. "[Freud and Jung] were close for several years, but Jung's ambition, and his growing commitment to religion and mysticism — most unwelcome to Freud, an aggressive atheist — finally drove them apart." Sigmund Freud بایگانی‌شده در ۷ مارس ۲۰۰۸ توسط Archive-It, by Peter Gay, The TIME 100: The Most Important People of the Century.
  280. George Windholz (1986). "Pavlov's Religious Orientation". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 25 (3): 320–327. Pavlov's follower E.M. Kreps asked him whether he was religious. Kreps writes that Pavlov smiled and replied: "Listen, good fellow, in regard to [claims of] my religiosity, my belief in God, my church attendance, there is no truth in it; it is sheer fantasy. I was a seminarian, and like the majority of seminarians, I became an unbeliever, an atheist in my school years." Quoted in George Windholz, "Pavlov's Religious Orientation
  281. Rabbi Marc Gellman (28 April 2006). "Trying to Understand Angry Atheists: Why do nonbelievers seem to be threatened by the idea of God?". Newsweek. Retrieved 11 November 2006. Watson is identified as an atheist by his acquaintance, Rabbi Marc Gellman.
  282. JoAnne Viviano (October 19, 2007). "Nobel Prize-winning scientist wows some, worries others". The Vindicator. Archived from the original on June 28, 2006. Retrieved 2007-10-19.
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  284. Lewis Smith (1 January 2008). Science has second thoughts about life. London: The Times. p. 24. A confirmed agnostic, he [Bateson] was converted to atheism after attending a dinner where he tried to converse with a woman who was a creationist. "For many years what had been good enough for Darwin was good enough for me. Not long after that dreadful dinner, Richard Dawkins wrote to me to ask whether I would publicly affirm my atheism. I could see no reason why not.
  285. Carl F. Craver; Julius Axelrod (2008). Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Vol. 19. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 122. Although he became an atheist early in life and resented the strict upbringing of his parents’ religion, he identified with Jewish culture and joined several international fights against anti-Semitism.
  286. Paul Berg (2003). George Beadle, An Uncommon Farmer: The Emergence of Genetics in the 20th Century. CSHL Press. p. 273. ISBN 978-0-87969-688-7. Beadle's views on this occasion were somewhat more tempered than David's characterization of him as a vehement atheist," and from his earliest days intolerant of religion and other forms of superstition.
  287. "Paul Broca (1824-80)". sciencemuseum.org.uk. Archived from the original on 4 October 2015. Retrieved 12 April 2012. He was a left-wing atheist who argued against African enslavement.
  288. "College Roll: Burnet, Sir Frank Macfarlane." RACP: College Roll. N.p. , n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2017. "He...developed a fairly aggressive atheism."
  289. "Walter Bradford Cannon". NNDB.com. 22 January 2017. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  290. "Yet they [the NCSE] can afford to ignore us because, in the end, where else can we atheists go for support against creationists? [...] Am I grousing because, as an atheist and a non-accommodationist, my views are simply ignored by the NAS and NCSE? Not at all. I don't want these organizations to espouse or include my viewpoint. I want religion and atheism left completely out of all the official discourse of scientific societies and organizations that promote evolution." Jerry Coyne, 'Truckling to the Faithful: A Spoonful of Jesus Helps Darwin Go Down', April 22, 2009 (accessed 23 April 2009).
  291. "As an atheist, Diamond is locked into the argument that environmental causes are the primary reasons for a society to fail or succeed." Jonas E Alexis, Christianity's Dangerous Idea: How the Christian Principle & Spirit Offer the Best Explanation for Life & Why Other Alternatives Fail (2010), page 199.
  292. Paolo Mazzarello; Henry A. Buchtel; Aldo Badiani (1999). The hidden structure: a scientific biography of Camillo Golgi. Oxford University Press. p. 34. ISBN 978-0-19-852444-1. It was probably during this period that Golgi became agnostic (or even frankly atheistic), remaining for the rest of his life completely alien to the religious experience.
  293. Richard L. Rapport (2005). "Nerve Endings: The Discovery of the Synapse". W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 978-0-393-33752-5.
  294. "Brain Teaser: Susan Greenfield talks to Peter McCarthy". Third Way. November 2000. Archived from the original on 29 July 2012. What I don't like about Richard [Dawkins] is not so much what he knows or doesn't know as the dogmatic way in which he says things. I think that is a poor advertisement for science, because the whole thing about being a scientist is that you shouldn't be prejudiced, you should have an open mind. So, I don't believe in God but that is a belief, not some thing I know. I believe I love my husband, but I couldn't prove it to you one way or the other. How could I? I just know I do. My particular belief is that there is no Deity out there, but I can't prove it and therefore I would not have the temerity to tell other people they're wrong. The coinage of proof is not appropriate for belief and Dawkins thinks it is. But if you keep an open mind, that doesn't mean you swallow anything whole. As someone has said, 'Believing in anything is as bad as believing in nothing.
  295. Haldane, J. B. S. , Fact and Faith. London: London, Watts & Co. , 1934.
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  299. Thomas Steven Molnar (1980). Theists and Atheists: A Typology of Non-belief. Walter de Gruyter. p. 59. ISBN 9789027977885. The biologist Francois Jacob (who shared the Nobel Prize with Jacques Monod) admits that he is an atheist, but he finds, parallel to the material nature of the universe, another aspect — in man — which is not reductible to the first.
  300. Richard Lubbock. "Peaks, Dust, & Dappled Spots". Books in Canada: The Canadian Review of Books. Retrieved 2 July 2007. In his final chapter de Duve turns to the meaning of life, and considers the ideas of two contrasting Frenchmen: a priest, Teilhard de Chardin, and an existentialist and atheist, Jacques Monod.
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  303. Cheryl Wetzstein (7 September 2004). "Kinsey' critics ready". The Washington Times. Retrieved 2 February 2007. Kinsey was also shown to be an atheist who loathed religion and its constraints on sex.
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  305. Warren Allen Smith (1 ژانویه 2000). Who's who in Hell: A Handbook and International Directory for Humanists, Freethinkers, Naturalists, Rationalists, and Non-theists. Barricade Books. p. 648. ISBN 978-1-56980-158-1. Retrieved 16 May 2018.
  306. Charles Rasmussen; and Rick Tilman (1998). Jacques Loeb: His Science and Social Activism and Their Philosophical Foundations. Vol. 229. American Philosophical Society. An avowed atheist and materialist, he espoused secular humanism...
  307. Harry S. Stout; D. G. Hart (1997). New Directions in American Religious History. New York: Oxford UP. Loeb was a forthright atheist...
  308. "Quick Nav: Humanism: John Maynard Smith interview". Humanist News. 2001. Archived from the original on 13 June 2008. Retrieved 20 August 2020. ؛Interviewer: What is your attitude to religion now? JMS: Ever since reading (J. B. S. Haldane's book) Possible Worlds I have been an atheist, and a semi-conscious atheist before that. I think there are two views you can have about religion. You can be tolerant of it and say, I don't believe in this but I don't mind if other people do, or you can say, I not only don't believe in it but I think it is dangerous and damaging for other people to believe in it and they should be persuaded that they are mistaken. I fluctuate between the two. I am tolerant because religious institutions facilitate some very important work that would not get done otherwise, but then I look around and see what an incredible amount of damage religion is doing."
  309. "An appreciation of biologist Ernst Mayr (1904–2005)". Wsws.org. 3 May 2005. Retrieved 3 June 2012.
  310. Peter Medawar (1988). The Limits of Science. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-505212-1. ... I believe that a reasonable case can be made for saying, not that we believe in God because He exists but rather that He exists because we believe in Him. [...] Considered as an element of the world, God has the same degree and kind of objective reality as do other products of mind. [...] I regret my disbelief in God and religious answers generally, for I believe it would give satisfaction and comfort to many in need of it if it possible to discover and propound good scientific and philosophic reasons to believe in God. [...] To abdicate from the rule of reason and substitute for it an authentication of belief by the intentness and degree of conviction with which we hold it can be perilous and destructive. [...] I am a rationalist—something of a period piece nowadays, I admit [...]
  311. Alfred I. Tauber; Leon Chernyak (1991). Metchnikoff and the origins of immunology: from metaphor to theory. Oxford University Press. p. 5. ISBN 978-0-19-506447-6. There is no clear record that he was professionally restricted in Russia because of his lineage, but he sympathized with the problem his Jewish colleagues suffered owing to Russian anti-Semitism; his personal religious commitment was to atheism, although he received strict Christian religious training at home.
  312. Nobel Media. "Peter Mitchell Biographical". NobelPrize.org. Retrieved 19 August 2020.
  313. George Pendle (2006). Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 69. ISBN 978-0-15-603179-0. Retrieved 4 February 2017. The Nobel Prize-winning geneticist and stringent atheist Thomas Hunt Morgan was developing the chromosome theory of heredity by examining his swarm of mutated Drosophila (fruit flies) through a jeweler's loupe.
  314. Norman H. Horowitz (1998). "T. H. Morgan at Caltech: A Reminiscence". Genetics. 149 (4): 1629–1632. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Morgan's passion for experimentation was symptomatic of his general scepticism and his distaste for speculation. He believed only what could be proven. He was said to be an atheist, and I have always believed that he was. Everything I knew about him—his scepticism, his honesty—was consistent with disbelief in the supernatural.
  315. Desmond Morris (1967). The Naked Ape. McGraw-Hill Book. pp. 178–179. [Religion] is not an easy subject to deal with, but as zoologists we must do our best to observe what actually happens rather than listen to what is supposed to be happening. If we do this, we are forced to the conclusion that, in a behavioural sense, religious activities consist of the coming together of large groups of people to perform repeated and prolonged submissive displays to appease a dominant individual. The dominant individual takes many forms in different cultures, but always has the common factor of immense power. [...] If these submissive actions are successful, the dominant individual is appeased. [...] The dominant individual is usually, but not always, referred to as a god. Since none of these gods exist in a tangible form, why have they been invented? To find the answer to this we have to go right back to our ancestral origins.
  316. Desmond Morris (1982). The Pocket Guide to Manwatching. Triad Panther. pp. 234–236. Man's evolution as a neotenous ape has put him in a similar position to the dog's. He becomes sexually mature and yet he still needs a parent — a super-parent, one as impressive to him as a man must be to a dog. The answer was to invent a god — either a female super-parent in the shape of a Mother Goddess, or a male god in the shape of God the Father, or perhaps even a whole family of gods. Like real parents they would both protect, punish and be obeyed. [...] These — the houses of the gods — the temples, the churches and the cathedrals — are buildings apparently made for giants, and a space visitor would be surprised to find on closer examination that these giants are never at home. Their followers repeatedly visit them and bow down before them, but they themselves are invisible. Only their bell-like cries can be heard across the land. Man is indeed an imaginative species.
  317. James Mallet (2004). "Review of Müller's biography". Quarterly Review of Biology. 79: 196. Retrieved 2 July 2007. [Müller] was an atheist...
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  320. Costantino Ceoldo (2012-12-31). "Homage to Rita Levi Montalcini". Retrieved 20 July 2013. Born and raised in a Sephardic Jewish family in which culture and love of learning were categorical imperatives, she abandoned religion and embraced atheism.
  321. Neil Schlager; Josh Lauer (2000). Science and its times: understanding the social significance of scientific discovery (illustrated ed.). Gale Group. p. 112. ISBN 978-0-7876-3939-6. Alexander Oparin (1894–1980), an atheist, suggested that natural chemical reactions produced biological molecules that came together to form the first living thing.
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  326. Richard Leakey; Virginia Morell (2001). Wildlife Wars: My Fight to Save Africa's Natural Treasures. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 978-0-312-20626-0.
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  334. Natalie Angier (April 4, 2011). "Paths of Discovery, Lighted by a Bug Man's Insights". The New York Times. Retrieved 19 April 2012. Dr. Eisner died from complications of his disease on March 25, at the age of 81. He had a notoriously mordant sense of humor: “I may not believe in God,” he once said, “but I don’t ring doorbells saying I’m a Seventh-Day Atheist,”...
  335. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including...Jacques Lacan...
  336. Donald De Marco; Donald DeMarco; Benjamin Wiker (2004). Architects of the Culture of Death. Ignatius Press. p. 223. ISBN 978-1-58617-016-5. Wilhelm declared himself a "confirmed atheist" at the age of eight.
  337. "Oliver Sacks: On Robin Williams and the Brain (Feb 23, 1995), Charlie Rose". Youtube. 23 February 1995. Retrieved 1 September 2020. Charlie Rose, interviewing Oliver Sacks, asked him whether he believed in God. Sacks replied, "I can't imagine what it meant.... No, I guess not.
  338. Oliver Burkeman (10 May 2002). "Sacks appeal". The Guardian. p. 4. All of which makes the Jewish Quarterly-Wingate Literary Prize a matter of bemusement. "Yes, tell me," he says, frowning. "What is it, and why are they giving it to an old Jewish atheist who has unkind things to say about Zionism?
  339. Pontecorvo, G. (1968). "Hermann Joseph Muller. 1890-1967". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 14: 349–389. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1968.0015. ISSN 0080-4606. JSTOR 769450. Muller, who through Unitarianism had become an enthusiastic pantheist, was converted both to atheism and to socialism (p. 353).
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  344. Johnson, Donald E. (2010). Programming of Life (به انگلیسی). Big Mac Publishers. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-9823554-6-6. Biologist George Wald dismissed anything besides physicalism with, "I will not believe that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible: spontaneous generation arising to evolution.
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  347. Owen Gingerich (5 March 1968). "Interview with Dr. Cecilia Gaposchkin". Archived from the original on 3 May 2015. Retrieved 17 August 2020. William Bateson was a very militant atheist and a very bitter man, I fancy. Knowing that I was interested in biology, they invited me when I was still a school girl to go down and see the experimental garden. I remarked to him what I thought then, and still think, that doing research must be the most wonderful thing in the world and he snapped at me that it wasn’t wonderful at all, it was tedious, disheartening, annoying and anyhow you didn’t need an experimental garden to do research.
  348. Larry Hannant (1998). The Politics of Passion: Norman Bethune's Writing and Art. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-8020-0907-4. Bethune was a communist and an atheist with a healthy contempt for his evangelical father.
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  367. James Kingsland (13 May 2009). "If Darwin has really killed God, when was the funeral?". Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved 31 August 2020. On the side of the atheists were Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London, [...] Jones, meanwhile, revealed that he would "love to believe in God", because it would offer some degree of comfort. But he said he stopped believing in God as a child as soon as he discovered that what he was learning in school biology classes conflicted with the kind of things he had been taught in Sunday school – like dinosaurs and humans walking the earth at the same time.
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  372. Paolo Mantegazza, Ricordi politici di un fantaccino del Parlamento, Bemporad, 1896, p. 72.
  373. Harmke Kamminga (1995). The Science and Culture of Nutrition, 1840–1940. Rodopi. p. 31. ISBN 978-90-5183-818-3. Moleschott's atheism is much more prominent, for example, and he declares absurd Liebig's opinion that insights into the laws of nature inevitably lead us to the notion of a Being knowable only through revelation.
  374. "During sixty years from 1937 he also wrote over forty articles on the origins, distribution, and nature of life, taking the stance of a 'dogmatic atheist'." David F. Smith, 'Pirie, Norman Wingate [Bill] (1907–1997)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, October 2005 (accessed May 2, 2008).
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  379. "Dr Spitzer has said repeatedly that as an "atheist Jew" his only interest in the issue is scientific truth, adding that an orthodoxy which forbids acknowledgement of the possibility of change is as flawed as that which labels homosexuality an act of will and morally wrong." Charles Laurence, 'Going straight', Sunday Telegraph, October 12, 2003, Pg. 19.
  380. Peter G. Ayres (2012). "Shaping Ecology: The Life of Arthur Tansley". Wiley-Blackwell. p. 139. ISBN 978-0-470-67154-2. They became correspondents and, surprisingly since Tansley was an avowed atheist, friends. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
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  382. Steve Kroft asked Venter on CBS Sixty Minutes, 21 November 2010: "Do you believe in God?" Venter replied, "No. The universe is far more wonderful."
  383. "A firm atheist, he was interested in, though unconvinced by, the paranormal, and also did research on hypnosis." Ray Cooper, 'Walter, (William) Grey (1910–1977)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edition, May 2007 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  384. Buckley, Kerry W. Mechanical Man: John Broadus Watson and the Beginnings of Behaviorism. Guilford Press, 1989.
  385. Gregory A. Kimble, Michael Wertheimer, Charlotte White. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology. Psychology Press, 2013, p. 175. "Watson's outspoken atheism repelled many in Greensville."
  386. Michael Martin. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 310. "Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including (...) John B. Watson (...)"
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  389. Stanley Asimov (2008). Yours, Isaac Asimov: A Lifetime of Letters. ISBN 978-0-385-47624-9. My estimate is that Isaac received about 100,000 letters in his professional career. And with the compulsiveness that has to be a character trait of a writer of almost 500 books, he answered 90 percent of them. He answered more than half with postcards and didn't make carbons of them. But with the 100,000 letters he received, there are carbons of about 45,000 that he wrote.
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  395. Kristi Coale (25 July 1997). "Seeding Intelligence". Wired Magazine. Retrieved 2 September 2020. I've been an atheist - I had found it difficult to have religious beliefs and scientific ones," Brooks explained. "But I've accepted that I have a duality - there's a human way of interacting with people but also a mechanistic explanation of what people are and how they work.
  396. Susan Elizabeth Hough (2007). Richter's Scale: Measure of an Earthquake, Measure of a Man. Princeton U Press. p. 152. The fact that Richter was devout only about his atheism...
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  398. Joseph Mazzini Wheeler (1889). A biographical dictionary of freethinkers of all ages and nations. Progressive publishing company. p. 232. Retrieved 2 September 2020. Montgolfier (Michel Joseph), aeronaut. b. Aug. 1740. He was the first to ascend in an air balloon, 5 June 1783. A friend of Delambre and La Lalande, he was on the testimony of this last an atheist. Died 26 June 1810.
  399. Warren Allen Smith (2000). Who's who in hell: a handbook and international directory for humanists, freethinkers, naturalists, rationalists, and non-theists. Barricade Books. p. 762. ISBN 978-1-56980-158-1. Also that year, a Montgolfier balloon sailed over Paris in the first manned free balloon flight. Montgolfier served the Revolution with zeal and was much honored. Lalande, who knew him well, wrote that Montgolfier was an atheist.
  400. Alok Jha (6 January 2013). "Dan Shechtman: Linus Pauling said I was talking nonsense". Guardian News and Media. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Do you believe in a god? No.
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  403. Amory Lovins (18 March 2011). "Nuclear After Japan: Amory Lovins". Retrieved 20 August 2020. Nuclear power is uniquely unforgiving: as Swedish Nobel physicist Hannes Alfvén said, "No acts of God can be permitted.
  404. Helge Kragh (2004). Matter and Spirit in the Universe: Scientific and Religious Preludes to Modern Cosmology. Imperial College Press. p. 252. ISBN 978-1-86094-485-7. Alfven dismissed in his address religion as a "myth," and passionately criticized the big-bang theory for being dogmatic and violating basic standards of science, to be no less mythical than religion.
  405. B. E. Chertok (2005). Rockets and people. Washington, D.C.: NASA. I have always considered myself a diehard atheist and materialist... {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  406. Paul Kurtz (30 October 1997). "Is Secular Humanism a Religion?". Retrieved 20 August 2020. Paul MacCready, the inventor, defines it thus: "A secular humanist does not believe in God, and doesn't steal.
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  408. John Golley (2010). Jet: Frank Whittle and the Invention of the Jet Engine. Eloy Gutierrez. p. 34. ISBN 978-1-907472-00-8. Although he had occasionally cut Church Parade, he had once held very strong religious beliefs, but these had eroded to such an extent that he had come to regard himself as an atheist. "By degrees", he said "I was forced to the conclusion that my beliefs were inconsistent with scientific teaching. Once the seeds of doubt were sown the whole structure of my former religious beliefs rapidly collapsed, and I swung to the other extreme".
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  413. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including G. Stanley Hall, John B. Watson, Carl R. Rogers...
  414. Charles Ferster; B. F. Skinner (1957). Schedules of Reinforcement. Appleton-Century-Crofts. ISBN 978-0-9899839-5-2.
  415. James Bennet (June 2012). "What Man Can Make of Man". The Atlantic.
  416. Skinner, B. F. (1961). "Why we need teaching machines". Harvard Educational Review. 31: 377–398.
  417. Skinner, B. F. (1961). "Why we need teaching machines". Harvard Educational Review. 31: 377–398.
  418. B. F. Skinner (1936). "The Verbal Summator and a Method for the Study of Latent Speech". Journal of Psychology. 2 (1): 71–107. doi:10.1080/00223980.1936.9917445.
  419. Nielsen, Stevan Lars & Ellis, Albert. (1994). "A discussion with Albert Ellis: Reason, emotion and religion", Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 13(4), Win 1994. pp. 327–341
  420. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including...Hans Jürgen Eysenck...
  421. Franz Samelson (2000). "Festinger, Leon". American National Biography. Retrieved 20 August 2020. "Festinger, a professed atheist, was an original thinker and a restless, highly motivated individual with (in his words) "little tolerance for boredom".
  422. Keay Davidson (2000). "Fromm, Erich Pinchas". merican National Biography. Retrieved 20 August 2020. About the same time he stopped observing Jewish religious rituals and rejected a cause he had once embraced, Zionism. He "just didn't want to participate in any division of the human race, whether religious or political," he explained decades later (Wershba, p. 12), by which time he was a confirmed atheist.
  423. Martin, Michael, ed. (2006). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-1-139-82739-3.
  424. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including...Melanie Klein...
  425. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including G. Stanley Hall, John B. Watson, Carl R. Rogers...Abraham Maslow...Maslow was a second-generation atheist, and his father was a militant freethinker.
  426. The Guardian Profile (6 November 1999). "Steven Pinker: the mind reader". London: The Guardian. Retrieved 2006-12-10. I never outgrew my conversion to atheism at 13, but at various times was a serious cultural Jew.
  427. John Hyde Evans (2016). "What is a Human?: What the Answers Mean for Human Rights". Oxford University Press. p. 231. ISBN 978-0-19-060807-1. The theory that religion is a force for peace, often heard among the religious right and its allies today, does not fit the facts of history
  428. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9. Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including G. Stanley Hall, John B. Watson, Carl R. Rogers...
  429. Hunter Crowther-Heyck (2005). Herbert A. Simon: The Bounds of Reason in Modern America. JHU Press. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-8018-8025-4. His secular, scientific values came well before he was old enough to make such calculating career decisions. For example, while still in middle school, Simon wrote a letter to the editor of the Milwaukee Journal defending the civil liberties of atheists, and by high school he was "certain" that he was "religiously an atheist," a conviction that never wavered.
  430. Massimo Pigliucci (30 October 2006). "Enough blasting Dennett and Dawkins, all right?". Rationally Speaking. Retrieved 2 September 2020. ...I'm an atheist...
  431. Celebrities in Hell (2011). "Warren Allen Smith". Lulu.com. pp. 88–89. ISBN 978-0-557-83752-6. Nelson's hatred of conventional structure made him difficult to educate. Bored and disgusted by school, he once plotted to stab his seventh-grade teacher with a sharpened screwdriver, but lost his nerve at the last minute and walked out of the classroom, never to return. On his long walk home, he came up with the four maxims that have guided his life: most people are fools, most authority is malignant, God does not exist, and everything is wrong.
  432. Murtaugh, Taysha (9 November 2010). "An unlikely atheist teaches others". Iowa State Daily. Archived from the original on 14 April 2021. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  433. Langfeldt, Bryan. "Hector Avalos: An Unlikely Atheist". Iowa State Daily. Iowa State Daily. Archived from the original on 18 January 2012. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  434. Noel G. Charlton (2008). Understanding Gregory Bateson: mind, beauty, and the sacred earth. SUNY Press. p. 29. ISBN 978-0-7914-7452-5. This was to be the last large-scale work of lifelong atheist Bateson, seeking to understand the meaning of the sacred.
  435. Patrick Barkham (10 November 2008). "The power of speech". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2 September 2020.
  436. "This is Your Brain on Sex". TED Talks. 5 April 2018. Retrieved 20 August 2020. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  437. David Parkin. "An Interview with Raymond Firth". Current Anthropology. 29 (2): 327–341. Retrieved 31 August 2020. I arrived at a complete atheism {{cite journal}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  438. Hermione Lee (2015). Penelope Fitzgerald: A Life. The New York Review of Books. p. 488. Dillwyn [Knox, son of an Evangelical bishop] was from his student years an unwavering atheist
  439. Mike Pitts (archaeologist) and Roberts, Mark (1998). Fairweather Eden: Life in Britain half a million years ago as revealed by the excavations at Boxgrove. London: Arrow. ISBN 978-0-09-964491-0. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |nopp= (help)
  440. "Gad Saad on Religion, New Atheism, and the Regressive Left". YouTube. 25 February 2016. Retrieved 20 August 2020. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  441. Michael Neumann (4 June 2002). "What is Antisemitism?". Archived from the original on 29 June 2011. Retrieved 20 August 2020. Like my parents, I have always been an atheist.
  442. Arup Chanda (28 December 1998). "Market economy not the panacea, says Sen". Rediff.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  443. Dawood Mamoon (5 August 2005). "Is Secular India really Secular and Islamic Pakistan really Islamic?". Chowk.com. Archived from the original on 26 October 2006. Retrieved 20 August 2020.

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