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از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

همه‌دادارباوری (یونانی باستان: πᾶν pan "آن همه") (انگلیسی: Pandeism) یا همه‌آفریننده‌باوری یا پان‌دئیسم، یک دکترین در الهیات است که دیدگاه‌های همه‌خدایی و دادارباوری را در هم ترکیب می‌کند.[۱] این دیدگاه از این موضع حمایت می‌کند که الهه آفرینش تبدیل به جهان شده است و به وجود خدا به عنوان یک موجود جدا افتاده از جهان و هوشیار باور ندارد.[۲][۳][۴][۵] همه‌دادارباوری همان‌طور که به دادارباوری مرتبط است برای توضیح و پاسخ به این‌که چرا خدا باید جهان را خلق کند و آن را به حال خود رها کند پیشنهاد شد،[۶] و از آن جهت که به همه‌خدایی مرتبط است، برای شرح منشأ و هدف جهان هستی.[۶][۷]

واژهٔ پان‌دئیسم یا همه‌دادارباوری یک اسم مشتق‌مرکب است متشکل از آمیختن واژه‌های ریشه‌ای همه‌خدایی و دادارباوری، که به یونانی باستان: πᾶν pan "آن همه" را با لاتین: deus که به معنی «خدا» است ترکیب می‌کند. احتمالاً این واژه به این معنی در ۱۸۵۹ توسّط موریتز لازاروس و هیمن استینتال ابداع شد.[۸]

جستارهای وابسته



  1. رافائل لتاستر (۲۰۱۳). There was no Jesus, there is no God: A Scholarly Examination of the Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Evidence & Arguments for Monotheism. صص. ۱۶۵. شابک ۱۴۹۲۲۳۴۴۱۹. This one god could be of the deistic or pantheistic sort. Deism might be superior in explaining why God has seemingly left us to our own devices and pantheism could be the more logical option as it fits well with the ontological argument's 'maximally-great entity' and doesn't rely on unproven concepts about 'nothing' (as in 'creation out of nothing'). A mixture of the two, pandeism, could be the most likely God-concept of all.
  2. Sean F. Johnston (۲۰۰۹). The History of Science: A Beginner's Guide. صص. ۹۰. شابک ۱-۸۵۱۶۸-۶۸۱-۹. In its most abstract form, deism may not attempt to describe the characteristics of such a non-interventionist creator, or even that the universe is identical with God (a variant known as pandeism).
  3. Paul Bradley (۲۰۱۱). This Strange Eventful History: A Philosophy of Meaning. صص. ۱۵۶. شابک ۰۸۷۵۸۶۸۷۶۲. Pandeism combines the concepts of Deism and Pantheism with a god who creates the universe and then becomes it.
  4. Alan H. Dawe (۲۰۱۱). The God Franchise: A Theory of Everything. صص. ۴۸. شابک ۰۴۷۳۲۰۱۱۴۳. Pandeism: This is the belief that God created the universe, is now one with it, and so, is no longer a separate conscious entity. This is a combination of pantheism (God is identical to the universe) and deism (God created the universe and then withdrew Himself).
  5. Ronald R. Zollinger (۲۰۱۰). «۶». Mere Mormonism: Defense of Mormon Theology. شابک ۱-۴۶۲۱۰-۵۸۵-۸. Pandeism. This is a kind of pantheism that incorporates a form of deism, holding that the universe is identical to God but also that God was previously a conscious and sentient force or entity that designed and created the universe.
  6. ۶٫۰ ۶٫۱ Allan R. Fuller (۲۰۱۰). Thought: The Only Reality. صص. ۷۹. شابک ۱۶۰۸۴۴۵۹۰۹. Pandeism is another belief that states that God is identical to the universe, but God no longer exists in a way where He can be contacted; therefore, this theory can only be proven to exist by reason. Pandeism views the entire universe as being from God and now the universe is the entirety of God, but the universe at some point in time will fold back into one single being which is God Himself that created all. Pandeism raises the question as to why would God create a universe and then abandon it? As this relates to pantheism, it raises the question of how did the universe come about what is its aim and purpose?
  7. Peter C. Rogers (۲۰۰۹). Ultimate Truth, Book 1. صص. ۱۲۱. شابک ۱۴۳۸۹۷۹۶۸۱. As with Panentheism, Pantheism is derived from the Greek: 'pan'= all and 'theos' = God, it literally means "God is All" and "All is God". Pantheist purports that everything is part of an all-inclusive, indwelling, intangible God; or that the Universe, or nature, and God are the same. Further review helps to accentuate the idea that natural law, existence, and the Universe which is the sum total of all that is, was, and shall be, is represented in the theological principle of an abstract 'god' rather than an individual, creative Divine Being or Beings of any kind. This is the key element which distinguishes them from Panentheists and Pandeists. As such, although many religions may claim to hold Pantheistic elements, they are more commonly Panentheistic or Pandeistic in nature.
  8. موریتز لازاروس و هیمن استینتال (۱۸۵۹). Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft: Journal of Social Psychology and Linguistics. صص. ۲۶۲. Man stelle es also den Denkern frei, ob sie Theisten, Pan-theisten, Atheisten, Deisten (und warum nicht auch Pandeisten?)..." Translation: "Man leaves it to the philosophers, whether they are Theists, Pan-theists, Atheists, Deists (and why not also Pandeists?)...