پرش به محتوا

راهنما:آی‌پی‌ای/آلمانی معیار

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

جداول زیر نشان دهنده نحوه نمایش تلفظ‌های معیار به زبان آلمانی معیار در مقالات ویکی‌پدیا با الفبای آوانگاری بین‌المللی هستند. برای راهنمای افزودن کاراکترهای آی پی ای به مقالات ویکی‌پدیا الگو:آوا Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation § Entering IPA characters را ببینید.

آلمان DEU اتریش AUT سوئیس CH مثال‌ها مشابه تقریبی انگلیسی
b bei;[۱] ab (AT, CH)[۲] ball
x nach[۳] loch اسکاتلندی
ç ich, durch;[۳] China, Leipzig (DE) hue
d dann; Kleid (AT, CH)[۲] done
f für, von, Phänomen fuss
ɡ gut; Tag, Leipzig (AT, CH)[۲] guest
h hat hut
j Jahr, Yo-Yo yard
k kann, cremen, sechs; Tag (DE);[۲] China (AT, CH) cold
l Leben last
Mantel bottle
m Mann must
großem rhythm
n Name not
beiden sudden
ŋ lang long
p Person, ab (DE)[۲] puck
pf Pfeffer cupful
ʁ r reden[۴] DE:rouge فرانسوی
AT, CH: انگلیسی اسکاتلندی red
z s Sie, diese[۱] DE: zebra
AT, CH: soup
s lassen, groß, Haus fast
ʃ schon, Stadt, spitz, Champagner, Ski shall
t Tag, Stadt; Kleid (DE)[۲] tall
Matsch, Cello match
v was, Vase[۱] vanish
ts Zeit, Platz, Potsdam, Celle cats
ʔ beamtet [bəˈʔamtət][۵] uh-oh!
همخوان های غیربومی
Dschungel, Pidgin[۱][۶] jungle
ʒ Genie, Entourage[۱][۶] pleasure
ɹ Spray[۷] rice
ð Motherboard[۸] this
θ Thatcherismus[۸] think
w Web, Whiskey, Squash[۹] web
تکیه ها
ˈ Bahnhofstraße
battleship ‎/ˈbætəlˌʃɪp/‎
. Ephraim
flower ‎/ˈfl.ər/‎ (در مقایسه با flour ‎/ˈflaʊər/‎)
آلمان DEU اتریش AUT سوئیس CH مثال‌ها مشابه تقریبی انگلیسی
واکه‌های ساده
a alles, Kalender pasta
a: aber, sah, Staat father
ɛ Ende, hätte bet
ɛː spät, wählen[۱۰] انگلیسی فصیح hair
eben, gehen, Meer mate
ɪ ist sit
liebe, Berlin, ihm seed
ɔ kommen off
oder, hohe, Boot story
œ öffnen تا حدی مانند hurt; انگلیسی فصیح ugh
øː Österreich, Möhre, adieu تا حدی مانند heard
ʊ und pull
Hut, Kuh tool
ʏ müssen, Ypsilon تا حدی مانند cute
über, Mühe, psychisch تا حدی مانند few
واکه‌های مرکب
ein, Kaiser, Haydn, Verleih, Speyer high
auf vow
ɔʏ Euro, Häuser choice
کاهش واکه‌ای
ɐ ər immer[۴] DE, AT: frustration
CH: letter اسکاتلندی[۱۱]
ə ɛ Name DE: balance (ولی نه sofa)[۱۱]
AT, CH: انگلیسی عمومی آمریکایی accent
نیم‌واکه ها
ɐ̯ r Uhr[۴] DE, AT: sofa
CH: far اسکاتلندی
Studie, Italien yard
Pointe[۱۲] quite
Linguist, Gouache[۱۲] would
Etui[۱۲] تا حدی مانند evaluation
واکه های مخفف
e Element[۱۳] تقریباً مانند dress
i Italien[۱۳] seat
o originell[۱۳] story, ولی کوتاه
ø Ökonomie[۱۳] تقریباً مانند hurt
u Universität, Souvenir[۱۳] truth
y Psychologie[۱۳] مانند meet, ولی با لب های گردشده
واکه های غیر بومی
ã: Gourmand, Engagement, Restaurant, Chance[۱۴] Provence فرانسوی
ɛ̃: Pointe[۱۴] quinze فرانسوی
ɛɪ Mail[۱۵] face
õ: Garçon[۱۴] Le Monde فرانسوی
ɔ: stalken, Motherboard[۱۶] dog
ɔʊ Code[۱۵] goat آمریکایی
œ̃: Parfum[۱۴] emprunte فرانسوی
œ:ɐ̯ ø:r surfen, Gouverneur[۱۷] تقریباً مشابه bird انگلیسی فصیح
واکه های مخفف (واکه های غیربومی)
ã engagieren[۱۴] French chanson
ɛ̃ impair[۱۴] French vingt-et-un
õ fon[۱۴] French Mont Blanc
œ̃ Lundist[۱۴] French vingt-et-un

جستارهای وابسته



  1. ۱٫۰ ۱٫۱ ۱٫۲ ۱٫۳ ۱٫۴ In Austrian Standard German and Swiss Standard German, the lenis obstruents /b, d, ɡ, dʒ, ʒ/ are voiceless [b̥, d̥, ɡ̊, d̥ʒ̊, ʒ̊] and are distinguished from /p, t, k, tʃ, ʃ/ only by articulatory strength (/v/ is really voiced, and /s/ is the only alveolar fricative). The distinction is also retained word-finally. In German Standard German, voiceless [b̥, d̥, ɡ̊, z̥, d̥ʒ̊, ʒ̊] as well as [v̥] occur allophonically after fortis obstruents and, for /b, d, ɡ/, often also word-initially. See fortis and lenis.
  2. ۲٫۰ ۲٫۱ ۲٫۲ ۲٫۳ ۲٫۴ ۲٫۵ In German Standard German, voiced stops /b, d, ɡ/ are devoiced to [p, t, k] at the end of a syllable.
  3. ۳٫۰ ۳٫۱ [ç] and [x] belong to one phoneme traditionally transcribed /x/. The velar allophone appears after back vowels and /a, a:/ and it may instead be uvular [χ], depending on the variety and speaker. In this guide, the difference between velar and uvular allophones is ignored and both are written with ⟨x⟩.
  4. ۴٫۰ ۴٫۱ ۴٫۲ Pronunciation of /r/ in German varies according to region and speaker. While older prescriptive pronunciation dictionaries allowed only [r], that pronunciation is now found mainly in Switzerland, بایرن and Austria. In other regions, the uvular pronunciation prevails, mainly as a fricative/approximant [ʁ]. In many regions except for most parts of Switzerland, the /r/ in the هجا is vocalized to [ɐ̯] after long vowels or after all vowels, and /ər/ is pronounced as [ɐ]. Also, in southern Germany and Austria, /ɐ/ is alternatively realized as [a].
  5. The glottal stop occurs in آلمانی معیار آلمان. It is not transcribed phrase-initially, where it is just as likely to be used in English as it is in German. Word- and phrase-internal glottal stops are transcribed. آلمانی اتریشی or آلمانی معیار سوئیس does not have glottal stops ((Krech et al. 2009، صص. 236, 262)).
  6. ۶٫۰ ۶٫۱ Many speakers lack the lenis /ʒ/ and replace it with its fortis counterpart /ʃ/ ((Hall 2003، ص. 42)). The same applies to the corresponding lenis /dʒ/, which also tends to be replaced with its fortis counterpart /tʃ/. According to the prescriptive standard, such pronunciations are not correct.
  7. Used in some loanwords from English, especially by younger speakers.
  8. ۸٫۰ ۸٫۱ /ð/ and /θ/, occurring in English loans, may be substituted with any of /d, z, v/ and /t, s, f/, respectively.
  9. Often replaced with /v/.
  10. In northern Germany, /ɛː/ often merges with /eː/ into [].
  11. ۱۱٫۰ ۱۱٫۱ As several other Germanic languages, Standard German has mid [ə] and open [ɐ] schwas. Care must be taken to clearly distinguish between the two. In English, the former appears in words such as balance, cannon and chairman and the latter variably in sofa, China (especially at the very end of utterance) and, in some dialects, also in ago and again, but one needs to remember that Standard German [ɐ] has no such free variation and is always open, just as [ə] is always mid. In some English dialects, an unstressed /ʌ/ in words such as frustration and justiciable is a perfect replacement for Standard German [ɐ]. Also, especially in southern Germany and Austria, /ɐ/ often merges with /a/ into [a].
  12. ۱۲٫۰ ۱۲٫۱ ۱۲٫۲ /o̯, u̯, y̑/ only occur in certain unadapted or partly unadapted loanwords.
  13. ۱۳٫۰ ۱۳٫۱ ۱۳٫۲ ۱۳٫۳ ۱۳٫۴ ۱۳٫۵ [e, i, o, ø, u, y], the short versions of the long vowels [eː, iː, oː, øː, uː, yː], are used at the end of unstressed syllables before the accented syllable and occur mainly in loanwords. In native words, the accent is generally on the first syllable, and syllables before the accent other than prepositional prefixes are rare but occasionally occur, e.g. in jedoch [jeˈdɔx], soeben [zoˈʔeːbn̩], vielleicht [fiˈlaɪçt] etc. In casual speech short [e, i, o, ø, u, y] preceding a phonemic consonant (i.e. , not a [ʔ]) may be replaced with [ɛ, ɪ, ɔ, œ, ʊ, ʏ], e.g. [jɛˈdɔx], [fɪˈlaɪçt] ((Mangold 2005، ص. 65)).
  14. ۱۴٫۰ ۱۴٫۱ ۱۴٫۲ ۱۴٫۳ ۱۴٫۴ ۱۴٫۵ ۱۴٫۶ ۱۴٫۷ The nasal vowels occur in فرانسوی loans. They are long [ãː, ɛ̃ː, õː, œ̃ː] when stressed and short [ã, ɛ̃, õ, œ̃] when unstressed. In colloquial speech they may be replaced with [aŋ, ɛŋ, ɔŋ, œŋ] irrespective of length, and the [ŋ] in these sequences may optionally be همگونی (واج‌شناسی) to the جایگاه تولید of a following consonant, e.g. Ensemble [aŋˈsaŋbl̩] or [anˈsambl̩] for [ãˈsãːbl̩] ((Mangold 2005، ص. 65)).
  15. ۱۵٫۰ ۱۵٫۱ The diphthongs /ɛɪ, ɔʊ/ occur only in loanwords (mostly from English), such as okay. Depending on the speaker and the region, they may be monophthongized to [eː, oː] (or [e, o] in an unstressed syllable-final position). Thus, the aforementioned word okay can be pronounced as either [ɔʊˈkɛɪ] or [oˈkeː].
  16. The long vowel /ɔ:/ occurs only in English loanwords, and is often replaced with the native short /ɔ/ or long /o:/, according to the speaker and where it occurs in a word.
  17. [œːɐ̯] or [øːr] is the German rendering of the English NURSE vowel ‎/[invalid input: 'ɜ:r']/‎ and the فرانسوی stressed [œʁ] ((Krech et al. 2009، صص. 64, 142)).

مراجع کلی و مورد ارجاع

  • Hall, Christopher (2003) [First published 1992], Modern German pronunciation: An introduction for speakers of English (2nd ed.), Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press, ISBN 0-7190-6689-1
  • Krech, Eva Maria; Stock, Eberhard; Hirschfeld, Ursula; Anders, Lutz-Christian (2009), Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-018202-6
  • Mangold, Max (2005), Das Aussprachewörterbuch (6th ed.), Duden, ISBN 978-3-411-04066-7