پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

ملی‌گرایی‌ستیزی، آنتی ناسیونالیسم و یا ناسیونالیسم‌ستیزی به احساسات مرتبط با مخالفت با ملی‌گرایی اشاره دارد، که معتقد است ملی‌گرایی نامطلوب یا خطرناک است. برخی آنتی-ناسیونالیست‌ها دگردوستان و انسان‌دوستان و انسان‌گراهایی هستند که شکل ایده‌آلی از جامعه جهانی را تعقیب کرده و خود را شهروند جهانی می‌دانند. برخی دیگر هم خواستار به هم پیوستن کشورهای پیرو یک مذهب خاص هستند. آنان شوونیسم، جینگوییسم و نظامی‌گری را رد کرده و خواهان زیستن انسان‌ها در صلح اند تا در نزاع دائمی. آنان لزوماً با مفهوم کشورها، دولت‌های ملی، مرزهای ملی، نگاهداری فرهنگی یا سیاست هویت مخالف نیستند.

آنتی-ناسیونالیست‌های سرشناس



  1. Ronald Beiner (2003). "Hannah Arendt as a Critic of Nationalism". Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship: Essays on the problem of political community. UBC Press. pp. 129–147.
  2. " Capek not only mocks his fellow-countrymen for wallowing in past sufferings but shrewdly shows how this kind of pride in humiliation can be fostered in others...He is opposed to nationalism, yet he argues for the importance of culture; he writes in Czech, yet he wields his language as a weapon against the whole of his contemporary world." Elizabeth Maslen, "Proper Words in Proper Places: The Challenge of Čapek's "War with the Newts". Science Fiction Studies March 1987.
  3. "Pride and Blessing". youtube.com. It's Bad for Ya.
  4. Viereck, George Sylvester (October 26, 1929), "What Life Means to Einstein: An Interview by George Sylvester Viereck" (PDF), The Saturday Evening Post, p. 117, retrieved 19 May 2013
  5. "Forster was famously a "little Englander". But this meant that he disliked the Imperialist enterprise, distrusted patriotism, and anxiously celebrated internationalism." John Lucas, The Radical Twenties: aspects of writing, politics and culture. Nottingham: Five Leaves, 1997. ISBN 0-907123-17-1 (p. 212)
  6. "We dedicate ourselves to a relentless fight against Fascism and War, Imperialism, nationalism, humanism, liberalism, idealism, anarchist individualism, the doctrine of art for art's sake, religious fideism and dogmas emanating in general from any party or person capable of exploitation by capitalism to justify its perpetuation".David Gascoyne,"A First English Surrealist Manifesto",(1935) in Robert Fraser, Night Thoughts: the surreal life of the poet David Gascoyne.Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-955814-8 (p.79).
  7. "Conceit, arrogance and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Let me illustrate. Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate." What is Patriotism?
  8. "A New Flag (Patriotism)". youtube.com. Rant in E-Minor.
  9. World Book Encyclopedia, 1990 ed. , s.v. "Iqbal, Sir Muhammad"
  10. Lenin: Corrupting the Workers with Refined Nationalism
  11. "Rosa Luxemburg remained steadfastly anti-war and anti-nationalist" Jan Jindy Pettman, Worlding Women: A Feminist International Politics New York: Routledge, 2005 ISBN 1-134-74490-0 (p. 110).
  12. "Marxism postulated the formation of the proletariat as a force that transcended national identities and that operated on a supranational. Because of this, from its earliest beginnings, Marxism viewed nationalism as a rival and an enemy". Roman Szporluk, Communism and Nationalism: Karl Marx Versus Friedrich List, Oxford University Press, 1988, pg. 14.
  13. "Of course he [Mumford] opposed militarism and nationalism in all its forms and later condemned the Nazi ideology that justified a totalitarian social order by attaching place-"the soil"- to race". Mark Luccarelli,Lewis Mumford and The Ecological Region: The Politics Of Planning. New York: Guilford Press, 1995. ISBN 1-57230-001-9 (p.24.)
  14. «نسخه آرشیو شده». بایگانی‌شده از اصلی در ۷ ژانویه ۲۰۱۷. دریافت‌شده در ۲۱ آوریل ۲۰۱۷.
  15. "Who Speaks for Earth". Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. 1980-12-21.
  16. "Nationalism does nothing but teach you how to hate people that you never met." No Refunds
  17. Landscapes of Hope: Anti-Colonial Utopianism in America by Dohra Ahmad. Oxford University Press, 2009 (pp. 94-6)
  18. "Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and most indubitable signification is nothing else but a means of obtaining for the rulers their ambitions and covetous desires, and for the ruled the abdication of human dignity, reason and conscience, and a slavish enthrallment to those in power. And as such it is recommended wherever it may be preached.
    Patriotism is slavery." Patriotism and Christianity, Leo Tolstoy.
  19. "Veblen was against nationalism because it involves wasteful, honorific, and hence barbaric rituals, ceremonies, and related phenomena". Quoted in "Introduction" by Stjepan G. Mestrovic to Thorstein Veblen by David Riesman. Transaction Publishers, 1953 (p. xvi)
  20. "If I am opposed to nationalism and war, it is not merely because these things represent an immense waste of energy, but because they sustain a cant of blind discipline and loyalty ..." H.G. Wells, interview in Living Philosophies, edited by Clifton Fadiman. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1931. (p.91
  21. "H.G. Wells rejects patriotism and nationalism in this intentionally provocative talk, speaking of his great desire for a future 'world unity' where barriers between countries are dissolved. While acknowledging his own great pride in being an Englishman, Wells decries both the increasing nationalism that is plaguing the world and the march towards war, a catastrophe that many believe is now inevitable, while still hoping for peace and co-operation if the courage and imagination can be found." HG Wells challenges the idea of 'Britain for the British'
  22. "Woolf deeply distrusted patriotism and nationalism, believing they cwars; such feelings were particularly ill-suited to women living in a patriarchy, whose stake in society was significantly different from that of men." Julia Briggs, Reading Virginia Woolf. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. ISBN 978-0-7486-2434-8 (p. 15).
