پرش به محتوا


از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

The template {{term}} is used in template-structured glossaries to create terms to be defined, that are properly structured, have semantic value, and can be linked to as if independent sections. It is a wrapper for <dt>...</dt>, the description list term عنصر اچ‌تی‌ام‌ال. The template has a mnemonic redirect at {{dt}}.

Basic usage:


{{term|1=term}} {{defn}}

{{glossary end}}

Inline templates, reference citations, wikimarkup styles, etc., can be applied to the term in the second parameter (|content= or |2=) as long as it remains without markup in the first parameter (|term= or |1=). Technically, the explicit parameter names are optional if the term or content does not contain the "=" character, but as any editors can add material, including templates or URLs with this character in them, it is always safest to explicitly name or number the parameters.

  • This will work: {{term|term=E=MC²}}
  • This will work: {{term|1=E=MC²}}
  • This will fail: {{term|E=MC²}}

More complex usage is typically:

{{term|term=term with no markup |content=term with markup}}


{{term|1=term with no markup |2=term with markup}}


{{term|1=term with no markup |content=term with markup}}

Wiki-styling and linking of the term


If the second or |content= parameter is styled with wikimarkup, linked, or otherwise altered inside the template, the term must also be retained in unstyled form as the first or |term= parameter. Failing to do so will cause the template to malfunction, since it must have a "clean" term name to use as the id of the element, for linking purposes, among other reasons. The order intentionally mirrors that of piped wikilinking ([[title|styled]]).

  • Correct: {{term|1=esprit de corps|2=''esprit de corps''}}
  • Wrong: {{term|1=''esprit de corps''}}

Style cannot be applied around the template, either, as it is a container for content (the term), not content itself (and doing so will produce invalid markup that will have unpredictable results depending upon browser):

  • Wrong: ''{{term|1=esprit de corps}}''

For the same reasons that links to other pages are discouraged in headings, links are discouraged in glossary terms:

  • Deprecated: {{term|1=esprit de corps|2=''[[esprit de corps]]''}}
  • Preferred: {{term|1=esprit de corps|2=''esprit de corps''}}, and use of a {{ghat}} hatnote in the {{defn}} definition to link to the main article روحیه جمعی.

Again, as with the first parameter (the term) itself, if the "=" character (equals sign) is used in the content of this second parameter, the syntax requires that the parameter be explicitly specified (and because many URLs, e.g. in reference citations, can contain this character, it is always safest to number or name the parameters):



or named:


Linking to the term


{{term}} automatically creates a link anchor point (an HTML id) from an all-lowercase conversion of the original term (|term= or |1=) or |id=. About 90% of the links to glossary entries are going to be mid-sentence, and thus will start with a lower-case letter, except for proper names. The {{glossary link}} template (and its derivatives like {{cuegloss}}) will auto-lowercase any input they're given as a link target for you. So, the only catch is if you manually create a link like [[Glossary of American political jargon#Democratic Party|Democratic Party]] and do not lower-case the #Democratic Party part. Thus, you should use {{glossary link}}.

If your glossary has an unusual case in which one entry and another share the exact same name except for case (thus would get the same lower-cased HTML id), then the upper-case one must be given a unique |id= value, and prevented from conflicting with the lower-case one's HTML id. This can be done by changing its |id= to a variant (e.g. with a number), then manually injecting a second HTML id (with upper-case) by using the |content= parameter and an anchor template:

  {{defn|Definition of lower-case version here ...
  {{term|term=Foo |id=Foo_2 |content={{vanchor|Foo}} }}
  {{defn|Definition of proper-name version here ...

You can then link to them as #foo and #Foo, respectively. (Technically the second can also be addressed as #foo_2, which will have been lower-cased by the template code, but this would not be very intuitive and is just an artifact of the work-around.)

The template {{anchor}} can also be used in the |content= a.k.a. |2= parameter, e.g. to provide the plural of the term (the most common usage), an alternative spelling, the old name of an entry that was linked to but has since changed, or a shortcut link anchor name.

As with styled terms, the first parameter must be used to provide the "bare" term, the second to provide this extra markup. It is not necessary to add the term itself to the {{anchor}} template when using {{term}}:

{{term|1=shortstop |content=shortstop{{anchor|shortstops|short-stop|short stop|sslink}}}}

By contrast, when using semicolon-delimited terms in unstructured glossaries, the term does need to be added explicitly as an anchor if link anchorage is desired (which is almost always the case):

;shortstop{{anchor|shortstop|shortstops|short-stop|short stop|sslink}}

or use {{vanchor}}

;{{vanchor|shortstop|shortstops|short-stop|short stop|sslink}}

(Strictly speaking, this fact has nothing to do with this template, but may be of use to editors who are converting from one glossary style to the other.)

Multiple terms sharing a definition


Two or more {{terms}} can be used for synonyms with a shared definition, though keep in mind that people looking for one and not finding it where they expect it to be alphabetized are liable to assume it is missing if you do not create a cross-reference entry. The parameter |multi=y is used on second and subsequent terms to visually group the terms close together so it is clear that they share a definition:


{{defn|1=A mild analgesic of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) family...}}
{{term|1=diacetylmorphine |multi=y}}
{{term|1=diamorpine |multi=y}}
{{defn|1=A synthetic narcotic drug of the opiate family...}}
{{defn|1=An antacid of the proton pump inhibitor family...}}
Result: versus no |multi=y
A mild analgesic of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) family...
A synthetic narcotic drug of the opiate family...
An antacid of the proton pump inhibitor family...
A mild analgesic of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) family...
A synthetic narcotic drug of the opiate family...
An antacid of the proton pump inhibitor family...



To indicate the language of a non-English term, use the {{lang}} template and the ایزو ۶۳۹ language codes as documented at that template:


This shows no visual change for most languages:


For all non-English languages this provides many metadata features, but it is essential for those that do not use the Latin alphabet, so that the content displays properly in various browsers.

If it is useful to indicate the name of the language, there are individual templates for most languages, with names based on ایزو ۶۳۹, and which automatically italicize the foreign content:


which renders as:


When two or more language variants of a term share the same definition:

As detailed above, two or more terms, as variations or alternatives, can share definitions. The most common use case for this is presenting the term in two variants of English. Example:

{{term|1=tyre|content={{lang-en-GB|tyre}} }}

{{term|1=tire|content={{lang-en-US|tire}} |multi=y}}

{{defn|1=A resilient wheel covering usually made of vulcanized rubber.}}

Note the use of |multi=y in the second term; this groups the two terms together.

Result: الگو:Blockindent

In a different format, more appropriate for alphabetical glossaries:

{{term|1=tyre|content={{lang|en-GB|tyre}} {{small|([[انگلیسی بریتانیایی]])}} }}

{{term|1=tire|content={{lang|en-US|tire}} {{small|([[انگلیسی آمریکایی]])}} |multi=y}}

{{defn|1=A resilient wheel covering usually made of vulcanized rubber.}}



That example uses the {{Lang}} template with language codes as the first parameter, rather than the {{lang-xx}} templates.

The {{Term}} template has no |lang= parameter of its own (and shouldn't – there are too many pitfalls).

Applying CSS styles to the term


The |style= parameter will pass CSS styling on to the <dt> element, e.g. |style=font-family:serif;. I.e., this styles the term itself, not the definitions of it, other term entries, or the glossary as a whole. This feature is uncommonly but sometimes importantly needed in articles (usually for formatting the appearance of an specific entry for some reason, e.g. certain mathematical constants and the like that are always given in a serif font). It can also be useful outside of articles, for things like matching custom projectpage or userpage style.

Other parameters

HTML5 update:

Most of the restrictions on the content of id have been removed, so id values no longer have to begin with an [a-z][A-Z] alphabetic character, avoid most punctuation marks, or suffer other such limitations. Wikipedia's MediaWiki engine is smart enough to auto-escape any problematic characters, on the fly.

The |id= parameter can be used to assign a one-word, case-sensitive ID name to term. It must be unique on the page. This can be used as another #link target, and could have other metadata uses. By default, the |term= a.k.a. |1= parameter is already set as the ID, and this should rarely be overridden, unless there are two identical terms on the same page creating conflicting IDs. Usually the {{anchor}} template is used to add more link targets to an entry