پرش به محتوا

ویکی‌پدیا:درخواست‌های ربات/بستن پروکسی باز/کتابخانه

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

این کتابخانه را امیر برای ویکی‌فا اصلاح و بومی کرده است.این فایل با نام userlib2.py در پوشه pywikipedia کپی گردد. <syntaxhighlight lang="python">

  1. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Library to work with users, their pages and talk pages. """

  1. (C) Pywikipedia bot team, 2008-2010
  2. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

__version__ = '$Id: userlib.py 9657 2011-10-24 06:39:01Z xqt $'

import re import wikipedia as pywikibot import query, config

class AutoblockUser(pywikibot.Error):

   The class AutoblockUserError is an exception that is raised whenever
   an action is requested on a virtual autoblock user that's not available
   for him (i.e. roughly everything except unblock).

class UserActionRefuse(pywikibot.Error): pass

class BlockError(UserActionRefuse): pass

class AlreadyBlocked(BlockError): pass

class UnblockError(UserActionRefuse): pass

class BlockIDError(UnblockError): pass

class AlreadyUnblocked(UnblockError): pass

  1. class InvalidUser(pywikibot.InvalidTitle):
  2. """The mediawiki API does not allow IP lookups."""
  3. pass

ip_regexp = re.compile(r'^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}' \


class User(object):

   """A class that represents a Wiki user.
   def __init__(self, site, name):
       """Initializer for a User object.
       site - a pywikibot.Site object
       name - name of the user, without the trailing User:
       if len(name) > 1 and name[0] == u'#':
           self._isAutoblock = True
           self._isAutoblock = False
       if self._isAutoblock:
           # This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
           # an autoblock.
               "This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.")
       if type(site) in [str, unicode]:
           self._site = pywikibot.getSite(site)
           self._site = site
       # None means not loaded
       self._name = name
       self._blocked = None
       self._groups = None
       self._registrationTime = -1
       #if self.site().versionnumber() >= 16:
       #    self._urToken = None

   def site(self):
       return self._site
   def name(self):
       return self.username
   def username(self):
       return self._name
   def isAnonymous(self):
       return ip_regexp.match(self.username) is not None
   def __str__(self):
       return (u'%s:%s'
               % (self.site(), self.name())).encode(config.console_encoding,
   def __repr__(self):
       return self.__str__()
   def _load(self):
       getall(self.site(), [self], force=True)
   def registrationTime(self, force=False):
       if not hasattr(self, '_registrationTime') or force:
       return self._registrationTime
   def editCount(self, force=False):
       """ Return edit count for this user as int.
       @param force: if True, forces reloading the data
       @type force: bool
       if not hasattr(self, '_editcount') or force:
       return self._editcount
   def isBlocked(self, force=False):
       """ Return True if this user is currently blocked, False otherwise.
       @param force: if True, forces reloading the data
       @type force: bool
       if not self._blocked or force:
       return self._blocked
   def isEmailable(self, force=False):
       """ Return True if emails can be send to this user through mediawiki,
       False otherwise.
       @param force: if True, forces reloading the data
       @type force: bool
       if not hasattr(self, '_mailable'):
       return self._mailable
   def groups(self, force=False):
       """ Return a list of groups to wich this user belongs. The return value
       is guaranteed to be a list object, possibly empty.
       @param force: if True, forces reloading the data
       @type force: bool
       if not self._groups or force:
       return self._groups
   def getUserPage(self, subpage=u):
       """ Return a pywikibot.Page object corresponding to this user's main
       page, or a subpage of it if subpage is set.
       @param subpage: subpage part to be appended to the main
                           page title (optional)
       @type subpage: unicode
       if self._isAutoblock:
           #This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
           #an autoblock, so has no user pages per se.
           raise AutoblockUser("This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.")
       if subpage:
           subpage = u'/' + subpage
       return pywikibot.Page(self.site(), self.name() + subpage, defaultNamespace=2)
   def getUserTalkPage(self, subpage=u):
       """ Return a pywikibot.Page object corresponding to this user's main
       talk page, or a subpage of it if subpage is set.
       @param subpage: subpage part to be appended to the main
                           talk page title (optional)
       @type subpage: unicode
       if self._isAutoblock:
           #This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
           #an autoblock, so has no user talk pages per se.
           raise AutoblockUser("This is an autoblock ID, you can only use to unblock it.")
       if subpage:
           subpage = u'/' + subpage
       return pywikibot.Page(self.site(), self.name() + subpage,
   def sendMail(self, subject=u, text=u, ccMe = False):
       """ Send an email to this user via mediawiki's email interface.
       Return True on success, False otherwise.
       This method can raise an UserActionRefuse exception in case this user
       doesn't allow sending email to him or the currently logged in bot
       doesn't have the right to send emails.
       @param subject: the subject header of the mail
       @type subject: unicode
       @param text: mail body
       @type text: unicode
       @param ccme: if True, sends a copy of this email to the bot
       @type ccme: bool
       if not self.isEmailable():
           raise UserActionRefuse('This user is not mailable')
       if not self.site().isAllowed('sendemail'):
           raise UserActionRefuse('You don\'t have permission to send mail')
       if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 14:
           return self.sendMailOld(subject, text, ccMe)
       params = {
           'action': 'emailuser',
           'target': self.name(),
           'token': self.site().getToken(),
           'subject': subject,
           'text': text,
       if ccMe:
           params['ccme'] = 1
       maildata = query.GetData(params, self.site())
       if 'error' in maildata:
           code = maildata['error']['code']
           if code == u'usermaildisabled ':
               pywikibot.output(u'User mail has been disabled')
       elif 'emailuser' in maildata:
           if maildata['emailuser']['result'] == u'Success':
               pywikibot.output(u'Email sent.')
               return True
       return False
   def sendMailOld(self, subject = u, text = u, ccMe = False):
       address = self.site().put_address('Special:EmailUser')
       predata = {
           "wpSubject" : subject,
           "wpText" : text,
           'wpSend' : "Send",
           'wpCCMe' : '0',
       if ccMe:
           predata['wpCCMe'] = '1'
       predata['wpEditToken'] = self.site().getToken()
       response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = False)
       if data:
           if 'var wgAction = "success";' in data:
               pywikibot.output(u'Email sent.')
               return True
               pywikibot.output(u'Email not sent.')
               return False
           pywikibot.output(u'No data found.')
           return False

   def editedPages(self, limit=500):
       """ Deprecated function that wraps 'contributions' for backwards
       compatibility. Yields pywikibot.Page objects that this user has
       edited, with an upper bound of 'limit'. Pages returned are not
       guaranteed to be unique.
       @param limit: limit result to this number of pages.
       @type limit: int.
       for item in self.contributions(limit):
           yield item[0]
   def contributions(self, limit=500, namespace=[]):
       """ Yield tuples describing this user edits with an upper bound of
       'limit'. Each tuple is composed of a pywikibot.Page object,
       the revision id (int), the edit timestamp and the comment (unicode).
       Pages returned are not guaranteed to be unique.
       @param limit: limit result to this number of pages
       @type limit: int
       @param namespace: only iterate links in these namespaces
       @type namespace: list
       if not self.site().has_api():
           raise NotImplementedError
       params = {
           'action': 'query',
           'list': 'usercontribs',
           'ucuser': self.name(),
           'ucprop': ['ids','title','timestamp','comment'],# 'size','flags'],
           'uclimit': int(limit),
           'ucdir': 'older',
       if limit > pywikibot.config.special_page_limit:
           params['uclimit'] = pywikibot.config.special_page_limit
           if limit > 5000 and self.site().isAllowed('apihighlimits'):
               params['uclimit'] = 5000
       if namespace:
           params['ucnamespace'] = namespace
       # An user is likely to contribute on several pages,
       # keeping track of titles
       nbresults = 0
       while True:
           pywikibot.output(u'Retrieving %d user contributions from %s...'
                            % (params['uclimit'], self.site()))
           result = query.GetData(params, self.site())
           if 'error' in result:
               pywikibot.output('%s' % result)
               raise pywikibot.Error
           for contrib in result['query']['usercontribs']:
               ts = pywikibot.parsetime2stamp(contrib['timestamp'])
               yield (pywikibot.Page(self.site(), contrib['title'],
                      contrib['revid'], ts, contrib.get('comment', None)
               nbresults += 1
               if nbresults >= limit:
           if 'query-continue' in result and nbresults < limit:
               params['ucstart'] = result['query-continue']['usercontribs']['ucstart']
   def uploadedImages(self, number=10):
       """ Yield tuples describing files uploaded by this user.
       Each tuple is composed of a pywikibot.Page, the timestamp
       comment (unicode) and a bool (always False...).
       Pages returned are not guaranteed to be unique.
       @param total: limit result to this number of pages
       @type total: int
       if self.isAnonymous():
           raise StopIteration
       if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 11:
           for c in self._uploadedImagesOld(number):
               yield c
       for item in self.site().logpages(number, mode='upload', user=self.username, dump=True):
           yield pywikibot.ImagePage(self.site(), item['title']), item['timestamp'], item['comment'], item['pageid'] > 0
   def _uploadedImagesOld(self, number = 10):
       """Yield ImagePages from Special:Log&type=upload"""
       regexp = re.compile('<li[^>]*>(?P<date>.+?)\s+<a href=.*?>(?P<user>.+?)</a> .* uploaded "<a href=".*?"(?P<new> class="new")? title="(Image|File):(?P<image>.+?)"\s*>(?:.*?(?P<comment>.*?))?', re.UNICODE)
       path = self.site().log_address(number, mode = 'upload', user = self.name())
       html = self.site().getUrl(path)
       redlink_key = self.site().mediawiki_message('red-link-title')
       redlink_tail_len = None
       if redlink_key.startswith('$1 '):
           redlink_tail_len = len(redlink_key[3:])
       for m in regexp.finditer(html):
           image = m.group('image')
           deleted = False
           if m.group('new'):
               deleted = True
               if redlink_tail_len:
                   image = image[0:0-redlink_tail_len]
           date = m.group('date')
           comment = m.group('comment') or 
           yield pywikibot.ImagePage(self.site(), image), date, comment, deleted
   def block(self, expiry=None, reason=None, anon=True, noCreate=False,
         onAutoblock=False, banMail=False, watchUser=False, allowUsertalk=True,
         reBlock=False, hidename=False):
       Block the user by API.
       Parameters (from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php)
       expiry        - Expiry time of block, may be a period of time
                       or the block's expiry time
                       If set to 'infinite', 'indefinite' or 'never',
                       the block will never expire.
       reason        - Reason for block
       anon          - Block anonymous users only
       noCreate      - Prevent account creation
       onAutoblock   - Automatically block the last used IP address, and any
                       subsequent IP addresses they try to login from
       banMail       - Prevent user from sending e-mail through the wiki.
       hidename      - Hide the username from the block log. (API only)
       allowUsertalk - Allow the user to edit their own talk page
       reBlock       - If user is already blocked, overwrite the existing block
       watchUser     - watch the user's user and talk pages (not used with API)
       The default values for block options are set to as most unrestrictive
       if self._isAutoblock:
           #This user is probably being queried for purpose of lifting
           #an autoblock, so can't be blocked.
           raise AutoblockUser
       if self.isBlocked() and not reBlock:
           raise AlreadyBlocked()
       if not self.site().isAllowed('block', sysop=True):
           raise UserActionRefuse('You don\'t have permission to block')
       if not expiry:
           expiry = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the expiry time for the block:')
       if not reason:
           reason = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter a reason for the block:')
       if not self.site().has_api() or self.site().versionnumber() < 12:
           return self._blockOld(expiry, reason, anon, noCreate,
                                 onAutoblock, banMail, watchUser,
                                 allowUsertalk, reBlock)
       params = {
           'action': 'block',
           'user': self.name(),
           'token': self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True),
           'reason': reason,
       if expiry:
           params['expiry'] = expiry
       if anon:
           params['anononly'] = 1
       if noCreate:
           params['nocreate'] = 1
       if onAutoblock:
           params['autoblock'] = 1
       if banMail:
           params['noemail'] = 1
       if hidename:
           params['hidename'] = 1
       if allowUsertalk:
           params['allowusertalk'] = 1
       if reBlock:
           params['reblock'] = 1
       data = query.GetData(params, self.site(), sysop=True)
       if 'error' in data: #error occured
           errCode = data['error']['code']
           if errCode == 'alreadyblocked':
               raise AlreadyBlocked()
           elif errCode == 'blockedasrange':
               raise AlreadyBlocked("Range Blocked")
           #elif errCode == 'invalidrange':
           #    pass

elif errCode == 'invalidip': raise BlockError("IP is not valid I don't why!")

           elif errCode == 'invalidexpiry':
               raise BlockError("Invaild expiry")
           elif errCode == 'pastexpiry ':
               raise BlockError("expiry time is the past")
           elif errCode == 'cantblock-email':
               raise BlockError("You don't have permission to ban mail")
       elif 'block' in data: #success


               return True
           pywikibot.output("Unknown Error, result: %s" % data)
           raise BlockError
       raise False
   def _blockOld(self, expiry, reason, anonOnly, noSignup, enableAutoblock, emailBan,
               watchUser, allowUsertalk):
       Internal use to block the user by web page.
       Don't use this function directly.
       token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
       pywikibot.output(u"Blocking User:%s..." % self.name())
       boolStr = ['0','1']
       predata = {
           'wpBlockAddress': self.name(),
           'wpBlockOther': expiry,
           'wpBlockReasonList': reason,
           'wpAnonOnly': boolStr[anonOnly],
           'wpCreateAccount': boolStr[noSignup],
           'wpEnableAutoblock': boolStr[enableAutoblock],
           'wpEmailBan': boolStr[emailBan],
           'wpWatchUser': boolStr[watchUser],
           'wpAllowUsertalk': boolStr[allowUsertalk],
           'wpBlock': 'Block this user',
           'wpEditToken': token
       address = self.site().block_address()
       response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
       if data:
           if self.site().mediawiki_message('ipb_already_blocked').replace('$1', self.name()) in data:
               raise AlreadyBlockedError
           raise BlockError
       return True
   def unblock(self, reason=None):
       Unblock the user.
       reason - reason for block
       if self.name()[0] == '#':
           blockID = self.name()[1:]
           blockID = self._getBlockID()
   def _getBlockID(self):
       pywikibot.output(u"Getting block id for User:%s..." % self.name())
       address = u"http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%88%DB%8C%DA%98%D9%87:%D8%A8%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%86_%D9%86%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%86%DB%8C_%D8%A2%DB%8C%E2%80%8C%D9%BE%DB%8C/"+self.name()
       data = self.site().getUrl(address)
       bIDre = re.search(r'action=unblock&id=(\d+)', data)
       if not bIDre:
           raise BlockIDError
       return bIDre.group(1)
   def _unblock(self, blockID, reason):
       pywikibot.output(u"Unblocking User:%s..." % self.name())
       token = self.site().getToken(self, sysop = True)
       predata = {
           'id': blockID,
           'wpUnblockReason': reason,
           'wpBlock': 'Unblock this address',
           'wpEditToken': token,
       address = self.site().unblock_address()
       response, data = self.site().postForm(address, predata, sysop = True)
       if response.code != 302:
           if self.site().mediawiki_message('ipb_cant_unblock').replace('$1',blockID) in data:
               raise AlreadyUnblockedError
           raise UnblockError, data
       return True

def getall(site, users, throttle=True, force=False):

   """Bulk-retrieve users data from site
   Arguments: site = Site object
              users = iterable that yields User objects
   users = list(users)  # if pages is an iterator, we need to make it a list
   if len(users) > 1:
       pywikibot.output(u'Getting %d users data from %s...'
                        % (len(users), site))
   if len(users) > 250: # max load prevents HTTPError 400
       for urg in range(0, len(users), 250):
           if urg == range(0, len(users), 250)[-1]: #latest
               k = users[urg:]
               _GetAllUI(site, k, throttle, force).run()
               users[urg:] = k
               k = users[urg:urg + 250]
               _GetAllUI(site, k, throttle, force).run()
               users[urg:urg + 250] = k
       _GetAllUI(site, users, throttle, force).run()

class _GetAllUI(object):

   def __init__(self, site, users, throttle, force):
       self.site = site
       self.users = []
       self.throttle = throttle
       self.force = force
       self.sleeptime = 15
       for user in users:
           if not hasattr(user, '_editcount') or force:
           elif pywikibot.verbose:
               pywikibot.output(u"BUGWARNING: %s already done!" % user.name())
   def run(self):
       if self.users:
           while True:
                   data = self.getData()
               except Exception, e:
                   # Print the traceback of the caught exception
                   print e
           for uj in self.users:
                   x = data[uj.name()]
               except KeyError:
               #uj._editcount = x['editcount']
               if 'groups' in x:
                   uj._groups = x['groups']
                   uj._groups = []
               #if x['registration']:
               #    uj._registrationTime = pywikibot.parsetime2stamp(x['registration'])
               #    uj._registrationTime = 0
               uj._mailable = ("emailable" in x)
               uj._blocked = ('blockedby' in x)

print uj

               #if self._blocked: #Get block ID
   def getData(self):
       users = {}
       params = {
           'action': 'query',
           'list': 'users',
           'usprop': ['blockinfo', 'groups', 'editcount', 'registration', 'emailable', 'gender'],
           'ususers': u'|'.join([n.name() for n in self.users]),
       data = query.GetData(params, self.site)
       for user in data['query']['users']:
           #if u'invalid' in user:
           #    raise InvalidUser("User name '%s' is invalid. IP addresses are not supported." % user['name'])
           users[user['name']] = user
       return users

if __name__ == '__main__':

   Simple testing code for the User:Example on the English pywikibot.
   This module is not for direct usage from the command prompt.
   In code, the usage is as follows:
   >>> exampleUser = User("en", 'Example')
   >>> pywikibot.output(exampleUser.getUserPage().get())
   >>> pywikibot.output(exampleUser.getUserPage('Lipsum').get())
   >>> pywikibot.output(exampleUser.getUserTalkPage().get())
   # unit tests
   import tests.test_userlib
   import unittest