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ویکی‌پدیا:شمس الشموس/دوره اول/fatemh vahidi

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

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Daabal bin Ali Khazaei He was a famous Shiite poet who was born in Kufa in the 2nd and 3rd century AH during the time of Jafar Sadiq, the 6th Imam of the Shiites. Fazl was born when his brothers, father and grandfather were all poets; he was always on the run and traveling because of his satires about the caliphs of that time, until after Ali bin Musa al-Reza's trip to Marv, he also moved to Khorasan and the poem of Taye He sang the song that he had written in the praise and history of the life of Imams and admitted that he would not sing it for anyone before Ali Ibn Musa. He gave a gift to Dabal and added two verses with the same weight and rhyme to his ode.Da'bal had a sharp tongue in satirizing the caliphs and opponents, and his sharp tongue finally caused him to be killed in Ahvaz by the blows of a sharp cane and a thorn-like stick. It was also built for him in this city. Tabaqat al-Shaara'a, Al-Wahida fi Manaqib al-Arab and Al-Madalabha, and Diwan al-Shayr are among the works left by Da'bal Khaza'i. Descendants of Dabal Khazai Daabl bin Ali bin Razin bin Uthman bin Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah bin Budil bin Warqa bin Amr bin Rabi'a bin Abdul Uzi bin Rabi'a bin Jazi bin Amir bin Mazen bin Udi bin Amr bin Rabi'a Khaza'i Kufi, whose nickname is Abu Ali or Abu Ja'afar. [1] He is a Shia poet, writer and scholar in the second and third centuries (148-246) of the lunar calendar. Dabal was in the first rank of Arab poets, who was born in the year 148 and during the time of the sixth Imam of the Shiites, Jafar Sadiq, in the city of Kufa. [2] Family  The Razin family has been people of knowledge, virtue and politeness, and from this family there are many muhaddith and poets, his father Ali bin Razin Khazai was one of the poets of his time and his great grandfather Abdullah bin Badil , a companion and ambassador of Muhammad the Prophet of Islam and one of the companions of Ali It was Ibn Abi Talib who fought with Muawiyah along with the Khuza'ah tribe in Safin and was killed along with his three brothers in this war. His brother Abul Hasan Ali was also a poet and had a poetry collection of about 500 pages which he along with Da'bal sent to Ali Ibn Musa in 1985. Al-Reza traveled and they were with him for a while and benefited from his presence. Another brother of Daabl, whose name was Razin, and his cousin "Abul-Shis " were also poets. [3] Childhood and adolescence  He spent his childhood and adolescence in Kufa and Basra and then went to Baghdad and studied science. He learned Arabic poetry and literature from Muslim bin Waleed Ansari, nicknamed " Sari al- Ghawani ", who was the poet of Harun al-Rashid and Baramke, and started writing poetry from his youth. He understood the time of four Shiite imams ( Jafar Sadiq , Musa Kazem , Ali bin Musa Reza and Muhammad Taqi ) and was a contemporary of several Abbasid caliphs ( Mahdi , Hadi , Harun , Amin , Ma'mun , Mutasim , Wathiq , Mutawakkel ). youth [ edit ] When Ali bin Musa al-Reza , the eighth Imam of the Shiites, accepted the governorship of Ma'mun Abbasi and came to Khorasan from Medina , Da'bal went to Khorasan with his brother, Abul Hasan Ali, another Shiite poet. Both of them went to him in "Maru" and Daabl sang his ode , which he had vowed not to recite to anyone before Ali Ibn Musa al - Reza . And Ali bin Musa al-Reza and his family and Ma'mun made the Abbasid caliph cry, so that Ali bin Musa al-Reza added two verses with the same weight and rhyme to his poem about the calamities inflicted on his family until the uprising.And the removal of sorrow was written by their avenger; [4] [2] [5] Then , Ali bin Musa al-Reza gave Daabl one hundred dinars from the coins minted in his own name, and then at Daabl's request, he also gave him a front of his personal clothes . [5] [6] Mamun Abbasi also gave him fifty thousand dirhams. [7] [2] After the migration of Daabl to Qom, the people of Qom convinced Daabl to give them the cloak donated by Ali bin Musa al-Reza, and in return he would take a piece of the sleeve of that cloak and a sum of one thousand dinars from them. . [6] He, who had a strong will and a brave and insolent spirit, did not stop Shi'ism and dissidents until the end of his life, and he always said that he has been carrying his gallows with him for fifty years, but no one hanged him until this caused his death. . [6] When in Baghdad, "Maliq Ibn Touq Taghligi", who was one of the influential Arab people, tried to kill him, Da'abl fled to Basra and then took the road to Ahvaz. Malik gave ten thousand dirhams to a person and made him the agent of killing Dabal. When he was in one of the villages of Shush called Tayyaba, that man, after Isha prayer, wounded the back of Dabal's leg with the tip of his poison-like cane, which poisoned him and he died the next day due to the injury. His age at the time of his death is more than 97 years and the date of his death is 246 lunar year and his burial is in Shush. [8] [9]Daabl was also one of the hadith narrators, the Shiites consider his hadiths to be authentic, especially the hadith narrated by Ali bin Musa al-Reza about the promised appearance; Among the narrators of Da'abl hadith, we can mention Ahmad bin Abi Dawud, Abul Salat Heravi , Musa bin Hamad Yazidi, Abdullah bin Saeed al-Ashqari, Ali bin al-Hakim, Harun bin Abdullah Mahlebi. [10] The image of the tomb of Dabal Khazai located in the city of Shush Three works have been mentioned about this poet, Tabaqat al-Shaara'a, Al-Wahida fi Manaqib al-Arab and Al-Madalabha, and Divan of his poems, which Abu Bakr Soli collected in 300 pages [11] and then Hamza bin Hasan Isfahani and from the late Sheikh Muhammad Samavi, other collections in that order. have given. His poems are in praise , lamentation , syllabary, epic , rebuke, metaphor, sonnet, advice, and wisdom , but this book has not been published yet. The ode of Taye Da'abl , which is one of the best and most excellent examples of praise in Arab literature, was written by some Shia scholars such as Allameh Majlisi and Seyyed Nematullah Jazairi .have described and their themes have been repeated in the poems of other Shiite poets. This poet Barzeg left two sons named Abdullah and Hossein, who became a famous poet himself.�Diwan Da'abl Khaza'i was translated and explained in a book titled "Analysis, Description and Translation of Diwan Da'abl Khaza'i" by Heydar Sohrabi in 1391 AH. This book is written in an innovative way and in the translation of the verses, the meaning of the problematic words is presented separately. professors  In his youth, he learned Arabic poetry and literature from Muslim bin Waleed Ansari, nicknamed "Sarih al-Ghwani", who was the poet of Harun al-Rashid and the Bramke family , and he always acknowledged his mastery. [12] It has been said that Diwan Da'abl had about three hundred pages that Souli collected. Dabal has authored 4 books: · In this book, Al-Wahida fi al-Arab and Manaqib has criticized the policy of Bani Umayyah. · Tabaqat al-Shaara is one of the most important literary sources and includes the lives of poets before Da'bal. · Al-Muluk's commandments · Diwan Shaer Daabl contains about 1400 lines of poetry from Daabl. (Kol Diwan was analyzed, described and translated by Haider Sohrabi in 2013 ). Odes of schools of verses  The ode "Madars Ayat" of Da'abl in praise of Ahl al-Bayt , which has one hundred and twenty verses, is one of the best types of elegies that have been written in this field. [13] A part of the poem "Schools of Verses": � · The Prophet of Islam is the prophet of guidance, and God sent blessings upon him, and I pray that God conveys our blessings to his pure soul. · He ( Ali ) is the last brother of the Prophets, who is the remover of all evils and the destroyer of disbelievers and polytheists. · O Fatima , if you had seen Hussain on the ground in Karbala , who died by the Euphrates River with a thirsty mouth... · Then, out of sadness, you would touch your face and tears would flow down your cheeks. Installing and removing the statue of Dabal in the city of Shush  It was in the early 1970s that the Susa Municipality started to build a symbolic statue for Dabal Khazaei. The municipality also changed the name of one of the main squares of this city to Da'abl Khaza'i square. After a few months without any specific comment about the reasons for removing the statue, this work of art was removed from its place and moved to the area of ​​Da'abl Khaza'i Shrine. [14] Daabl Khazai Square was also renamed to another name. After many years, when this statue was kept in a corner of the courtyard of the shrine, this statue was returned to the municipal warehouse of Shush city.transferred After about 20 years, the social activists of Shush city demanded the re-installation of this statue, which was one of the artistic and cultural components of the city. In this regard, the representative of the people of Shush city in the Islamic Council of Iran emphasized on the re-installation of this statue on the eve of the world registration of this city. The head of Susa city council and other artists also demanded to install this statue in the city. In this regard, various media including Fars, ISNA and Mehr news agencies published reports and news. [15] [16] Breaking the statue [ edit ] After a while, when the statue of Dabal Khazai was supposed to be placed again in the city of Shush after 20 years, news agencies reported that the statue was broken. Some ambiguities regarding the intentionality of this work were also published in some news agencies. [17] The Cultural Heritage News Agency wrote in this regard that this happened due to non-standard maintenance of the statue by Susa Municipality. [18] Finally, after many years of efforts by cultural heritage activists, the Shush Municipality installed a statue of Dabal Khazai at the entrance of the city of Shush. [19] Sources [ edit ]

1. ^ Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Imamat Ahl al-Bayt Publications, 1400, vol.2, p.550 . 2. ↑ Jump up to:2.0 2.1 2.2 "The couplet anecdote that Imam Reza added to the poem of Da'bal Khaza'i" . Fars news. 3. ↑ Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Publications of Imamat Ahl al-Bayt 1400, Vol. 2, pp. 555-557 . 4. ^ "Sheikh al-Islam Abu Ishaq Hamui, on the authority of Ahmad bin Ziyad, and he quoted from the words of Da'bal Khaza'i. " 5. ↑ Jump up to:5.0 5.1 Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Imamat Ahl al-Bayt Publications, 1400, vol.2, p.547 . 6. ↑Jump up to:6.0 6.1 6.2 Jafarian, Rasul, Intellectual and Political Life of Shiite Imams, Ansarian Publications, 2016, p. 462 . 7. ↑ Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Imamat Ahl al-Bayt Publications, 1400, vol.2, p.540 . 8. ^ "Elegy for Zainabi's silence and the love of Walai Dabal Khazai" . IKNA news agency. 9. ↑ Ini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Vol. 2, p. 582 . 10. ↑ Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Vol. 2, p. 565 . 11. ↑ Amini Najafi, Abdul Hossein, Al-Ghadir, Vol. 2, p. 563 . 12. ↑ Remembering error: Remembering error: <ref>Unauthorized label; farsnews.comNo text has been entered for named notes . ( Read the help page .). 13. ^ "Daabl bin Khaza'i is a poet who was inspected by Imam Reza (a.s.)" . Pana news agency. 14. ↑ Age of Iran 15. ↑ ISNA news agency 16. ↑ Fars news agency 17. ↑ Mehr news agency 18. ^ "CHN Cultural Heritage News Agency" . Archived from the original on March 5, 2016 . Received inSeptember 21, 2014. 19. ^ "Installation of the statue of Daabal Khazai, the poet of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in Susa" . Irena Khuzestan .30 July 1396. · Dehkhoda dictionary "Analysis, description and translation of Diwan Da'bal Khaza'i" written by Haider Sohrabi , Megstan Publications Amir Mohammad Alikhani�Daabal bin Ali Khazaei Two verses from Da'abl Khaza'i's ode in praise of Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza , on the tiles of Balaser Mosque . born ۷۶۵م/ ۱۴۸ق�کوفه passed away ۸۳۵م/ ۲۲۰ق�شوش race Arab Khuza'i Kofi education Arabic literature and poetry profession Poet Known for Among the Shiites: Madh Ali al-Reza ; Among the Abbasids: mocking the caliphs Effects Poems style Arabic poetry in the first Abbasid period relatives His cousin Muhammad bin Abdullah Khazai Prophet of guidance, may God bless him and grant him peace And tell us his soul masterpieces Brother of the Seal of the Messengers, purified from Al-Qudhi And the predator of heroes in the immersion Oh Fatim, if I thought Hussein was Majdal And he died of thirst in the Euphrates River So you slapped Fatim's cheek after him And tears rolled down the cheeks, � A collection of discussions related to Da'bal Khaza'i is available in Wikitalk.

  • ترجمه انگلیسی دعبل خزاعی