پرش به محتوا

الگو:جعبه اطلاعات منطقه مسکونی روسیه

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
جعبه اطلاعات منطقه مسکونی روسیه
توضیحات الگو[نمایش] [ویرایش] [تاریخچه] [پاکسازی]

Please consider not adding this infobox to short articles. As a rule of thumb, if the length of the infobox exceeds the length of the article's text, adding the infobox is unlikely to be an improvement. Remember, the purpose of the infoboxes is to summarize the article information. If the article is only a couple paragraphs long, there really isn't much that needs to be summarized. Work on expanding the article first.


{{Infobox Russian inhabited locality
|en_name=Name in English
|ru_name=Name in Russian
|loc_name1..4=Name in another official language of the federal subject
|loc_lang1..4=Name of the language in which loc_name1..4 is given
|other_name=Name in a language that is not official, but important to this inhabited locality
|other_lang=Name of the language in which other_name is given
|image_skyline=Name of the inhabited locality's skyline image (do not include "[[File:]]")
|image_caption=Caption for the skyline image
|image_map=Name of the location map; only use if there is a good reason to override the auto-generated map or if no coordinates (see below) are supplied
|map_caption=Caption for the map (also overrides the default caption of an auto-generated map)
|map_label_position=Position of the label on the locator map (left, right, top, bottom, none).  Defaults to "none".
----All coordinates default to north latitude and east longitude----
|latd=Inhabited locality's latitude, degrees
|latm=Inhabited locality's latitude, minutes (omit if only degrees are known)
|lats=Inhabited locality's latitude, seconds (omit if only degrees or degrees/minutes are known)
|longd=Inhabited locality's longitude, degrees
|longm=Inhabited locality's longitude, minutes (omit if only degrees are known)
|longs=Inhabited locality's longitude, seconds (omit if only degrees or degrees/minutes are known)
|longEW=Longitude East or West (enter E or W); "E" is default
|image_flag=Name of the flag image (do not include "[[File:]]")
|flag_caption=Caption for the flag image
|image_coa=Name of the coat of arms image (do not include "[[File:]]")
|coa_caption=Caption for the coat of arms image
|anthem=Title of the anthem
|anthem_ref=Reference for the anthem; use "<ref></ref>"
|holiday=Date of the inhabited locality's official holiday
|holiday_ref=Reference for the holiday; use "<ref></ref>"
|federal_subject=Name of the federal subject on the territory of which the inhabited locality is located
|federal_subject_ref=(Optional) reference for the federal subject; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_data_as_of=Date as of which the data in the "Administrative status" section is current
|adm_district_jur=Name of the administrative district in jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with adm_city_jur
|adm_district_jur_ref=Reference for the administrative district; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_city_jur (or adm_inhabloc_jur)=Name of the non-district administrative entity in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with adm_district_jur
|adm_city_jur_ref (or adm_inhabloc_jur_ref)=Reference for the non-district administrative entity to which this inhabited locality is subordinated; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_citydistrict_jur=Name of the city district in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; must be used together with adm_city_jur
|adm_citydistrict_type=Defaults to "city district"; can be overridden here if necessary
|adm_citydistrict_jur_ref=Reference for the city district; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_selsoviet_jur=Name of the selsoviet in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs
|adm_selsoviet_type=Defaults to "selsoviet"; can be overridden here if necessary
|adm_selsoviet_jur_ref=Reference for the selsoviet; use "<ref></ref>"
|capital_of=Name of the republic the inhabited locality is the capital of
|capital_of_ref=Reference for the capital; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_ctr_of1=Name of the federal subject or the highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of. Using "adm_ctr_of" also works.
|adm_ctr_of1_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>". Using "adm_ctr_of_ref" also works.
|adm_ctr_of2=Name of the next highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
|adm_ctr_of2_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
|adm_ctr_of3=Name of the next highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
|adm_ctr_of3_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
|inhabloc_cat=Category of the inhabited locality (USE ONLY THE FOLLOWING: city, town, urban-type settlement, rural locality)
|inhabloc_cat_ref=Reference for inhabloc_cat; use "<ref></ref>"
|inhabloc_type=Type of the inhabited locality within inhabloc_cat (e.g., city of krai significance, town of district significance, resort settlement, village, aul, kishlak, etc.)
|inhabloc_type_ref=Reference for inhabloc_type; use "<ref></ref>"
|mun_data_as_of=Date as of which the information in the "Municipal status" section is current
|MunStatus=This is a DEPRECATED PARAMETER left for backwards compatibility purposes.  Do not use
|mun_district_jur=Name of the municipal district in jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur
|mun_district_jur_ref=Reference for the municipal district; use "<ref></ref>"
|urban_okrug_jur=Name of the urban okrug in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with mun_district_jur, urban_settlement_jur, rural_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
|urban_okrug_jur_ref=Reference for the urban okrug; use "<ref></ref>"
|urban_settlement_jur=Name of the urban settlement in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur, rural_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
|urban_settlement_jur_ref=Reference for the urban settlement; use "<ref></ref>"
|rural_settlement_jur=Name of the rural settlement in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur, urban_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
|rural_settlement_jur_ref=Reference for the rural settlement; use "<ref></ref>"
|inter_settlement_territory="yes" is the only valid value, used for the inhabited localities which are not municipally incorporated and are a part of a municipal district's inter-settlement territory.  If set to "yes", urban_okrug_jur, urban_settlement_jur, and rural_settlement_jur cannot be used.
|inter_settlement_territory_ref=Reference for the inter-settlement territory status; use "<ref></ref>"
|mun_admctr_of1=Name of the highest level municipal formation the inhabited locality is the administrative center of. Using "mun_admctr_of" also works.
|mun_admctr_of1_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>". Using "mun_adm_ctr_of_ref" also works.
|mun_admctr_of2=Name of the lower-level municipal formation the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
|mun_admctr_of2_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
|leader_title=Title of the inhabited locality's leader. "Leader" is the default value if leader_name is specified.  Should not be used for rural localities and for urban localities which are not administrative centers of a municipal formation.
|leader_title_ref=Reference for the leader title; use "<ref></ref>"
|leader_name=Name of the inhabited locality's leader.
|leader_name_ref=Reference for the leader name; use "<ref></ref>"
|representative_body=Name of the representative body.  Should not be used for rural localities and for urban localities which are not administrative centers of a municipal formation.
|representative_body_ref=Reference for the representative body; use "<ref></ref>"
|area_of_what=Description of the entity for which the area (see below) is given (city proper, urban okrug, etc.)
|area_as_of=Date as of which the area information is given
|area_km2=Area in square kilometers; converted to square miles automatically.  Use no spaces.
|area_km2_ref=Reference for the area value; use "<ref></ref>"
|pop_2010census=Inhabited locality's population as of the 2010 Census. Is referenced automatically, but can be overridden by pop_2010census_ref. Use no spaces.
|pop_2010census_rank=Population rank within Russia as of the 2010 Census; use only for the cities/towns listed in [[list of cities and towns in Russia by population]]
|pop_2010census_ref=Reference for the 2010 Census figure. When using the official source, set this parameter to <nowiki><ref name="2010Census">{{ru-pop-ref|2010Census}}</ref>
|pop_2002census=Inhabited locality's population as of the 2002 Census.  Is referenced automatically, but can be overridden by pop_2002census_ref.  Use no spaces.
|pop_2002census_rank=Population rank within Russia as of the 2002 Census; use only for the cities/towns listed in [[list of cities and towns in Russia by population]]
|pop_2002census_ref=Reference for the 2002 Census figure. When using the official source, set this parameter to <ref name="PopCensus">{{ru-pop-ref|2002Census}}</ref>
|pop_density=The value of population density is calculated automatically if area_km2 and pop_2002census are supplied.  However, it is possible to overwrite the automatically calculated value by using this parameter.  Use no spaces or commas.
|pop_density_as_of=Date as of which the manually supplied population density information is given
|pop_density_ref=Reference for the manually supplied population density value; use "<ref></ref>"
|pop_latest=Most recent available population estimate.  Use no spaces or commas.
|pop_latest_date=Date as of which the population estimate is given; will display as "(as of?)" if no value is given.
|pop_latest_ref=Reference for the latest population estimate; use "<ref></ref>"
|established_date=Date on which the inhabited locality was founded
|established_title=Defaults to "Founded"; can be overridden here if necessary
|established_date_ref=Reference for the date of the foundation; use "<ref></ref>"
|current_cat_date=Date on which inhabloc_cat status was granted
|current_cat_date_ref=Reference for the current status date; use "<ref></ref>"
|prev_name1..5=Previous name of the inhabited locality
|prev_name1..5_date=Date until which prev_name1..5 was in effect
|prev_name1..5_ref=Reference for the previous name; use "<ref></ref>"
|abolished_date=Date on which the inhabited locality was abolished.  This parameter is only used for cases when the inhabited locality ceases to exist completely.
|abolished_date_ref=Reference for the abolishment ; use "<ref></ref>"
|postal_codes=Postal code(s) or a range of postal codes assigned to the inhabited locality (comma-separated if more than one)
|postal_codes_ref=Reference for the postal code(s); use "<ref></ref>"
|dialing_codes=Dialing code(s) assigned to the inhabited locality (comma-separated if more than one). No need to specify "+7" for Russia.
|dialing_codes_ref=Reference for the dialing code(s); use "<ref></ref>"
|website=Full URL of the official website of the city/town
|website_ref=(Optional) reference for the website; use "<ref></ref>"
|commonscat=(Optional) name of the WikiCommons category where media related to the article's subject is stored
|date=Month and year on which the infobox is being filled out; use "September 2009" format.

Copy-paste models


For a city/town

{{Infobox Russian city
|map_caption= -->
|pop_2002census_ref=<ref name="PopCensus">{{ru-pop-ref|2002Census}}</ref>
|pop_density_ref= -->
|date={{subst:#time:F Y}}

For an urban-type settlement

{{Infobox Russian urban-type settlement
|map_caption= -->
|inhabloc_cat=Urban-type settlement
|pop_2002census_ref=<ref name="PopCensus">{{ru-pop-ref|2002Census}}</ref>
|pop_density_ref= -->
|date={{subst:#time:F Y}}

For a rural locality

{{Infobox Russian rural locality
|map_caption= -->
|inhabloc_cat=Rural locality
|pop_2002census_ref=<ref name="PopCensus">{{ru-pop-ref|2002Census}}</ref>
|pop_density_ref= -->
|date={{subst:#time:F Y}}

Maintenance category


The template has some input checks built in. The absence of certain required parameters will cause the page to be categorized in the hidden maintenance category رده:مقاله‌های مناطق مسکونی روسیه نیازمند نگهداری. There is/are currently ۰ page(s) in that category.



The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.



اگر مکان دارای تاریخ "ساخت"ُ، "پایه‌گذاری‌"، "گشایش" یا موارد مشابه است از {{تاریخ آغاز}} استفاده کنید. مگر اینکه تاریخ گاه‌شماری دوران مشترک پیش از ۱۵۸۳ باشد.

اگر پیوند دارد از {{نشانی وب}} استفاده کنید.

خواهشمند است کاربردهای این زیرالگوها را حذف نکنید.



hCard از کلاس‌های HTML زیر استفاده می‌کند:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • uid
  • url
  • vcard

مختصات با فراخوانی {{coord}} و استفاده از کلاس‌های اچ‌تی‌م‌ال زیر تولید می‌شود:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

خواهشمند است این کلاس‌ها را تغییرنام ندهید یا حذف نکنید. عناصر تودرتویی که از آنها استفاده می‌کنند را نیز به حالت جمع‌شده درنیاورید.



هنگام ارائه مختصات، خواهشمند است از سطح مناسبی از دقت استفاده کنید. پارامتر |name= از الگوی {{coord}} را بکار نبرید.