English: This is an illustration of the fusion mechanisms in a fusor; also known as a Hirsch-farnsworth fusor or a Spherically Convergent Ion Focus (SCIF). This description is taken from the dissertation: "Ion Flow and fusion reactivity characterization of a spherically convergent ion focus" by Tim Thorson, Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. (1) The fusor contains two wire cages - also known as grids - one inside the other. The inner cage is the cathode, while the outer cage is the anode. Ions are introduced, injected or generated inside the two cages. (2) The ions accelerate down the voltage drop towards the inner cage. The electric field is doing physical work on the ions, heating them, to fusion conditions. (3) The ions must miss the inner cage. (4) If they collide, or are concentrated in the center grid, they can fuse. This is the basic mechanism for nuclear fusion in fusors.
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This is an illustration of the fusion mechanisms in a fusor; also known as a Hirsch-farnsworth fusor or a Spherically Convergent Ion Focus (SCIF). This description is taken from the dissertation: "Ion Flow and fusion reactivity characterization of a spherically convergent ion focus" by Tim Thorson, Wisconsin-Madison, 1996. (1) The fusor contains two wire cages - also known as grids - one inside the other. The inner cage is the cathode, while the outer cage is the anode. Ions are introduced, injected or generated inside the two cages. (2) The ions accelerate down the voltage drop towards the inner cage. The electric field is doing physical work on the ions, heating them, to fusion conditions. (3) The ions must miss the inner cage. (4) If they collide, or are concentrated in the center grid, they can fuse. This is the basic mechanism for nuclear fusion in fusors.
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